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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

What the pre diabetes drug makers don’t want you to know

2017-02-23 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

It is clear that you can reverse pre diabetes without drugs but this is not the message that is reaching the majority of people who are battling high blood sugar. The big pharmaceutical companies are in the business to make money not healing diets, money is their sole objective. They do not care about the long term affects of their medications which often cause cancer and heart disease to the diabetic.  You can reverse Pre diabetes without drugs but this is only accomplished with a healing diet.

In an amazing decision this week the Food and Drug administration (FDA) has approved yet another type 2 high blood sugar medication. Despite the fact that most of this illness can be reversed drug free the FDA still bows to the big drug makers, they are almost always certain to get an approval.

 *2 years ago the diabetic medication Avandia (made by Glaxo Kline Smith) was found to have been responsible for thousands of deaths and heart attacks yet the FDA left the drug on the market despite Europe banning the drug.  

* The diabetic drug Actos (mad by Japanese company Tadaka) was found to cause a breakout of cancer in the bladder, people suffered from painful urination as the cells were turning cancerous

Pre diabetes can be reversed without drugs but this message is not reaching the person with high blood sugar. The doctors are pumping out the prescriptions, the drug companies get richer and the people are taking it like candy.

There is not one diabetic medication that does not ruin the heart valve or cause the growth of cancer cells

New Kid on the Block

The new diabetic drug on the market starts off by telling you that it may give you cancer!
(It is called Trulicity made by Lilly)

What does this drug do? It is suppose to cause your body to make insulin after you eat a meal, when you are healthy your body normally makes enough insulin after eating but not in some diabetics.

Trulicity, is a weekly injection which is suppose to help blood sugar control in patients with type 2 diabetes. The drug is part of a new class of medicines called GLP-1 agonists, which spur the pancreas to create extra insulin after meals.

Here is the most amazing part: The drug has been shown to turn normal thyroid cells into cancer cells!  What a great way to get some extra insulin after a meal.

 The drug is known to cause tumors of the thyroid gland (thyroid C-cell tumors).

Despite the known risk of the drug it will still be given to you with a warning on the box!

The warning is a way to protect the drug makers from lawsuits if you possibly discover you have a deadly thyroid cancer 5 years from now.

The estimate profit the drug makers will make is reported to be 2 billion dollar each year

The facts:

No one needs a drug for pre diabetes or full type 2 high blood sugar

See here

Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

Weight loss surgery works better than weight-loss drugs or diets, Fourteen tips to get rid of obesity, The fastest way to get the body limber, How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million, Pre Diabetes and Fat, the truth, 10 ways to lose weight without dieting, What to do about diabetes as crisis gets worst, Diabetes Drug side effects, Weight Gain, Actos, Best Blog healthy diet, Treating both Diabetes and Depression,

The Carb Lover’s Diet taking America by storm

2017-02-17 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The Carb Lover’s Diet is a diet plan which, the authors claim, guarantees rapid but long-term weight loss. Both authors are vehemently against the low-carb message, believing Atkins-style diets are difficult, unnatural and ineffective long-term. They claim our bodies and brains have evolved to eat starchy foods and willpower alone can only hold back on centuries of evolution for so long before we crack and all those good intentions are lost to a carb-rich feeding frenzy. studies have shown that not all carbs are bad. Some contain a substance called resistant starch which, when consumed in quantity, actively encourages weight loss. Found in ordinary foods — such as bananas, oats, beans and potatoes — resistant starch is so-called because it appears to resist digestion. Kunes and Largeman-Roth have devised and tested a diet that promises weight loss without carb-denial, which hinges on resistant starch. They quote more than 200 studies at respected universities around the world, which show resistant starch to be an effective appetite suppressant and metabolism booster.

Advanced Health LTD

Food/diet - Health News

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Drinking black tea good for high blood pressure

2017-02-05 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Flavonoids in tea are thought to improve the blood vessels' tone and reduce body weight and abdominal fat. A Dutch population study also found that high tea consumption is associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease. Researchers in Australia observed the effects of black tea among 95 men and women, both groups were similar in age and weight status. The researchers found that drinking black tea long-term was shown to lower blood pressure in people with normal to high levels. For 6 months, half the participants drank three cups of black tea per day, while the other half were given a placebo drink that simulated the flavor and caffeine content of tea.

