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Science Of Drink
Science Of Drink
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://www.scienceofdrink.com
Добавлен: 2009-02-21 18:34:17

Two Manhattans with Grand Marnier

2011-03-01 23:57:49 (читать в оригинале)

Today I want to toy with one of three classic variations of the Manhattan – the Perfect Manhattan. As we know, the Manhattan Cocktail has three well-known varieties – the Sweet Manhattan (basically a Manhattan. Actually, nobody names the Manhattan as the ‘Sweet’ Manhattan), the Dry Manhattan (with dry vermouth instead of sweet one) and [...]

Comfort Manhattan

2011-02-27 02:03:36 (читать в оригинале)

Sorry, but this post is not available in English. But coming soon! Make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! © scomorokh - visit the http://www.scienceofdrink.com/ for more great cocktail recipes

Comfort Manhattan

2011-02-27 02:03:36 (читать в оригинале)

Sorry, but this post is not available in English. But coming soon! Make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! © scomorokh - visit the http://www.scienceofdrink.com/ for more great cocktail recipes

S.I.P. #3 – Manhattan – Sweet! Dry! Perfect?

2011-02-25 18:18:57 (читать в оригинале)

Now, we have a third S.I.P. – an exciting on-line event for Russian-speaking blogers-imbibers. If you are following my blog, you may know what the S.I.P. is something like a Russian-speaking MxMo. Previous two S.I.P. kindled the Russian-speaking mixosphere and gave rise to some new blogs. So we will see who will delurk [...]

S.I.P. #3 – Manhattan – Sweet! Dry! Perfect?

2011-02-25 18:18:57 (читать в оригинале)

Now, we have a third S.I.P. – an exciting on-line event for Russian-speaking blogers-imbibers. If you are following my blog, you may know what the S.I.P. is something like a Russian-speaking MxMo. Previous two S.I.P. kindled the Russian-speaking mixosphere and gave rise to some new blogs. So we will see who will delurk [...]

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