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простатит и аденома простаты

2017-02-23 23:02:00 (читать в оригинале)

вылечу простатит

причины простатита  , хронический простатиты симптомы  , лечение простатита самому  , антибиотики при простатите  , лечение простатита самые эффективные  , простатита у мужчин массаж  , препараты от простатита  , может ли простатит  , пластырь от простатита  , эффективное средство лечения простатита  ,

Факторы способствующие возникновению простатита и его лечение.

Эта статья написана для мужчин, которые любят себя, и для женщин, которые любят своих мужчин.

Простатит – это наиболее распространенное среди мужчин урологическое заболевание. И в этом нет ничего удивительного, поскольку факторы, ведущие к его развитию, слишком распространены в нашей жизни.
Что такое простатит? Кто им болеет?

Простатит – это воспаление предстательной железы. Основная причина его развития – это попадание в железу инфекционного агента, чему в немалой степени способствует анатомическое расположение предстательной железы в малом тазу. Инфекция может попадать в предстательную железу из мочевого пузыря, мочеиспускательного канала, прямой кишки, по кровеносным и лимфатическим сосудам малого таза.
Но само по себе попадание инфекции в простату еще не вызывает всех проявлений заболевания. Больше того, можно даже сказать, что для расположенной в таком “неблагополучном” месте различная инфекция для простаты – обычное явление, которое чаще всего проходит для мужчины совершенно незаметно.
Уретрамол. супер акция 1 рубль .
Вас мучает боль. Простатит мешает жить. Вам может стать еще хуже в ближайшие 1 - 2 года. Бесплодие. Кровь при эякуляции и мочеиспускании. Застой мочи в пузыре (до 500 мл). Везикулит.
4869548_zzxx (700x696, 139Kb)

Для развития же простатита со всей его неприятной клиникой нужны еще и предрасполагающие факторы. К этим факторам относятся:
 - Общее переохлаждение организма. Вы можете провалиться в прорубь, два часа ехать в заиндевевшей электричке, отдохнуть на холодном камне или у вас дома плохо топят.
 - Частые запоры. Заболевание может вызывать не эпизодический запор, а регулярные нарушения стула.
 - Работа в сидячем положении. В первую очередь рискуют водители, операторы ЭВМ и все те, кто весь рабочий день сидит и не имеет возможности (или ленится) встать и поразмяться.
 - Длительное половое воздержание и, наоборот, чрезмерная половая активность. И то, и другое одинаково вредно для организма в целом, но в первую очередь отрицательно сказывается на состоянии простаты.
 - Малоподвижный образ жизни.
 - Хронические воспалительные заболевания организма (например, хронический бронхит) и хронические очаги инфекции в вашем организме (например, тонзиллит, не леченные кариозные зубы).
 - Перенесенные венерические и урологические заболевания (гонорея, уретрит).
 - Любые другие состояние, способствующие угнетению иммунной системы вашего организма (например, перетренированность у спортсменов, регулярное недосыпание, перерабатывание, неполноценное и нерегулярное питание, хронический стресс и проч.).

Метки: причины простатита как вылечить простатит таблетки от простатита препараты от простатита простатит самое эффективное пластырь от простатита эффективное лечение простатита простатита купить можно ли при простатите простата и простатит лечение простатита отзывы простатит и аденома простаты простатиты у мужчин видео массаж простатита видео хронический простатиты симптомы лечение простатита самому антибиотики при простатите лечение простатита самые эффективные простатита у мужчин массаж может ли простатит

What foods are unsafe during pregnancy?

2017-02-23 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

What foods are unsafe during pregnancy?A matter of knowing what is safe and unsafe foods during pregnancy puzzling and confusing may seem, but if followed some simple rules, things become clearer.

Cheese - soft rotting or freedman or blue cheese must keep away from him, such as cheese, which by blue lines or any kind of crust or outer shell wild Knob Brie (a mellowed in a white shell mold and heart mushy with a yellow color light) and Alhambra Camembert (a cheese French Tauten rate increases from the inside over time). I also prefer to avoid soft cheeses made with unpasteurized species such as sheep or goat milk.

What foods are unsafe during pregnancy?
   Eggs - you need only to avoid the egg is cooked or not cooked well.

