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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

The most important tips for slimming 2015

2016-03-30 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

 Dieting best tips, for 2015, the easiest ways to lose weight, simple tips, healthy diet, sports tips to lose weight, lose weight quickly, best Dieting tips, healthy diet,

Exercise, you must Do daily as something essential, 
 Can not be postponed or indispensable, just like washing teeth. Because the worst thing that affects the determination is a sense of boredom and the lack of strong motivation
To do the exercises, The choice of exercises enjoyable is the ideal solution because it is easy to get used to it

 After a period of experience of this method, which we recommend them, Sporting will become an integral part of your life.It must be exercised five days a week from Monday to Friday and always lasts for an hour or more

The most important tips for slimming 2015
Dieting best tips, for 2015, the easiest ways to lose weight, simple tips, healthy diet, sports tips to lose weight, lose weight quickly, best Dieting tips, healthy diet,

 You should avoid too much sitting and walking as much as possible and use the stairs instead of the elevator to lose weight, and also activate muscle metabolism and refine the process.And we are not alone believe from this fact, as recently published study reinforce this view, and that the stand better than sitting a thousand times, and can give a clear long-term results
The most important tips for slimming 2015
Dieting best tips, for 2015, the easiest ways to lose weight, simple tips, healthy diet, sports tips to lose weight, lose weight quickly, best Dieting tips, healthy diet,
 Stuart Biddle, a professor of physical activity and health at the University of «to Afbara» British, says that despite the strenuous exercise for 30 minutes, every day, the body is not immune to health problems and fat storage

 The reason, in his opinion, the continuing lack of movement and sitting for long periods. This being advised to do any activity, including watching TV or working on a computer, because every second task is calculated in your favor and vice versa. He also says stand and walk for five minutes every 30 minutes can burn about 2,500 calories during the month, and of course the more traffic, the better the results

The most important tips for slimming 2015
Dieting best tips, for 2015, the easiest ways to lose weight, simple tips, healthy diet, sports tips to lose weight, lose weight quickly, best Dieting tips, healthy diet,

 Before you follow any new diet to lose weight, to be the process of «detox» to clean the body of toxins, preferably carried out once or twice a year at least. The idea that the gut is the basis of health food, because they contain 80 per cent of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is part of the nerve session of the brain and rationing appetite.

Avoid prepared foods as much as possible, because it has the added unhealthy substances such as salt or sugar, and replace it with a diet based on organic and natural products. Also you should avoid canned and processed foods, despite what it may cause inconvenience at first, but with time you get used and the process becomes routine, on condition of deprivation and self-reward every now and then delicious dish.

The most important tips for slimming 2015
Dieting best tips, for 2015, the easiest ways to lose weight, simple tips, healthy diet, sports tips to lose weight, lose weight quickly, best Dieting tips, healthy diet,

 Not to starve the self, because it is easy to fall under the temptation of quick and ready-made foods and eating greedily when we feel hungry, this does not have to get to this stage. Also prefer to be always at your fingertips and healthy snacks can resort to them to fill the void until the date of the main meal. Also advises that the fridge is full of food products inspire you to cook a balanced and delicious dishes at the same time. What is important is the lack of sense of deprivation at all

The most important tips for slimming 2015
Dieting best tips, for 2015, the easiest ways to lose weight, simple tips, healthy diet, sports tips to lose weight, lose weight quickly, best Dieting tips, healthy diet,

 Avoid balance to measure the weight, because the result may generate a sense of frustration and depression, especially that metabolism be slow for some people, and that when doing exercise, which aims to hone the muscles, the weight increases, even though the body did not acquire any grams, which makes reading the balance is incorrect . In addition, the weight increases at certain times of the month because of storing water and the like

The most important tips for slimming 2015
Dieting best tips, for 2015, the easiest ways to lose weight, simple tips, healthy diet, sports tips to lose weight, lose weight quickly, best Dieting tips, healthy diet,

 On the other hand, experts suggest to rely on your own judgment personal and measure yourself In centimeters by tape measure, or just wear the dress was tight you in the past, and note whether you have got rid of that sense of who was upset cause you wear

Food/diet - Health News

Diabetes Drug side effects, Weight Gain, Actos, Help My child is overweight, Death of an Arizona resident is linked to Europe's sprout-related Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak, Two slices of bacon a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, Diabetes Memory Loss Confusion, The best types of diet to lose 20 pounds in 5 weeks, Snacks do not increase weight, Can you eat fruit with diabetes? A very surprising answer, Pre Diabetes and Fat, the truth, British woman loses half its weight because of this drink,

Help for Obesity? What really works

2016-03-24 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

For many people getting help for obesity can be a very confusing journey but science has made it clear what works. An understanding of inflammation has helped thousands of people recently reverse the excessive fat on the body, as the issue of tissue inflammation is addressed body weight will naturally comes down dramatically. There are over 100 million people in the United States who are carrying excessive fats on the various parts of the body, help for obesity can be achieved without the need to resort to any dangerous surgery according to a University study.

