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Добавлен: 2008-02-19 12:48:41 блограйдером Lurk

Китайцы о демократии

2015-01-14 12:06:16 (читать в оригинале)

С quora.com

Забавно люди рассуждают:

Feng Qiu, Practitioner in the Art of App Creation

1. Democracy is a means, not the goal. For a developing country, the most important goal is to develop its people (which parallels the development of the economy), and China is currently doing quite well in this regard.

2. Democracy basically lets the people rule themselves, whose effectiveness heavily depends on the quality of the people. I'm also a computer science major and I'll make another computer-related analogy: installing democracy in a country whose people isn't ready for it is like installing Windows 7 on a 486, you do get some benefits of the new system, but the overall user experience would be bad, because the minimum system requirement isn't met.

3. So what's the best way to quickly improve the quality of a country's citizens? Economic development. In this regard, the best way for China to have an effective and working democracy as soon as possible, is ironically, for it to not have democracy now. Because the current system is great in developing the Chinese economy, and people.

4. Are the Chinese people ready for democracy now? I don't know, and we have only one chance to test it, there is no save/load. As it's a decision that's so important, I'd say it's better safe than sorry. As long as the current system still works and isn't holding back China's development, democracy can wait. Empirical evidence from Taiwan, by the way, doesn't bode very well.

5. I believe the current blind passion for democracy has misled many countries to adopt it prematurely, as if it's a fashion. There are many horror stories and not many successful ones in the past 20 years' huge democratic push to poor countries. In the mean time, almost all working democracies are rich countries (and you know why), which unfortunately makes many people to confuse democracy and wealth.

6. I'll quote Albert Einstein to end this answer, as this is IMO the best statement to date on democracy:

Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems, in my opinion, to
characterize our age.

It seems like our age isn't that much different than his after all.


Good democracy is better than good dictatorship, but good dictatorship is better than bad democracy.

Shuhao Liu

As a computer science major, I would like to make an analogy.

OK. Now it is time to get back to our question. “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” VS "Democracy"? In China, the outcome of this contest is even more obvious than IPv4 VS IPv6, provided that nobody is able to prove democracy is absolutely better than "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" in China. Both China's hard power and soft power is growing rapidly. Why should they "deploy democracy" instantly at the risk of shaking the infrastructure of the society? Though there exist many practical issues, is it already end of the world? I don't think so. On the contrary, most Chinese people are living a better life now.

This entry was originally posted at http://vitus-wagner.dreamwidth.org/1043146.html. Please comment there using OpenID. Now there are comment count unavailable comments

Тэги: политика, человека, этология


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