All types of quiches power that you buy from supermarkets, such as mayonnaise, and which uses pasteurized eggs safe to eat. Cook the egg white and yolk (yellow material) until losing any wife. Beware of eating products "homemade" like chocolate mousse and fresh mayonnaise because they contain raw eggs.

Dairy products (yogurt and other) - milk is pasteurized and dairy products made from unpasteurized milk also preferably be avoided because it may contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning you injury.

Meat and meat products - meat eating quite a bit, but make sure it is cooked well and the impact of any color red or pink and juices have been carried out of it completely, especially if it's for the purpose of grilling, or as part of ready-made meals. Stay away from processed meats such as salami (which is desirable products as sausage and salted impressive) because it is not without its dangers as well.

Saturated oils fish - good for you and your child, but it may contain environmental contaminants. Do not eat more than two servings of fish a week, such as mackerel (mackerel) and trout (trout) so that you get the benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fat without that you get on with it contaminants.

Eased of tuna so that no more than two piecewise taking a week or four medium-sized cans a week. Stay away from the shark, swordfish and marlin (marlin, a huge  thickness) because these types contain high levels of mercury, which can harm the nervous system growth of the fetus.

Finally, when you prepare food, make sure to follow the approach of health and preventive food - such as washing hands and keeping cooking surfaces tools that Than them clean with the use of a separate cutting meat raw for those that you place in ready-to-eat foods, and Follow tools instructions for cooking and storage with caution.

Food/diet - Health News

Diabetes and a warning for women, What the pre diabetes drug makers don’t want you to know, How the child becomes obese? What are the causes of obesity in children?, Can you have diabetes and drink coffee? An alarming study, Wrong habits cause breast Atralat, How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million, People with type 2 diabetes should eat nuts, olive oil and avocados, Can diabetes go away? Why everyone is at risk today, Yves Saint Laurent new cream Forever Youth Liberator will be a hit, 3 reasons High blood sugar causes dizziness,

Diabetes Memory Loss Confusion

2017-02-20 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)


Diabetes can cause confusion, dizziness and even loss of concentration. One of the least discussed aspects of high blood sugar is the way in which it affects the brain. There are many who are still unaware of the fact that excessive blood glucose has a direct affect on the workings of the brain. Diabetes, memory loss and confusion can be a very distributing consequence of high blood sugar. Many experience problems concentrating.



Excess glucose and brain function


Diabetics are at an increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A new study released this week shows a direct link between diminished cognitive functioning and high blood sugar. The thousands of readers from all over the world who read this site are well aware of the fact that high blood sugar affects every cell of the body, this is a punishing illness. The brain suffers when blood sugar is high.

The study published Wednesday in JAMA Psychiatry says people with diabetes face a risk of dementia higher than expected. In fact, depression as well as high blood sugar increased the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

“Depression and diabetes mellitus were independently associated with a greater risk for dementia, and the combined association of both exposures with the risk for all-cause dementia was stronger than the additive association,” the study concludes.

Diabetes memory loss, dizziness or confusion can stem from the fact that excessive glucose causes damage to brain cells. 


The message is clear that high blood sugar must be treated with a healing diet. The readers of this site are well aware that a sugar free diet does not and cannot heal the body, but a specific combination of foods can!

It is the specific combination of foods which have produced a normal blood sugar in thousands of people.  Diabetes can lead to mental decline, memory loss and confusion. You can do something about this.

Still the best selling type 2 diabetes diet for the last 7 years, now used in 17 countries


Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet produces a normal blood sugar in 17 countries




Food/diet - Health News

Exposure to sun lower risk to suffer from depression, Two slices of bacon a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, New report declaring that processed meat causes cancer, Yves Saint Laurent new cream Forever Youth Liberator will be a hit, Raspberry Ketone Plus will help you burn fat faster, Children of obese parents are most at risk of becoming obese., Death of an Arizona resident is linked to Europe's sprout-related Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak, Can you eat fruit with diabetes? A very surprising answer, Can diabetes go away? Why everyone is at risk today, Diabetes Skinny or Fat the illness is still a danger,

Raspberries have shown a positive correlation between intake of flavonoids in berries and memory improvement

2017-02-17 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Several animal studies have shown a positive correlation between intake of flavonoids in berries and memory improvement as well as decreasing the delay in cognitive ability related to aging. Also A recent report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition associated the intake of flavonoid-rich foods like raspberries with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stated that even small amounts of flavonoid-rich foods may be beneficial.Eating one cup of raw raspberries will provide 54% of your vitamin C needs, 12% of vitamin K, 6% of folate, 5% of vitamin E, iron, and potassium, and 41% of manganese needs for the day as well as lesser amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and copper.

