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Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

Lviv Ukraine

2012-03-23 07:04:00 (читать в оригинале)

Lviv is located in Western part of Ukraine regarded as one of the main Lviv. Bernard monasterycultural centers of Ukraine. It also can be called the cultural capital of western Ukraine. In September 2006 Lviv city celebrated its 750th anniversary. The city was established in the early 1200s during the reign King Danylo Halytskiy of the principality of Halych-Volhynia in honor of his son Lev. After the death of Danylo Lev made Lviv the capital of Halych-Volhynia. From the very beginning of its existence the city has become the cultural capital of western Ukrainian lands.
The history of Lviv is very rich and concerned with the history of many countries and empires. Historic buildings, churches and relics of Lviv date from the 13th century. Architecture of Lviv reflects various European styles and periods which make a magnificent atmosphere. The historic centre of Lviv has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1998.
Today Lviv (Lvov) is one of the biggest cities in Ukraine. It is the place where history meets modern architecture. To get a lot of impressions you even don’t need any tourist guide. The onlyUkraine. Lviv. City emblemthing you need is to start your tour from the old part of Lviv. Walking along the old streets you may just ask people (a lot of them speak foreign languages) about this or that monument or building and will get all information you need. It's hard to compare Lvov with any other city in Ukraine. Hospitability of Lviv’s citizens is well known all over the Ukraine.
What to see in Lviv
The Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet (Lviv Opera House) is regarded to be one of the most beautiful in Europe. Lviv Square is one of the favorite places of tourist and citizens of Lvov. In the centre of the square you will see Lviv Town Hall you can get on its top (about 65 meters above the ground) and enjoy the beautuy of the old part of the city. Not far from Market square located such prominent monuments of architecture as Dominican Monastery, Chapel of Boim family, Armenian Cathedral, City Arsenaland Powder Tower. At the Prospect of Freedom of freedom you will find Monument to Taras Shevchenko. Among other well known monuments of Lviv are  the monument to Daniel of Galicia, Adam Mickiewicz Monument in Lviv and Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This and other sightseeing of Lviv are listed below.

Universities of Lviv

Lviv is an important education centre of Ukraine. It is home to three major universities and a number of smaller schools of higher education. There are eight institutes of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, more than forty research institutes, three academies and eleven state-owned colleges. Another institute that was and is still renowned in the region is the Lviv Polytechnic Institute.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is one of the oldest in Central Europe. It was founded as a Jesuit school in 1608. Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical Academy (University), Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukrainian Academy of Printing are well known in Ukraine and all over the world.
Ukraine. Lviv (Lvov). Central squareTravel to Lviv and you will fill that this city is a real cultural capital of Western Ukraine. And the reason of it not only the rich architectural and history heritage but also the kindness of the people and great attention to all Ukrainian traditions.

National Opera of Ukraine

2012-03-21 04:46:00 (читать в оригинале)

National Opera of Ukraine, which was formerly named the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko, is located in the center of Kiev and was established in 1867, immediately winning the title of one of the best in the Russian Empire. 

The work of Opera and Ballet Theater began with opera "Askold's Grave" by Verstovsky. It was followed by other theatrical performances, the premieres of which were visited by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Rimsky-Korsakov. 

After a fire in 1896, which completely destroyed the building of the City Theater, it was announced the competition to design the new building. The construction started in 1898. The new hall contained the stalls, an amphitheater and a dress circle with a capacity 1650 people. Over the main entrance there was located the Kiev coat of arms, depicting the ArchangelNational Opera of Ukraine in KievMichael. At the insistence of the Metropolitan Feognost, who considered the theater a place of sin, the figure of Archangel Michael was replaced by a composition in which the Griffins kept lyre in the clutches, symbolising the art of music. On the facade there were set the busts of T.G. Shevchenko, Mikhail Glinka and Alexander Serov. 

In August 1911 the theatre became wide known due to the tragic event: the Prime Minister Stolypin was killed during intermission near the orchestra pit. 

In Soviet times, the theater was nationalized and renamed; in the 30 years there were removed the busts of Russian composers and in the 80 years there was carried out the fundamental reconstruction.National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of Ukraine
Among the famous artists who worked in the theater were: Nathan Rachlin, Arnold Azrikan, Boris Gmyrya, Maria Litvinenko-Wohlgemuth, Anatoly Kocherga, Feodor Chaliapin and others. 

In 1949 the theater was awarded with the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the performance of the opera by M.I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin”.

History of Kiev

2012-03-21 04:45:00 (читать в оригинале)

