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Адрес блога: http://urus-hay.livejournal.com/
Добавлен: 2009-04-23 15:15:49 блограйдером Lurk


2013-03-05 02:53:30 (читать в оригинале)

Мы поднимаем бокал - да!
Пусть процветает Бакалда!

Свободу Леху Валенсе! Polska nie zginęła!

2013-03-05 00:26:58 (читать в оригинале)


Герц Франк умер...

2013-03-03 21:56:43 (читать в оригинале)

Когда-то я у него беззастенчиво спёр творческий метод. Ведь, в конце-то концов, совершенно не важно, что происходит на сцене...


Что-то сегодня все поминают Чехова и его пропаганду телесных наказаний для детей.

2013-03-03 19:52:52 (читать в оригинале)

Хотят запретить?

Причина для сомнений. Прокурор Бобби Бланд, объявивший смерть Макса Шато (Максима Кузмина)

2013-03-02 22:01:41 (читать в оригинале)

несчастным случаем, имеет за плечами как минимум ещё одно странное дело: смерть Райана Адама Муна


What does a family do when government officials close their eyes to a heinous, cold-blooded murder? How far would a police department go to safeguard a confidential drug informant? Would authorities intentionally railroad an innocent person to protect one of their own?
As two Odessa Regional Hospital ER nurses futilely attempted to save the life of Ryan Adam Moon, the stabbing victim gasped his final words, "It's bad. It's bad, isn't it? I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Terrance did it. Terrance did it."
Incredibly, the Odessa Texas Police Department and Ector County District Attorney rejected the account of the dying man and the two impartial, respectable nurses. Instead, they relied upon inconsistent and contradictory statements of drug using, gang affiliated thugs, two of them who left the victim lying in the street to die to protect themselves from prison.
Rather than being arrested and jailed, Terrance Louis Jackson, a 7-time convicted felon, alleged drug dealer and police informant, was the star witness in the murder trial of another man. A jury of twelve did not believe the illogical and conflicting testimony of Jackson and his band of cowards, nor does the victim’s family buy it.
Ryan Adam Moon’s killer remains free. He is free to sell drugs to our children, to terrorize innocent citizens, and free to kill again.
Mr. Bland stated the evidence failed. That is not the truth. Mr. Bland failed, not the evidence. The evidence is there if he should chose to accept it. He has more than enough to get a grand jury indictment, if only he wanted to.
(1) Adam was fighting with Jackson. (2) Adam named Jackson as the killer. (3) Jackson was the only one with blood on his clothing. (4) Brockett told the hospital that a friend (Jackson) stabbed Adam. (5) Brockett’s conflicting account that Adam told her the white dude stabbed him. (6) Jackson got up and ran, and sped away from the scene of a murder. (7) Jackson was hiding under the covers when Midland PD arrived. (8) There was a knife hidden in the door panel of the car where Jackson was sitting. (9) Jackson lied to police and told them he did not know Adam had been stabbed. (10) Jackson recanted his story, that he did not see blood. (11) Jackson rehearsed his story. (12) Jackson did not look remorseful. (13) The appearance that Jackson’s mother and brother attempted to hide him from police.

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