Evolution Slimming Ltd

Read more on: Medical News Today

Food/diet - Health News

What is Pre Diabetes? See why it must be address quickly, Bread for Life diet, Is Splenda causing diabetes and weight gain? Researchers say maybe so, Diabetes, Metformin side effects or Fruit, Treating both Diabetes and Depression, Strict 600 calorie-a-day diet reverses Type 2 diabetes in a week, Diabetes chest pain : Listen to the message in the body, Diabetes Drug side effects, Weight Gain, Actos, HOW TO REVERSE HIGH BLOOD SUGAR, Can Pre Diabetes be stopped? Yes, when you learn how,

3 reasons High blood sugar causes dizziness

2017-02-08 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

“I have high blood sugar and am experiencing dizziness”, this was the latest message that we received from one of our readers in Europe.  It is important to know that a dizzy feeling is always a message which your body is sending you, many people ignore this mental confusion and this can be a huge mistake. High blood sugar and dizziness often go together, it is often a warning sign that the body is metabolically out of balance.

3 common but serious reasons for feeling dizzy with diabetes

1.  Super high glucose levels

Glucose (sugar) is needed and it does very important things in our cells, without this sugar we would not have any energy at all. In excessive amounts glucose is a poison in the bloodstream, and this is the health condition of the diabetic. The diabetic has too much glucose flooding into the bloodstream and this causes a metabolically imbalance within the body. When glucose levels soar too high it can cause dizziness. Always check your blood sugar level with a good monitor immediately if you are feeling dizzy, report any dizziness to your doctor.

*Please note that diabetic coma is real and can lead to death if sugar levels go to high!  If blood sugar levels soar very high it can cause a person to get dizzy and pass out* call 911 immediately if you feel you may pass out*

2.  Dehydrate

One of the more common causes of dizziness in the diabetic is due to dehydration. The typical diabetic does not drink enough water; a lot of water is necessary keep blood sugar levels normal.   When we think of the fact that the bloodstream is flooded with sugar, wouldn’t it make sense to drink more water to help eliminate this fluid?  Despite the fact that water is very helpful, many diabetics are not drinking any water.

When a person is dehydrated, their body produces a hormone called vasopressin. 

Vasopressin causes the kidneys to retain water and also prompts your liver to produce blood sugar, which may lead to elevated higher blood sugar levels. Over time, this effect may lead to insulin resistance.  High blood and dizziness are often linked, are you drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day? If you have a hard time drinking water, consider squeezing a little lime or lemon in the glass of water.

  1. Diabetes and mental confusion

High blood sugar can have a very detrimental affect on the brain, diabetics often experience confusion, brain related fatigue and mental disorientation. Over time diabetics are at higher risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. High blood sugar causes a damaging affect on the brain.

Dr. R. Nick Bryan, professor emeritus of the department of radiology at the Perleman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,  “We found that in addition to that, there’s sort of diffuse loss of brain tissue, atrophy… we think may have a direct effect of the diabetes on the brain.”

High blood sugar dizziness is always a sign of a body that is out of balance, in the short term it may be a sign of seriously high glucose levels and in the long run it can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Why not erase diabetes now

SEE HERE Type 2 Diabetes Diet cure in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

What to do about Diabetes Vertigo, Dizziness, 16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast, The Carb Lover’s Diet taking America by storm, The best natural way to breast enlargement, What to do about pre diabetes? The answer, Best Blog healthy diet, Blood sugar high what to eat? This can really help, Can binge eating cured by a supplement of oestrogen?, Jenny Craig diet program scored top ranking as best diet, Fourteen tips to get rid of obesity,

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