 Slim Weight Patch

By the end of the study, those who drank black tea experienced an average reduction of between two to three points in their 24-hour average systolic blood pressure levels. Earlier Green tea was also shown to have similar effects on the same cells in a study out of Greece. Source: NYDailyNews

Food/diet - Health News

Food list for diabetes? Eat this now!, Snacks do not increase weight, What the pre diabetes drug makers don’t want you to know, Drug side effects not told to FDA within 15 days, HOW TO REVERSE HIGH BLOOD SUGAR, The Bite Counter could help you lose weight, why you're always tired, Calories in juices and soda water, Rumen risks and ways to get rid of it, The benefits of green tea and Weight Loss,

Diseases of children due to animal husbandry

2017-01-12 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Diseases of children due to animal husbandry

Children in their early years were not as the person's immunity but to be in the process of configuration and is this we keep them away from sources of disease and the most dangerous of these sources pets

  And what there is out of the diseases affect the health of children and adults also

Disease, infect, baby, because, animals, damage, breeding, animals, in, the house, disease, due to, breeding
 Health risks:

Overall, if you d a pet in the house, it is very necessary to have supervision of an adult in the beginning until the animal members of the family, there must be a special children's care under the age of 5 years, Children at this age being more prone to diseases of animals, for making contact with the syndrome for the same surfaces where the animal, and they do not wash their hands before putting anything in their mouth.


Susceptibility sensitivity due to heredity, but some animals, such as cats and dogs secrete exciting material for sensitivity, which may help the child be sensitive by bigger and stronger, if you have a family history of allergy, Make sure that there is no animal home once before the baby is born several months, because allergens may remain in place for a long time.


Children may get sick once their dealings with pets: cats cause disease is difficult to diagnose are unfamiliar with its characteristics, but inflation in the lymph nodes and fever appear.

Dogs and cats may be pasture for some worms that may be transmitted to humans, these worms do not live in the human body usually understand the cause abscesses, pneumonia, blindness, convulsions and other diseases of the brain.

 Other health risks:

Parasites that infect animals such as fleas and ticks are very easy to infect children, and parasites that cause severe itching and sensitivity, these animals have been transported some serious diseases, so the animal cleanliness is very important to avoid those problems.

 But does that mean that the pet breeding not only carry health problems for children?
Of course not!

 There are many health benefits exhibited by multiple studies, namely:

That of Granger positive impact on the children physically and behaviorally and emotionally, it was noted that the antibodies rise levels in children who have animals for other children .. Mmaigoa their immune systems, those notes in favor of "the few hygiene", which says: The excess hygiene at a young age may lead theory the weakness of the immune system later.

Pets only child helps to have a company, pets know children to deal with health problems because they go to the vet and get to know vaccines and animal drugs.The presence of an animal in the house does not make television, electronic games the only occupants of the time, especially if the child interfere in the daily routine, such as animal feed and outing, and also teaches children how to play with the animal and its attach the

Your child's interest and sponsorship Lakeoanh pet develops the child's personality, renders him a human being compassionate and patient has firmly required, it will be Tmla of the responsibility because he carried at an early age if you tolerability responsible for some animal things.

Will teach the animal your child some non-skilled verbal communication and empathy, Sigdq animal on your child's love is conditional, always what's coming your child and Ajadda nor the beasts thereof waiting for him to play and have fun with it, sometimes the animal attempts for the happiness and peace of the human, and the animal comfort of the problems of dealing with human beings in children .

 Some tips to keep up on the health of your family and your pet:

Scientific your children to wash their hands after touching the animals eat.
Do not let the animal eat place in the kitchen or eating in public areas.
If what Harta that your animal patient, take him directly to the doctor to take care of him.
Avoid fleas and ticks, there are products to fight them contain organophosphate pesticides, instead Wash animal and Sarhah, or use contraceptives non-toxic to humans insect growth.
Children under the age of five years should be under the Note adults when dealing with animals.
Forbidden for children is strictly forbidden to do kissing animals or put their hands or anything in their mouth after handling animals.

Food/diet - Health News

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Parkinson's disease may be treatable with two existing antimalaria drugs

2017-01-09 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

An estimated 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease, a progressive, neurological disorder that mostly strikes after middle age. The team screened around 1,000 drugs already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and found two antimalaria drugs - chloroquine and amodiaquine - that boost both protective effects of Nurr1. The team is already looking for other drugs that may halt or reverse the progress of Parkinson's disease, and they plan to improve the drug design and carry out clinical trials of chloroquine and amodiaquine for treating Parkinson's disease.
Read more: Medical News Today

Food/diet - Health News

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