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The beauty of women
The beauty of women
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Добавлен: 2014-03-30 23:26:24

Moles: health & beauty

2014-03-30 01:45:37 (читать в оригинале)

Interest in birthmarks originated in humans since ancient times , but in those days thought more about beauty and a secret sense that bore » signs of destiny .» But , from the XVIII century , flies become «highlight» of the owner (especially holders ) , regardless of the gift of the goddess of love. Since then, the fashion for moles then passed , then came back — and in a big way ! Reached that women drew moles or pasted , in huge ( by today’s standards ) amounts. And now the dark marks become » brand name » models , showbiz stars and socialite example , Cindy Crawford [...]

Moles: health & beauty is a post from: The beauty of women


2014-03-29 01:40:37 (читать в оригинале)

That story about a girl aching anorexia. Original story and, fortunately , with a good ending. «Why did you grow thin ? » «Why so little you eat? «, » And so all is well ! » — To a person familiar with anorexia is not hearsay , this rhetorical exclamations, empty words. I was 18 when I decided that we should be a little lose weight: a young man said that he likes slender girls , and I decided that the restrictions in food will help me to become the woman of his dreams . You can not imagine how I regret it ! After all, was thin, and [...]

Anorexia is a post from: The beauty of women


2014-03-27 21:59:28 (читать в оригинале)

Dress code many companies involves strict restrictions not only in clothing, but also in hairstyles and makeup . However, the desire to look attractive characteristic of all women , even the most inveterate careerist . How to choose an office makeover for autumn-winter 2013-2014 , to emphasize their femininity and beauty , but it does not make a dissonance in the image of a business woman ? We offer a selection of images of the three major business makeup autumn-winter 2013-2014 :  Makeup style nude » Naked face» — a win-win in many situations. This is the best style suited for business image. The main condition — if you want [...]

3 KEY FEATURES OF OFFICE UP FOR AUTUMN-WINTER 2013-2014 is a post from: The beauty of women

Right makeup for colds: 5 Simple Tips

2014-03-26 20:56:30 (читать в оригинале)

Colds are increasing especially in the late autumn. Red nose, puffy eyes, scaly lips give your health. But if there is a high temperature, it is necessary to carry out their daily duties — to go to work or school, to meet with business partners, and other products to buy. How can disguise his appearance a cold before leaving the house, not to terrify others? We give some simple but important tips: 1) Let’s start with lip skin on the lips — especially delicate and vulnerable, but because her at the slightest cold can be flaking, cracks and even — horror of horrors! — Herpes. The first rule for the [...]

Right makeup for colds: 5 Simple Tips is a post from: The beauty of women


2014-03-25 20:46:20 (читать в оригинале)

As painted in the winter? How to choose winter makeup? After all, you were waiting on the street wind, frost or moisture, and indoor air is often too dry heating devices. To save a flawless look to evening, try to perform some simple recommendations cosmetologists: Tip 1. Moisturizing or nourishing cream?More suitable for winter nourishing — because it contained the components of the skin will be perfectly protected from redness, will not peel off and annoyed. And in such skin care needs of any type — even oily suffer in the cold season from the negative effects of cold. Tip 2. How to choose the «winter» foundation?For an optimum embodiment [...]

BASIC RULES OF WINTER MAKEUP is a post from: The beauty of women


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