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 weight healthy food
weight healthy food
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Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:34:55 блограйдером zerber22

Diabetes and a warning for women

2016-07-25 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Women who suffer from diabetes should be very aware of how the illness can set the stage for other very serious diseases; high blood sugar is a modern day epidemic. There are literally over 300 million people worldwide, who have a difficulty obtaining a normal blood sugar level. An alarming new study from Canadareveals that women with diabetes are at an increased risk for aggressive breast cancer, addressing high blood sugar is essential for overall health.

High blood sugar is the most dangerous illness of our modern times, there is no other illness which affects every cell of the body the way in which diabetes does. Excessive sugar in the blood disrupts the normal functioning of the cells of the body; diabetics are at increased risk for impotence, heart disease and stroke. Thousands of people each year lose their vision or the use of the limbs due to a continual elevation of glucose in the blood. The new study from Canadashould be of particular importance to women who have high blood sugar; scientists have found a connection between diabetes and aggressive breast cancer. The study from The Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and Women's College Hospital in Canada reached the conclusion that…

"Our findings suggest that women with diabetes may be predisposed to more advanced-stage breast cancer, which may be a contributor to their higher cancer mortality," Dr. Lorraine Lipscombe

The researchers also found that women with breast cancer and diabetes were more likely to have larger tumors which spread, compared to those without high blood sugar.

What the diabetic needs

What the type 2 diabetic needs more than anything else is a healing diet, high blood sugar is an illness which punishes daily. A healing diet is not a sugar free diet, while limiting sugar can help some people it does not heal the body. A sugar free diet will never produce a normal blood sugar, diet drinks contain aspartame are much worst than table sugar.

Healing Diet

When researchers in Europe used a specialized diet proven to heal the diabetic, all subjects produced a normal blood sugar. It is the healing of diabetes which people need not a sugar free diet. Diabetes is an illness which punishes the body daily; it eventually wears out the cells of the body. The cancer link to diabetes is very typical of how high blood sugar disrupts the healthy cells. A healing diet can save the body.

Type 2 Diabetes Healing Diet used in 17 countries to get a normal blood sugar

Food/diet - Health News

The treatment of blackheads and pimples for youth, Simple ways to lose 20 kilos in a month, What to do about diabetes as crisis gets worst, New report declaring that processed meat causes cancer, Diabetes Memory Loss Confusion, Raspberry Ketone Plus will help you burn fat faster, Sleeping pills significantly raise the risk of dying, WHO predicts 1.4 million infected with Ebola by January 2015, Diabetes chest pain : Listen to the message in the body, Nuts good for your weight and heart,

Child thinnest problem causes and treatment

2016-07-04 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Problems thinnest children causes and methods of treatmentWe have talked in the previous topics on childhood obesity and methods of treatment On this subject we will talk about the thinnest children causes and methods of treatmentOur children are the reason for our happiness and a great concern for their future and their own health and for the piece recommend mothers when notice any abnormal symptoms your child

 please go to a medical specialist for the early detection of the child, especially in the early stages of the age of a week and up to 9 years have already us to talk about childhood obesity and its problems and their causes and methods of treatment todayTalking about the problem of child thinnest and risks and their causes and methods of treatment and the piece even our children enjoy good health child greatly affect the structure of the muscle and the natural incrementation and rate your child's Activity

Child thinnest problem causes and treatment
 The reasons for the thinnest children:

- Malnutrition: The loss of the child's body to one of the important nutrients needed makes it vulnerable to extreme thinness, so you must be an integrated child nutrition and you can identify the proper diet for your child are the optimal diet for the child- Eating habits wrong: so that does not deal with the child those useful Food and replaces it with some  that do not fall within diet properly, and is thus the cause of the  and do not lead these foods first goal of us the child's body and supplied with vitamins, minerals and proteins required for the growth of your child's health goodAnd also at the division of the child's daily meals to three main meals and add some snacks between them, so it's better to focus on eating vegetables and fruits and all the necessary nutrients.- Genetic reasons: genetic causes often play a big role in the injury of some diseases, including the thinnest children may be caused by the thinnest of the child worker genetically and in that case you must make sure the doctor in charge- Childhood diseases: the most famous glands that may lead to a significant loss in weight disorders in children, which leads to loss of appetite in most cases and it is not welcome eating, which leads to excessive thinness- Medicines: that the child eat some medicines that cause a feeling of anorexia has a strong effect on his health, you should consult your doctor to replace the drugs that lose  medicines, does not contain those side effects- Mental state: The child suffered a bad  cases of psychological depression for a long time affect his appetite and activity of the stomach, leading to excess exposure to the thinnest.