The failure of dieting

The simple approach of diet and exercise has been a failure for millions of people due to the fact that this simplistic approach often does not reduce your inflammation body fat. The media has shamed people who cannot lose weight, the perception of the overweight person is often one who has no self control but science is showing that this “blaming” is often completely wrong. The numbers of people who have lost thousands of dollars on gym memberships are uncountable, if a simple diet and exercise plan worked we would all be super thin. Weight loss is difficult for millions, the bottom line is that, to lose weight you must reduce your inflammatory body fat. 

What really works

Recent scientific studies show that all weight loss is rooted in the addressing of inflammation but very few diets can reverse inflammation body fat. Help for obesity is rooted in reversing the inflammatory condition. The prestige Harvard University revealed what so few dieters know, it is clear that it is inflammation that causes weight gain.

Departments of Genetics and Complex Diseases and Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health

The discovery that obesity itself results in an inflammatory state in metabolic tissues ushered in a research field that examines the inflammatory mechanisms in obesity. Here, we summarize the unique features of this metabolic inflammatory state, termed metaflammation and defined as low-grade, chronic inflammation orchestrated by metabolic cells in response to excess nutrients and energy.

How to heal your body with  food and finally lose weight

When researchers used a diabetic “style” diet on people without diabetes an amazing thing happening, excessive fats were reversed naturally from the stomach, people with or without diabetes all lost weight. The abdominal adipose tissue(belly fat) was reduced, in addition there was a general loss of overall body weight. 

90% of diets do nothing to reverse inflammation body fat (all dangerous body fat is inflammation body fat) 

A diabetic “style” diet has been known to reverse body fat for over 60 years but no one has thought about this to help obesity until recently . As Science continues to address the current health crisis we will learn how to finally drop the excessive fat

The Europe diet that was created for diabetic but which has produced a reversal of body fat in people without diabetes may be seen here.

SEE HERE   A diabetic styled diet causing weight loss in people with or without diabetes in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

Lady Gaga fan of the baby food diet, Gwyneth Paltrow is not a dietitian, Blueberries in your daily diet helps your skin look younger, Once you are overweight, chances are you will stay so., What to do about Diabetes Vertigo, Dizziness, HOW TO REVERSE HIGH BLOOD SUGAR, Babies should exercise, to avoid obesity later in life, Can't lose weight? How and why the food makers keep you fat, Simple ways that you can go about reducing your calorie intake, Snacks do not increase weight,

Exposure to sun lower risk to suffer from depression

2016-03-21 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Although vitamin D is found in oily fish, and is routinely added to milk, diet accounts for very little of the nutrient that actually makes it into the bloodstream. Children with the highest levels of the ‘sunshine vitamin’ have a 10% lower risk of developing mental health problems. Those with low levels of  vitamin D are more likely to suffer from depression, claim scientists. The scientists looked at vitamin D levels in more than 2,700 children when they were aged nine and 13. Those with the lowest levels of vitamin D were more likely to show signs of depression.

Slim Weight Patch

The study investigated levels of two forms of the vitamin D2 and D3 and found the strongest anti-depression link with D3. Lead researcher Dr Anna-Maija Tolppanen, of Bristol University’s school of social and community medicine, said further research is needed before a change in medical practice could be recommended.
Source: DailyMail

Food/diet - Health News

Parkinson's disease may be treatable with two existing antimalaria drugs, why you're always tired, Fruit helps to burn fat in the body, Pre Diabetes and Fat, the truth, The best natural way to breast enlargement, Snacks do not increase weight, Studie: Resveratrol improves metabolic function in obese men, The benefits of chewing gum for the treatment of obesity, What does diabetes do? A shocking look, Tips to treat adhesion thighs for women,

Simple ways to lose 20 kilos in a month

2016-03-06 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Diet how most of us hated that word Who among us did not try to lose some weight and in what time he goes back to the problem of obesity Today we offer simple tips to lose 20 kilos in one month I'm sick of the diet and strenuous exercise you do every dayToday we offer you a solution 20 simple advice that will help you to lose 20 kilos in just one month by following the tips only70% of those who suffer from obesity are caused by an error in habits or lifestyle

 We'll show some wrong habits practiced by most of us
And tried to replace those habits following health advice, which we'll tell them and see how much weight differed in only one month and as this will affect your health

Loss Diet , Diet Plans , Best Weight ,Way To Lose , Loss Quick , Loss Tips

 Many welfare

That most poor communities are largely nonexistent rate of obesity and this is due to the daily conditions faced by individual

1. The use of air conditioners

When a person continuously live in the same environment comfortable temperatures, the body does not strain itself to adapt to the ambient temperature, both trying to cool the body or heated, and thus increase the probabilities of obesity To advise the piece after the operation of the Adaptation during sleep so as not to increase the probabilities of elderly

2-watch TV the wrong way

That sitting for long hours in front of the TV rights affects apathy and laziness tried to hours watching TV no more than two hours and the piece in order to preserve your health and to reduce the likelihood of injury from obesity overcharged because the lack of movement and not to exercise any physical activity cause obesity and the accumulation of fat within the body.