Kiev is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities of Eastern Europe. It has heroic and glorious history. According to the legend Kiev was History of Kiev. Golden gates kievfounded about1500 years ago by three brothers - Kyi, Scheck, Khoryv and their sister Lybid. The city was named after the eldest brother - Kiev and has quickly become an important political and cultural centre of Kievan Rus.
During the 11th and 12th centuries ancient Kievan Rusreached its greatest period of ascendancy. By the 11th century Kiev was one of the largest centers of civilization in the Eastern Christian world. At that time, there were about 400 churches, 8 markets and more than 50,000 inhabitants in Kiev. It was the Golden Age of Kievan Rus.  In 1240 Kiev was completely destroyed by Mongol invadors led by Batu Khan.
In 1321, the greatly diminished city and surrounding area was conquered History of Kiev. Uspenskiy cathedralby Gediminas for the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. From 1569 the city was controlled by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as a capital of Kiev Voivodeship, transferred by then to the Polish Crown. In the 17th century, Kiev was transferred under rule of Russia. In the Russian Empire Kiev was a primary Christian centre, attracting pilgrims. Kiev is a cradle of many of the empire's most important religious figures (as an important religious centre), but until the 19th century the city's commercial importance remained marginal.
After the revolution in Petersburg the power in Kiev changed constantly. By the 22 of January in 1918 Ukrainian Central Rada by the lead of historic Mikhail Grushevskiy proclaimed Ukraine’s Independence. The first president of Ukrainian republic became Grushevskiy by itself. However Ukrainian politics lacked enough political economical and military power to stand up for the Independence of Ukrainian state.
In 1922 there was created the the Soviet Union and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic(USSR) joined it. It joined officially like a sovereign state in the federation, but actually all power was handed to center. There followed numerous repressions against cultural and scientist workers.
During the times of World War II Kiev was almost completely destroyed , 72 History of Kiev. Church of Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavradays lasted heroically Kiev defense against fascist invaders 19 September 1941 the troops of Nazi Germany have entered the city. The city was Released on the 6 November 1943 by the price of big loss and human lives. In post-war period Kiev rebuild swiftly.
On August 24, 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine proclaimed its independence. This was the beginning of the whole new period in the history of Ukraine and its beautiful capital.

National Philharmonic in Kiev

2012-03-21 04:44:00 (читать в оригинале)

National PhilharmonicNational Philharmonic of Ukraine is located in the capital, city-hero of Kiev. Initially the National Philharmonic was located in Kharkov, the former capital of Ukraine. After the proclamation of Kiev as the capital of the State, Philharmonic moved to this city, where it is situated now.
The first Philharmonic concert season was held in 1863 with the foundation of the Kiev Branch of the Imperial Russian Musical Society. During these years the cultural life in Ukraine actively developed: wealthy people supported the development of musical life in Kiev and did not spare the funds for its existence. In 1881 there started the construction of the building for the Music Society, which became very popular among citizens: there were held balls, masquerades, literary and musical evenings.
National Philharmonic of UkraineIn the XX century the National Philharmonic experienced the tragic fate: the First and Second World Wars, Civil War, a change of government - all this affected the development of the Philharmonic. And if the First World War and the Civil War could not stop the musical life of the capital, so during the Great Patriotic War the Philharmonic temporarily stopped the performances, because Kiev was occupied by German fascist invaders. But after the war, it continued to develop: at first it received the dilapidated building on Khreshchatyk Street and in the late 80's - the newly restored building of the State Philharmonic, which was awarded the title of the historical monument.
In the 50th of the XX century, a huge contribution to the development Philharmonic was contributed by Lysenko, a brilliant composer, statesman, founder of Ukrainian professional musical culture.
In the 90th years there began the complete restoration of the Hall of Columns named by Lysenko, which ended in 1996. The hall was equipped with additional lighting and the latest technical equipment.National Philharmonic. Ukraine
Since then, the Philharmonic continues to actively develop, there are held the performances of world famous stars, music, concerts, symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra. Under the patronage of Philharmonic there are constantly held various competitions and festivals, it takes part in international exhibitions, conferences, artistic records.

St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery in Kiev

2012-03-21 04:43:00 (читать в оригинале)

St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery in Kiev, one of the oldest monasteries, attracts tourists with its history, architecture and rich decoration. The name "Golden-Domed" comes from ancient times: historians believe that such an epithet of the monastery was granted by the fact that it was the first monastery with golden dome. After it there appeared the sacred tradition – to gild churches, monasteries and cathedrals.
St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery, founded by Metropolitan of Kiev, Mikhail, was badly damaged during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the reconstruction took many years, but the current structure does not differ in architecture and style of its ancestor. Despite the heavy destruction there remained walls, the dome and the altar apse in the middle of the main temple, which miraculously survived up to this day. There also remained the fragments of ancient frescoes and mosaics, which are now the proud of the monastery.
St. Michael Monastery. Kiev. UkraineIn recent years, the fragments of frescoes, which were kept in Russia's Hermitage Museum, come back to St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery so it becomes not only the famous architectural but also cultural monument. Unfortunately, the mosaics, carried to St. Sophia Cathedral, and the relics of the Great Martyr Barbara, carried to St. Vladimir's Cathedral, will not be returned to St. Michael Monastery.
The monastery is currently divided into male and female (the female was transferred to Podol of more than 3 centuries ago), and the monastery places the Kiev school of the clergy. Prior to the XVII century the monastery owned vast estates, which it lost with the creation of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), but most of the lands still was returned.

The monastery attracts tourists because of its history: more than 50 years required its reconstruction, the monastery was the burial place of the Kievan princes, and the archangel Michael, in whose honor the St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery in Kievmonastery was named, is considered the saint protector of Kiev. On the belfry of the monastery there are famous clock-chimes and unique musical instrument Carillon (due to the clockwork, the bells ring in the definite tonality, creating a unique melody).
Magnificent views, buildings, greenery, uneclipsed frescoes and wealth - all this makes the St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery in Kiev a unique monument.

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