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Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:34:28 блограйдером zerber22

What to do about Diabetes Vertigo, Dizziness

2016-02-14 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

A woman with diabetes who was experiencing dizziness (vertigo) and mental confusion passed out on a major city street last week. One of the more dangerous aspects of high blood sugar is when a person does not know if their glucose is actually under control. There are more that 26 million people in the United Stateswho are simply unaware that they are diabetic, not treating high blood sugar can lead to loss of life.  If you have diabetes and experience dizziness (vertigo), or any mental confusion it is a very serious warning, in this post we will explain how a healing diet is the only thing which can save the diabetic body.


Dizzy feeling


The woman who passed out on the street of a major city last week was discovered to have had a 356 glucose reading at the time of her incident! (She reportedly did not have anything to eat that morning). High blood sugar is the most dangerous illness of our modern time; there is simply no other illness that ruining the cells of the body, such as, excessive glucose. Please note that feeling dizzy from high blood sugar is often caused by dehydrate; diabetics often don’t drink enough water. In very serious cases dizziness can be a signal of diabetic related heart disease or even a warning of a coming stroke.  What should a person do about diabetes related dizziness (vertigo)? Always make sure the person is drinking a lot of water everyday, hydration is crucial to getting excessive sugars out the bloodstream; but the most important thing is to make sure you are using a healing diet! 


A sugar free diet is not a healing diet


There is a difference between people who reverse high blood sugar and those who do not; the difference is a healing diet.


People who are using a sugar free diet may think they are reversing high blood sugar but they are sadly mistaken; only a healing diet can reverse high blood sugar without drugs.  


A healing diet is a very precise combination of foods which are proven to reverse high blood sugar, when these very specific nutrients are combined they produce a synergy affect to reverse high blood sugar. It is the combinations of a very specific diet that can reverse diabetes.  Diabetes Dizziness (vertigo) is serious and should never be ignored, high blood sugar is a leading cause of heart disease, stroke and cancer; it is essential to use a healing diet to reverse the condition.  


 SEE HERE Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet in 17 countries



Food/diet - Health News

Marriage One of the causes of obesity, Wrong habits cause breast Atralat, Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity, Can diabetes go away? Why everyone is at risk today, Diet soda? The beverage is once again linked to Weight gain and Cancer, What to do about pre diabetes? The answer, Pre diabetes drugs or diet?, Can a diabetic eat Sugar? Why it is the only choice., New report declaring that processed meat causes cancer, Important tips before the start of the diet,

Raspberries have shown a positive correlation between intake of flavonoids in berries and memory improvement

2016-02-11 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Several animal studies have shown a positive correlation between intake of flavonoids in berries and memory improvement as well as decreasing the delay in cognitive ability related to aging. Also A recent report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition associated the intake of flavonoid-rich foods like raspberries with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stated that even small amounts of flavonoid-rich foods may be beneficial.Eating one cup of raw raspberries will provide 54% of your vitamin C needs, 12% of vitamin K, 6% of folate, 5% of vitamin E, iron, and potassium, and 41% of manganese needs for the day as well as lesser amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and copper.

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Read more on: Medical News Today

Food/diet - Health News

Kirstie’s time on DWTS really kicked off her newest weight loss, The benefits of banana fruit for the body and mind, Injecting a gene into the brain that codes for the hormone leptin may curb overeating, Learn about the first signs of pregnancy, 16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast, Foods are not recommended during exams for children, The fastest way to get the body limber, Fruit helps to burn fat in the body, Women lost 11 stone after she saw her wedding photos, Fourteen tips to get rid of obesity,

Death of an Arizona resident is linked to Europe's sprout-related Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak

2016-02-08 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The CDC confirmed that the Arizona patient had the same strain of E. coli that has swept Europe. More than 4,100 people in Europe and North America have been infected in two outbreaks of E. coli infection, one centered in northern Germany and one focused around the French city of Bordeaux. Five of the US patients had traveled to Germany before they got sick, and one was a close contact of a Michigan patient who had HUS, a serious kidney disorder. The Arizona Department of Health Services had previously said that the patient is a man older than 65 who died in mid June after he was hospitalized for HUS, according to a Jun 24 report from the Arizona Republic. An imported lot of fenugreek seeds which was used to grow sprouts imported from Egypt by a German importer is the most common likely link," the European Food Safety Authority said in a statement this week.

