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Krill Oil
Krill Oil
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://neptune-krilloil.net
Добавлен: 2011-11-14 17:19:46

The harm of vegetarianism

2011-11-30 16:46:03 (читать в оригинале)

What are the arguments of vegetarians which usually promote their lifestyle? Animals are living beings. Their murder is akin to killing a person. In fact, plants, fungi and microorganisms are also alive, because they have a life cycle, they are born, reproduce and die. Therefore, from the moral point of view, cutting celery in salad [...]

The harm of vegetarianism

2011-11-30 16:46:03 (читать в оригинале)

What are the arguments of vegetarians which usually promote their lifestyle? Animals are living beings. Their murder is akin to killing a person. In fact, plants, fungi and microorganisms are also alive, because they have a life cycle, they are born, reproduce and die. Therefore, from the moral point of view, cutting celery in salad [...]

13 rules of healthy nutrition

2011-11-29 18:32:54 (читать в оригинале)

1. Breakfast is a great evil. Within 2 hours after waking up the body slowly comes to the operating mode and stressing it with a large breakfast is cruel and inhumane! If you believe in adage, “Eat breakfast yourself, share dinner with a friend, a dinner give to the enemy”, then your breakfast should be [...]

13 rules of healthy nutrition

2011-11-29 18:32:54 (читать в оригинале)

1. Breakfast is a great evil. Within 2 hours after waking up the body slowly comes to the operating mode and stressing it with a large breakfast is cruel and inhumane! If you believe in adage, “Eat breakfast yourself, share dinner with a friend, a dinner give to the enemy”, then your breakfast should be [...]

Energy for your heart

2011-11-18 15:47:24 (читать в оригинале)

Heart is one of the most important internal organs. Human health largely depends on it’s conditions. The heart muscle is a tireless worker, our “inner engine”. In order to make it work as long as possible, it is necessary to maintain it in “working condition”. This goal requires not only physical exercise and a healthy [...]

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