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Diet soda
Diet soda
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Адрес блога: http://dietas-soda.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:34:28 блограйдером zerber22

Средство Cerebro Slim для быстрого похудения

2016-06-18 11:57:00 (читать в оригинале)


Cerebro Slim помогает нормализовать сон и улучшить аппетит, при этом устраняет причину появления избыточных килограммов. Обмен веществ, после приема средства, существенно улучшается, жировые клетки начинают разрушаться естественным путем, как будто Вы регулярно посещаете спортивный зал и даете организму невероятную нагрузку.
Серебро Слим – активно работающий продукт. Это подтверждают отзывы огромного количества женщин, а также мужчин, которым удалось избавиться от мучающей их проблемы.


Metformin for Pre diabetes? Think again

2016-06-16 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

It is common for doctors to prescribe metformin for pre diabetes and this is actually quite sad. We have countless people who read this site who have reversed high blood sugar without drugs by following a very much targeted diet to lower blood sugar. It is clear that type 2 high blood sugar can be reversed without medication when the right targeted diet is utilized. Metformin for pre diabetes comes with side effects where a targeted diet has none; a new study once again shows the power of food to reverse high blood sugar.

Food beats drugs again according to a new study

The power that resides in food is nothing short of miraculous, it is has been said that there is not one disease which cannot be reversed when finding the right combination of foods.  A new study revealed this week that the humble grapefruit has the power to lower high blood sugar as well as metformin without the side effects!

Joseph Napoli, PhD, professor and chair of nutritional sciences and toxicology at the University of California, Berkeleycommented on the surprised that researchers experienced when they found that grapefruit had the very same effect as a drug that brings in a 3 billion dollar a year profit for the drug company.

The biggest shock for the study was that mice drinking grapefruit juice had glucose-lowering effects that were just as potent as the mice who sipped on metformin. “It was very surprising,” says  Dr. Napoli.

This site has been so popular for the past 4 years because we have revealed that the right combinations of natural foods can make high blood sugar go away without drugs. We are read in over 10 countries daily.

The side effects of metformin is not good, it causes a lowering of a natural vitamin b which can have a negative affect on nerve health. The diabetic has a very strong risk of nerve damage simply from having a high blood sugar; this is why many diabetics are forced to have their legs removed. Millions suffer from diabetic nerve damage in the hands and feet.  The nerve damage of high blood sugar is horrible and vitamin B is crucial for nerve health, metformin actually lowers this very important vitamin!

The fact that grapefruit did the same job as the billion dollar drug to stop high blood sugar is no surprise to the regular readers of this site. You can reverse pre diabetes with a very targeted diet.

See here   
Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

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Foods that makes you hungry

2016-06-10 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Hunger is one of the biggest issues when you are on a diet. It's the most typical problem that people will encounter. But there are some foods that you need to avoid when you are dieting. Here is an example of 4 foods that can increase your hunger levels.
Sugary Cereals: Are bad for your diet and increase your hunger levels.  Eating ceareals you become very hungry after eating them, why? You are going to get a huge blood sugar spike after eating this food. This is then followed by a sharp decline as insulin is released and comes and sucks all that glucose from the blood, giving you a decline of blood sugar, what makes you hungry again! For breakfast you can better eat oatmeal without sugar or bran cereal, it helps to control your hunger levels.

Slim Weight Patch  

White rice: makes you hungry for much the same reason as sugary cereals. When the blood sugar levels drop, this sets of the hunger signal inside the brain that's going to prompt you to definitely eat more food.

Snack bars: In regards to hunger, snack bars will be very problematic. The problem here is that these will tend to be very low in total protein and sometimes fat content, it cannot balance out the carbohydrates. After consuming them you can experience a increase in your blood sugar and then sudden decrease in energy levels.The result of this is a boost to your blood sugar, that will make you have very depleted energy levels. As Snacking will reduce energy, many people will continue to snack more throughout the day to try recover their energy levels. As eating more it will make you eat more calories, and you will find it harder to lose weight.