Food/diet - Health News

What to do about pre diabetes? The answer, Drinking black tea good for high blood pressure, Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth, Blueberries in your daily diet helps your skin look younger, Fourteen tips to get rid of obesity, WHO predicts 1.4 million infected with Ebola by January 2015, What does diabetes do? A shocking look, Learn about the first signs of pregnancy, What to do about Diabetes Vertigo, Dizziness, Weight loss surgery works better than weight-loss drugs or diets,

The benefits of banana fruit for the body and mind

2016-01-30 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The benefits of bananas, the benefits of banana peel, banana benefits for hair,Do not stand at the beauty of the benefits of bananas taste great  loved by little ..But it extends to the treatment of many diseases such as anemia and general weakness.Bananas fosters thought and intelligence and active mind and memory as it contains phosphorus ..

So it is very useful for those who are making a mental effort must be keen on mothers to their children to eat bananas during the recall times ..

He is also the benefit of making an effort physically exhausting because it builds muscle and increases efficiency because it contains many minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and fit on a range of important vitamins such as A, B 1, B 2, B 6, B-12 and vitamin C and the ratio of d, and his.

The bananas provide the body with energy as it contains carbohydrates besides fat and protein.

Advising pregnant and lactating mothers diligence Ali eating bananas

As well as children because it is easy to digest and is essential for the growth of children and the content of phosphorus and calcium strengthens bones, teeth and nails.

It can also for patients with stomach ulcers and inflammation of the intestine that eat banana yogurt drink is a useful treatment by adding a glass of milk and bananas to beat him in a blender

Among the benefits of therapeutic bananas also the overall revitalization and treatment of scurvy and gout, which is also resistant to rheumatism and inflammation of the nerves.

And those who suffer from obesity, or gallstones or liver disease, as well as diabetics should not  eating bananas especially those who suffer from allergies.

Also recommends the need for ensuring your complete ripening bananas do not eaten a green and must chew well to avoid dyspepsia

Food/diet - Health News

Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity, Can you reverse Pre diabetes? What you need to know, The benefits of chewing gum for the treatment of obesity, Kirstie’s time on DWTS really kicked off her newest weight loss, Reverse type 2 diabetes or face serious health problems, Calories for most foods, The risk of wear bra throughout the day, Benefits of the Islamic fasting on the body's health, Diabetes chest pain : Listen to the message in the body, How to reverse diabetes without drugs,

I have diabetes: Why half the United States may have the disease

2016-01-27 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

It is a common statement “I have diabetes”, in a new study it was revealed that almost half the people in the United States shockingly may be on their way to becoming diabetic. High blood sugar is the most potentially destructive illness of our time, it is a poison level of glucose which is living in the bloodstream; sadly people are only treating this with a weak sugar free diet.  A sugar free diet while good will not stop Type 2 diabetes, you must have a healing diet to get normal blood sugar and few people know how to do this.


Are you healing your body from diabetes?


Artificial sweeteners cannot heal a diabetic’s body, stopping sugar may be helpful but this is not enough to heal the body.


 All the diet sodas and sugar free foods in the world will not heal the body of high blood sugar, eliminating sugar will not give you a normal blood sugar, the right combination of healing food will but few doctors will actually tell you this.   Most doctors are going to put you on a diabetic drug, the diabetic drug companies combined to rake in over 30 billion dollars over the last 5 years. 



When we cut right to the heart of the matter, high blood sugar means that your pancreas is giving out, the pancreas may not be producing enough healthy insulin and this means big health troubles.   When your cells become resistant to insulin, it causes poisoning levels of sugar to flood into your bloodstream; this is what millions of people are experiencing.


The end result is



Diabetic blindness

Kidney failure

Heart disease

Leg amputation



The diabetes crisis is not stopping; the increase is due to the fact that people simply don’t know how to heal the body from high blood sugar. No diabetic drug can heal the body from diabetes.




Over 10,000 people lost a foot or a hand to diabetes last year according to the Center for Disease Control yet too many are content with making a sugar free diet the extent of their diet plan, you must go further than this.  If you are not on a healing diet you are not doing enough to stop the illness.


People in over 17 countries have obtained a normal blood sugar without drugs, but healing the body with a very specialized diet. This diet is now included together with the only European diet shown to save the feet from high blood sugar.


Both reports may be read together for first time


 See here Diabetes Reversal Diabetes (in 17 countries) and The Reverse Diabetes Foot pain together




Food/diet - Health News

Jenny Craig diet program scored top ranking as best diet, Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity, Marriage One of the causes of obesity, Fed up of being overweight?, TYPE 2 DIABETES: Which foods you must eat, Drug side effects not told to FDA within 15 days, The Carb Lover’s Diet taking America by storm, Lady Gaga fan of the baby food diet, Women lost 11 stone after she saw her wedding photos, First Ab Belt Toning system cleared by the FDA, The Flex Belt®,

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