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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

Blueberries in your daily diet helps your skin look younger

2016-11-04 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Recent studies showed that people who ate 1 cup of blueberries a day performed 5% better in motor function skills than those who ate no blueberries. They are packed with flavinoids, tannins, antioxidants, phytochemcials, iron, manganese, Vitamin C, and vitamin E - all of which can help prevent serious illness and disease. When it comes to looking younger, blueberries can‘t be beat! It seems that inflammation is a major cause of skin aging and wrinkling so, once again, the powerful anti inflammatory properties of blueberries come into play. In fact, the world renowned dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone recommends including blueberries in your daily diet in order to help you skin look younger.

Food/diet - Health News

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Food list for diabetes? Eat this now!

2016-11-01 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Often people with high blood sugar seek a food list for diabetes reversal, the key to addressing this illness is healing. The diabetic is always under extreme punishment due to excessive glucose. Readers of this site are very familiar with the fact that excessive blood glucose is a punishment to the cells of the body.  A food list for diabetes must include proven foods which heal the body, this means going beyond a sugar free diet.

High blood sugar negatively alters the cells of the body; in our last post we revealed a new study which shows that diabetic blood sugar levels raise the risk of breast cancer in women. There is not one cell in the body which is not affected by high blood sugar.

Many people have switched to sugar free foods and drinks, sadly these items often include splenda or aspartame.  Splenda and diet sodas (aspartame) are horrible for all people, these diet beverages are linked to cancer and weight gain. What should you eat? Your food list for diabetes should include whole eggs. Eggs are a protein wonder; the yolk is loaded with stunning amounts of nutrition.  A new study reveals diabetics should be eating eggs!  

Egg consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to new research from the University of Eastern Finland 

The amount of eggs which produced the affect was at least 4 eggs a week; this is healing for the diabetic body. The diabetic has to go beyond a sugar free diet; a healing diet has been shown in numerous of studies to produce a normal blood sugar level. One item on your food list for diabetes should include eggs with the yolk.  

Why not get the full reverse type 2 diabetes diet from Europe, which is used by thousands in over 17 countries?

SEE HERE Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet produces a normal blood sugar in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

Low-carb diet good for people with type 2 diabetes, Exercises for housewives to lose weight, Can you eat fruit with diabetes? A very surprising answer, Foods that actually help to speed up your metabolism, Can binge eating cured by a supplement of oestrogen?, Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth, Pre Diabetes and Fat, the truth, Diabetes, Stress and Depressed, What to do about diabetes as crisis gets worst, How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million,

How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million

2016-10-26 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

More people will be seeking how to reverse pre diabetes as a new government report reveals that over 80 million people in the United States are affected with the condition. High blood sugar is one of the most destructive illnesses; there is no disease quite like excessive blood glucose. When seeking how to reverse pre diabetes the key will always be in a healing diet.

High blood sugar has become a global crisis, more than 300 million people worldwide are not obtaining a normal blood sugar, and this is leading to other serious health complications. The heart and kidneys are put under extreme distress when excessive glucose remains in the bloodstream. Each year high blood sugar is responsible for a large number of strokes, kidney failures and heart attacks. Glucose in the body is necessary for optimal health but continued excessive glucose becomes a poison through out the system. There is not one cell of the body which is not affected by high blood sugar, even the brain suffers. People with high blood sugar are at increased risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Learning how to reverse pre diabetes is crucial, healing food is your best defense. A sugar free diet does not produce a normal blood sugar but a healing diet does!

Food and healing

Readers of this site are well aware that the right foods in the right combination can produce a normal blood sugar level without the need for medications. Most people have type 2 high blood sugar, which can be reversed in most cases without medications. 

