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Should Children Eat Outdoors?

2016-12-26 00:00:00 (читать в оригинале)

Cheese, fresh fruit or juices, a few slices of bread, a glass of milk is sufficient for breakfast for children. Especially because of high-quality protein and rich vitamins and minerals, boiled eggs should be frequently consumed. The ability to maintain physical and mental performance at the highest level throughout the day is possible through the regular consumption of meals and main meals.

Is It Safe to Eat Outdoors?

For this reason, the meal should not be omitted. It is best to take the foods to be consumed daily in 3 main, 2 intermediate meals. The foods sold in the outdoors are not reliable and clean enough. Also, there is a risk of rapid deterioration because they are not kept under proper conditions. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary not to buy foods that are sold outdoors, especially around the school. Children should also be careful in choosing the food they buy from places such as school canteens, buffets. While buying packaged foods such as milk, care should be taken to ensure that food stamps such as toast, pretzel, and poultry, which are sold without bulk, are also prepared cleanly and reliably, as the labeling information includes the production permit from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the expiration date has not passed.

Тэги: children, nutrition


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