Slim Weight Patch  

Candy: candy is one of the one of the worst foods as far as hunger is concerned. While you may feel like this gives you a good energy burst and quickly fills you up, that's just the sugar high talking!  Candy made out of pure sugar is even worse for you from your diet perspective than snack foods that contain fat, because at least with the addition of fat you will not see quite the shoot in blood sugar levels. Candy can actually be much worse for you then snack bats. Candy will therefore give you a quick sugar rush, followed by a quick loss of energy. Many people will experience a dramatic increase in blood sugar levels when eating candy, as it contains pure sugar.

Food/diet - Health News

Strict 600 calorie-a-day diet reverses Type 2 diabetes in a week, Can you reverse Pre diabetes? What you need to know, Ways to help prevent snoring, Most people who are obese are highly unlikely to ever return to a normal weight, Best diet without losing your beauty, Simple ways that you can go about reducing your calorie intake, Diabetes chest pain : Listen to the message in the body, Which foods to eat with pre diabetes? The Truth, Important Tips for choosing a diet-food, What does diabetes do? A shocking look,

Help My child is overweight

2016-05-20 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

“My child is overweight”, it is a common concern of parents in much of the USA. What are the causes of the growing obesity problem and is there a way to stop the epidemic. What is becoming clear is that many mothers may be unknowingly setting their children up for obesity from exposures to environmental chemicals. We recently received an email from a mother stating that her child was over weight, this is a crisis that many parents are discovering they must confront.

PFCs and your Children

In a stunning study from Emery University researchers have shown that obesity can start in the womb, when a mother is exposed to certain environmental chemicals the results are smaller birth babies that become overweight by age 3. What are PFCs? These are chemicals that are found in the production of fluoropolymers and are found widely in protective coatings of packaging products, clothes, furniture and non-stick cookware. They are persistent compounds found abundantly in the environment and human exposure is common. PFCs have been detected in human breast milk. “Help my child is overweight” If you are a parent in a similar situation it is important to understand that we are living in a toxic world and the result can detrimental to your health.

This study falls right in line with a study from Denmark, a recent study in Denmark found that women exposed to PFCs in the womb were more likely to be overweight at age 20.

The environment is polluted and when you combine this with the food chemicals which cause obesity it is clear that you have been set up to be overweight. If you have a hard time losing weight it is because you are insulin resistant, insulin resistance causes obesity and diabetes. Years ago we had good insulin that removed glucose but this is a different story today. The abundance of low calorie, low carbs and low fat diets have done nothing to stop the rise of obesity. Overweight. The key to weight loss today is an insulin resistance diet, an insulin resistant diet fights food and environmental chemicals and the fat comes off. You produce good insulin and the fat comes of as in a healthy person. See here How to lose weight naturally with a diabetic Type Diet

Food/diet - Health News

What to do about Diabetes Vertigo, Dizziness, Exercises for housewives to lose weight, Best diet without losing your beauty, Metformin for Pre diabetes? Think again, Important Tips for choosing a diet-food, Gastric banding caused more complications than weight loss, Raspberries have shown a positive correlation between intake of flavonoids in berries and memory improvement, Wrong habits cause breast Atralat, Foods that makes you hungry, Yves Saint Laurent new cream Forever Youth Liberator will be a hit,

Strict 600 calorie-a-day diet reverses Type 2 diabetes in a week

2016-05-14 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

According to study leader Rod Taylor, he and his colleagues studied 11 patients who had had diabetes for several years after developing the condition later in life. At the beginning of the study, patients weighed an average of 220 pounds. At the end of the eight-week period, they had dropped an average of 33 pounds and were diabetes free. Prof Taylor explained that too much fat "clogged up" the operation of the pancreas at a cellular level, preventing normal secretion of insulin which regulates blood sugar. When this fat was removed - by way of the diet - normal function resumed. He said: "This is a radical change in understanding Type 2 diabetes. It will change how we can explain it to people newly diagnosed with the condition. "While it has long been believed that someone with Type 2 diabetes will always have the disease, and that it will steadily get worse, we have shown that we can reverse the condition."

Source: Telegraph.co.uk

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