Breakfast is essential

It is shocking that many diabetics are still starting their day without breakfast, protein is a necessity to help main a normal blood sugar through out the day. A study from the University of Missouri found that people who ate breakfast (with good protein) experienced appropriate glucose responses after lunch. What they showed is that for the diabetic all means are not the same, the breakfast is the key to a normal blood sugar through out the day.  The researchers suggested about 25 grams of protein, which means you will need at least 2 eggs. You can also have 2 glasses of whole milk with a nice chunk of cheese. You can also have a slice of meat and cheese with toast.

Those who skip breakfast are setting themselves up for trouble through out the day. When seeking how to reverse pre diabetes make sure you are getting a good breakfast with protein like eggs or whole milk not (non or low fat).

Our diet to reverse high blood sugar without drugs is now used in over 17 countries. It is still the number one diet to get a normal blood sugar without drugs. 

Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet produces a normal blood sugar in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

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Which is more attractive women's short or long-women

2016-10-23 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Which is more attractive women's short or long-women
Separated some recent studies of scientists from the Universities of North Texas and Rice that the inverse relationship between the man and the length-length mirror
 short women enjoy the biggest attraction in men and the piece because it provides a state of saturation in intimacy with the man as the saturation of the friendly feeling of power and the rise and Excellence

Which is more attractive women's short or long-women

The researchers pointed out that women care about social prestige, capacity and wealth owned by more than outlook man to specifications physical external shape, while men tend to be paid to external specifications for women, explained the research that the long man more influential and attractive to women, and thus increasing the chance of finding a partner suitable to him while looking for fertility and reproductive marks when the woman who wants to be his partner, explained research also that women's short stature be fertility and reproduction rate has more than the longest women due to delay fertility boom dates and evolution of the Women's Long tall, and the women's short reach to adulthood after a childhood in the shortest of long-time women while women long exhausted its capacity in the physical growth of more fertility.

Which is more attractive women's short or long-women
Women's Long may face fewer opportunities to get a wider choice of men because of the height difference between the sexes. Van stable image in the minds of many men that women must be smaller than men, possibly due to a sense of control over them and that stronger physically, and that is what settles inside subconsciously not disclosed even if long-girl liked willowy and felt it more attractive for him, but he always wanted to at least larger than the girl, because he feels completely contained.
The research team found after studying the nature of life, health and social development through the various stages of life for about 10 thousand men were born in Britain since 1958 that tall men and women short beret in the process of human evolution through time and even in the modern era. Therefore it is unlikely that the difference in height between men and women disappears.
Which is more attractive women's short or long-women

For women's long actually lack of femininity and the most beautiful in women to be of moderate length and tends to minors are not inclined to length.
The teams length between men and women is a knot of men sometimes if they have been associated with girls longest of them, other psychological knot of women if she found herself married to a lesser ones taller man, thus depriving them from wearing high heels, you will find itself does not keep pace with fashion, as may be shy when they take her husband to the occasion and look of it is the largest in size, and the women always want to remain small and pampered with her husband, If at the same size, how fondly? Maybe he will feel with a friend even with him in his physical strength, even if women have the strength thin and svelte figure, so men want to involuntary in that the wife of them are smaller in size to be able to contain, control and appearing with her.
Did you know that men prefer women's short on long women ?! .. What do you think about that ?!

Food/diet - Health News

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Gastric banding caused more complications than weight loss

2016-10-08 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

About 220,000 people underwent weight-loss surgery in 2009, up since 2000 when 36,700 operations were performed, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in Gainesville, Florida. Gastric banding represents about one-third of that total. Almost half of patients undergoing gastric banding for obesity needed to have the device removed, often because of erosion, according to a study that found the treatment caused more complications than weight loss. “I personally no longer perform band gastroplasty, but I think it is defendable for surgeons to continue doing this,” said Jacques Himpens, the study’s lead author who works with the European School of Laparoscopic Surgery at Saint Pierre University Hospital in Brussels. “Patients should not expect too much from the procedure. If they do get the operation, they must commit themselves to lifelong and very tight follow-up.”

R.D.K holdings S.A

Food/diet - Health News

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