3 - Sleeping in Light:

In a study at the National Academy of Sciences, the mice were exposed to dim light at night, and found that weight increased by 50% in eight weeks, compared to mice that slept in complete darkness. Similarly, the same results can be applied to humans.

4. Lack of sleep:

People who do not get enough sleep they become susceptible to obesity. A number of hormonal changes occur in the body when they do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep stimulates hunger, as they make the body in the case of fatigue makes him unable to make the effort, and thus help to gain more weight.

5 - lack of discipline in sleep schedules

The lack of discipline in the sleep schedules of the most important reasons that lead to obesity tried to determine the timing of your sleep and you wake up to a date not exceeding the number of hours sleep for 8 hours a day

6. eat prepared foods

That eating ready-made foods, the biggest threat to human health, you do not know the material which they are made Fa in most cases materials are saturated fat and materials peacekeepers, leading to damage to your health and increase your weight if you prefer those foods you can work at home using more materials Health and we will open section Entries in the cuisine of the most important and popular methods of cooking professionally

7-eat between meals makes this infection is very high weight gain


8-sleep after eating meals directly is one of the leading causes of obesity.

9. use the car in a way exaggerated

Tried to dispense with the car in the nearby walks and spectrum to increase the movement of the body, increasing the proportion of fat burningUndermine the food and relax

10-After you dine out to do a job light picnic  even helps the stomach to digest food and lack of accumulation of fat

And to meet soon in the second part of the tip 20 to lose 20 kilos in a month

Food/diet - Health News

Exposure to sun lower risk to suffer from depression, Can't sleep with high blood sugar? Is it a dangerous combination, Adult obesity rates increased in 16 states during the past year, Foods make you look beautiful and not more than weight, Ways to help prevent snoring, Help My child is overweight, Sleeping pills significantly raise the risk of dying, Nuts good for your weight and heart, HOW TO REVERSE HIGH BLOOD SUGAR, The Bite Counter could help you lose weight,

3 reasons High blood sugar causes dizziness

2016-02-26 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

“I have high blood sugar and am experiencing dizziness”, this was the latest message that we received from one of our readers in Europe.  It is important to know that a dizzy feeling is always a message which your body is sending you, many people ignore this mental confusion and this can be a huge mistake. High blood sugar and dizziness often go together, it is often a warning sign that the body is metabolically out of balance.

3 common but serious reasons for feeling dizzy with diabetes

1.  Super high glucose levels

Glucose (sugar) is needed and it does very important things in our cells, without this sugar we would not have any energy at all. In excessive amounts glucose is a poison in the bloodstream, and this is the health condition of the diabetic. The diabetic has too much glucose flooding into the bloodstream and this causes a metabolically imbalance within the body. When glucose levels soar too high it can cause dizziness. Always check your blood sugar level with a good monitor immediately if you are feeling dizzy, report any dizziness to your doctor.

*Please note that diabetic coma is real and can lead to death if sugar levels go to high!  If blood sugar levels soar very high it can cause a person to get dizzy and pass out* call 911 immediately if you feel you may pass out*

2.  Dehydrate

One of the more common causes of dizziness in the diabetic is due to dehydration. The typical diabetic does not drink enough water; a lot of water is necessary keep blood sugar levels normal.   When we think of the fact that the bloodstream is flooded with sugar, wouldn’t it make sense to drink more water to help eliminate this fluid?  Despite the fact that water is very helpful, many diabetics are not drinking any water.

When a person is dehydrated, their body produces a hormone called vasopressin. 

Vasopressin causes the kidneys to retain water and also prompts your liver to produce blood sugar, which may lead to elevated higher blood sugar levels. Over time, this effect may lead to insulin resistance.  High blood and dizziness are often linked, are you drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day? If you have a hard time drinking water, consider squeezing a little lime or lemon in the glass of water.

  1. Diabetes and mental confusion

High blood sugar can have a very detrimental affect on the brain, diabetics often experience confusion, brain related fatigue and mental disorientation. Over time diabetics are at higher risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. High blood sugar causes a damaging affect on the brain.

Dr. R. Nick Bryan, professor emeritus of the department of radiology at the Perleman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,  “We found that in addition to that, there’s sort of diffuse loss of brain tissue, atrophy… we think may have a direct effect of the diabetes on the brain.”

High blood sugar dizziness is always a sign of a body that is out of balance, in the short term it may be a sign of seriously high glucose levels and in the long run it can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Why not erase diabetes now

SEE HERE Type 2 Diabetes Diet cure in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

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