Treatment thinnest children:- Good role model: Children's looking for someone to make him an example to them  tradition of what he does without thinking, so parents have to be in the food that's their tactics.- Eating habits: The child's daily meals divided into three main meals and add some snacks, including is the best method, which is recommended by child nutrition experts to focus on eating vegetables and fruits and all the necessary nutrients.- Consult your doctor: you should consult your doctor if the child has become a slimmed remarkable attention, and must be periodically reviewed to take height and weight frequently to preserve the natural and ideal rate of weight.Thus create reasons and remedies for the thinnest of the child, and parents avoid any danger that might threaten the health of their child at risk.And in order to provide a detailed article on the thinnest childThe child may be thin or less of weight for several reasons which worries parents and makes them always thinking of how toOpen their child's appetite to impart more weight. But every mother should take caution when trying to raise her baby weight so as not toLearned negative eating habits can lead to obesity in the future. In contrast, the child must slim diet depends onHealthy foods give him the calories and nutrients it needs to grow. There are several factors on whichMust assess the weight of the child, such as if the thin since childhood or the fact that his parents are of thinness Monday. And every mother is also aware thatThe baby's weight may change with advanced age and during different stages of growth. If your child has increased along before that weighed more than he mayIt seems thin and less than normal weight, and may increase the weight of the child more than the rate of increase in length would be eligible for obesity. And if youWant the exact weight if your child is less than the normal rate, you have to go by the doctor who will evaluate weightAnd diet.The doctor will examine all factors and assess your child's food habits and general health, and the doctor also will ask the mother about whetherThe child is suffering from any health problems may have led to the loss of weight such as diarrhea and vomiting.To decide that your child is skinny or underweight, should be compared to weight rates available:At birth rate 5/2 to 5/3 kg, this weight is increasing at a rate of140-225 grams per week in the first five months of the year.After the second year increased weight at a rate of 1.5-2 kg to adulthood?If your child does not eat the necessary quantities him, you is to begin to change your eating habits, but may  to change habitsFood for the whole family. If, for example, you can depend on fast small meals, you is to begin in setting a date to meetThe entire dining on the table family. You can  meal enjoyable by running some music.At first, if you want to open your child's appetite, So try to progressive him his favorite food even if it is some healthyOne thing and then you can you offer him more healthy options in addition to some basic snacks between mealsMay increase the calorie child.Give your child large amounts of carbohydrates and health of bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, but at leastYour child should eat meat once a day and you can also have a progressive chicken or fish or turkey becauseProtein will help in building a child's muscles. The dairy products should help to normalize bone growth.  had to resort to sweetsAt first to open the child's appetite. You have to be creative when choosing foods that  for your child.The mother to begin to focus on ways to increase the number of calories consumed by her child. You can, for example, thatEncourage your child to eat two eggs instead of eggs at breakfast, in addition to that you can also encourage your child toEat small meals during the day include raisins or nuts. You will also be evaluating the addition of olive oil or cheeseGrated your child to soup.Here are some types of high-calorie foods that you can make to increase your child's weight:Dairy products: whole milk cheese - chis- Garik- yogurt - Ice Karim PuddingProtein: Whit- peanut butter nuts -Carbohydrates: bread - cheese - pasta - Altos- mashed potatoesDo not let your child feel that you increase the weight Seeing all the time so as not to feel any kind of pressure and make the kinds of commandWeight control limited only to visit the doctor once a month. If you want to increase your child's weight  him in his mealsExcessive fat,  fat contains nine calories compared to 4 calories in a gram of protein or carbohydrate.And you have to learn that whole milk, yogurt contains fewer calories and potassium, protein, calcium, more thanSkimmed milk.The child should drink whole milk to us until the age of two years, but if your child's weight lower than normal, you canYou keep giving him full-fat to us after two years.

Food/diet - Health News

The fastest way to get the body limber, Can you eat fruit with diabetes? A very surprising answer, Drinking black tea good for high blood pressure, Wrong habits cause breast Atralat, Treating both Diabetes and Depression, why you're always tired, Can you reverse Pre diabetes? What you need to know, Tips to treat adhesion thighs for women, Two slices of bacon a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, Sleeping pills significantly raise the risk of dying,

Most people who are obese are highly unlikely to ever return to a normal weight

2016-06-28 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, suggests that current public health attempts to fix obesity are failing to show results. The researchers tracked the weight of 279,000 men and women through British health records between 2004 and 2014. They used three or more measurements of their body mass index (BMI) to track their weight changes. Patients who underwent bariatric surgery or other weight-altering procedures were excluded from the study. Read more: International Business Times

R.D.K holdings S.A

Food/diet - Health News

Blueberries in your daily diet helps your skin look younger, Inflammatory breast cancer or IBC, often goes undetected, even by mammogram, Foods are not recommended during exams for children, Strict 600 calorie-a-day diet reverses Type 2 diabetes in a week, I have diabetes: Why half the United States may have the disease, Foods make you look beautiful and not more than weight, Important Tips for choosing a diet-food, Marriage One of the causes of obesity, Red seaweed that taste like bacon and with a lot of nutritional benefits, drinking lemon water for weight loss,

Snacks do not increase weight

2016-06-22 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Kill me feeling hungry during Weight Loss And look for snacks of not more than weight Today we offer you five snacks of not more than weight

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 The first meal
  Half a cup of ice cream

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Yes, it surprise you when you know that
  Half a cup of ice-cream
It is one of the snacks with low-calorie.
  Half a cup of ice cream is only 100 calories contains only.
Moreover, it will give you protein and calcium.
Ice cream containing the 
(saturated fat: 2 g - Sodium: 45 mg - cholesterol: 20 milligrams - carbohydrates: 15 grams )

 Second meal

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Weight Meal , Healthy Plan , Protein Diet ,Easy Diet ,Quick Diet ,Healthy Meals
When the desire to snack feels satiety
 The right choice in front of you is the record of microwave popcorn
. Some types of popcorn ensure you get 100 calories
  6 cups when you eat them. Because popcorn need to chew,
Furthermore it contains a high content of fiber, it makes you feel full for longer periods.

Containing popcorn on: (saturated fat: 0.5 grams - Sodium: 220 mg - cholesterol: 0 mg - carbohydrates: 24 grams )

They waited for the rest of the meals that do not increase the weight in the next Thread 

Food/diet - Health News

Drug side effects not told to FDA within 15 days, New report declaring that processed meat causes cancer, Jenny Craig diet program scored top ranking as best diet, Can Pre Diabetes be stopped? Yes, when you learn how, Ways to help prevent snoring, Red seaweed that taste like bacon and with a lot of nutritional benefits, What can a diabetic eat? Why few know the truth, How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million, Best diet without losing your beauty, Simple ways to lose 20 kilos in a month,

Reverse type 2 diabetes or face serious health problems

2016-06-19 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)




The need to reverse type 2 diabetes has become a necessity for millions of people due to the fact that a new study reveals that more people are being hospitalized as a result of the damages of living with high blood sugar. There is no illness today that is causing as many health complications as high blood sugar; an excessive amount of sugar in the blood is a poison to the cells of the body. It is essential to reverse type 2 diabetes as quickly as possible to avoid further health problems.



The enemy called excessive sugar


Too much sugar in the blood is a poison to the cells of the body, diabetic blindness and amputations of the limbs are a result of a systemic excess of glucose (sugar), overtime the cells, nerves and blood vessels may be permanently damaged. A new study reveals that the current diabetic epidemic is resulting in more people being hospitalized for diabetic complications such as diabetic eye troubles, foot pain and heart disease.



“Eighty-seven percent of visits to physicians by patients with diabetes were made by patients with multiple chronic conditions,” said Dr. Jeffrey Powell, chief of the division of endocrinology at Northern Westchester Hospital. 


The need to reverse type 2 diabetes is not only advisable; it is also a necessity.



The study highlights the fact that high blood sugar causes “multiple” chronic conditions. The heart is negatively affected when a person lives with high blood sugar; a study from Europe showed that a diabetic’s cardiovascular condition is similar to a person who has already suffered a heart attack, this should concern every diabetic.



A specialized diet from Denmarkhas been causes people get a normal blood sugar without the need for medications. There is not one diabetic medication which does not stress the heart muscle, the diabetic medication Actos is now linked to heart disease and bladder cancer.  Diabetes can be reversed naturally without any medications; this has been proven in Europewith a specialized diet which is used by thousands of people.  


See here   Type 2 Diabetes Diet cure in 17 countries





Food/diet - Health News

Drinking black tea good for high blood pressure, Metformin for Pre diabetes? Think again, Which is more attractive women's short or long-women, Can't lose weight? How and why the food makers keep you fat, Women lost 11 stone after she saw her wedding photos, Jenny Craig diet program scored top ranking as best diet, Can you have diabetes and drink coffee? An alarming study, The Bite Counter could help you lose weight, The best types of diet to lose 20 pounds in 5 weeks, People with type 2 diabetes should eat nuts, olive oil and avocados,

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