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Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:36:08 блограйдером zerber22

Simple ways that you can go about reducing your calorie intake

2017-02-05 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Let’s give you a few quick calorie cutting food swaps to think about:

Eat oatmeal instead of granola: oatmeal is very high in fiber and sugar free, which cannot be said for most granola cereals. The first great swap to make is to exchange out your usual bowl of granola in the morning for some oatmeal instead. By choosing oatmeal instead, you can easily save yourself 200-300 calories in the process.

Eat spaghetti squash instead of pasta : Pasta is a very high calorie food is and is very easy to overeat on.  If you want to maintain that reduced calorie intake for faster weight loss, then squash is the superior choice.

R.D.K holdings S.A  

Eat fish instead of beef: Beef is definitely is a good protein source in your diet but fish would be a superior option. Eat beef once per week to help keep your iron intake up and have fish or chicken the remaining nights instead. Fish and chicken is lower in calories and low fat, so when you’re really trying to get the weight off quickly, it’ll help you get there faster.

Eat or drink real fruit instead of juice: Real fruit is going to be high in fiber and nutrients and will fill you up much more quickly and help to keep you satisfied. Many people are thinking that juice is a very healthy selection, but it's not. Juice is very high in calories and will produce a rather rapid spike in blood glucose levels due to the lack of fiber it contains, while real fruit is the opposite.

Food/diet - Health News

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What can a diabetic eat? Cost of the illness soars

2017-01-15 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

What can a diabetic eat which will help the control the high blood sugar? This is one of the more common questions we get on this site. Sadly, most people will spend thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the illness, and many with high blood sugar have no health insurance.  The cost of diabetes is sky high. What can a diabetic eat? This is a very good question. The key to controlling this illness is healing.

It is crucial for a person with a high blood sugar to utilize a healing diet, nothing else is better. A sugar free diet is not a healing diet. One of the most misunderstood factors about high blood sugar, is the fact that people still believe that a sugar free diet will control the illness. While a sugar free diet will not harm you, it will not help produce a normal blood sugar.

What is happening in the body?

  1. When the blood sugar level is continually high it is a signal that the pancreas is not operating correctly, it is being worn out. It is tired of pumping insulin in an attempt to lower blood sugar.

  1. The cells of the body have been worn out; the cells do not accept the good insulin resulting in constant sugar “glucose” floods into the bloodstream. This is how the diabetic loses the fight. This is what opens the door to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and loss of limbs. What can a diabetic eat may be the most important health question for the person with high blood sugar.

The alarming cost of Diabetes

The average person will spend more than $5,000 dollars a year to treat diabetes.

Last year more than $10,000 dollars was the cost for the average diabetes related kidney dialysis.

The costs are going higher! A new annual report released on Monday reveals the staggering increases that people with high blood sugar will pay.

How much the drug maker’s profit?

Each year the drug makers profit $7 billion dollars from the diabetics’ medications! These are incredible numbers! Yet the drugs often cause heart attacks, strokes and even death.

Last week Actos maker Tadeka agreed to pay back over $$$2 billion dollars from the damage done to so many diabetic’s hearts from the drug.

The whopping cost!

American Diabetes Association found that the total cost of diagnosed diabetes in the U.S. had risen 41 percent over the five-year period to $245 billion annually.

What should a diabetic eat? A healing diet is more powerful than any diabetes drug! We have revealed this in more than 17 countries. Thousands use a healing diet and produce a normal blood sugar.

The final cost of diabetes over the last 5 years as risen to $245 Billion dollars 

...yet a simple $20 dollar diet can give you the same normal blood sugar.


Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet produces a normal blood sugar in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

British woman loses half its weight because of this drink, Pre Diabetes and Fat, the truth, Calories in juices and soda water, Raspberry Ketone Plus will help you burn fat faster, Do I have diabetes? What you need to know, The risk of wear bra throughout the day, Parkinson's disease may be treatable with two existing antimalaria drugs, What should a diabetic eat?, Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth, Metformin for Pre diabetes? Think again,

Bread for Life diet

2017-01-09 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The Bread for Life diet is based on the premise that eating generous amounts of bread every day will reduce cravings and help you lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks. The theory behind the diet is that complex carbohydrates act to increase serotonin levels, which in turn results in a reduction in cravings for sweet foods and decreased appetite. The Bread for Life diet is created by Israeli nutritionist, Olga Raz. The theory behind the diet is that complex carbohydrates act to increase serotonin levels, which in turn results in a reduction in cravings for sweet foods and decreased appetite. The foundation of the diet is bread; up to 12 slices of bread a day for women and 16 for men.

Raz does emphasize that this must be ‘light’ bread which contains 35-45 calories per slice. Heavier breads and those containing nuts and raisins may have up to 90 calories. These are not forbidden but not recommended for everyday use – and allowed as long as daily bread calorie quota maintained.

Food/diet - Health News

Fruit helps to burn fat in the body, Babies should exercise, to avoid obesity later in life, Can a diabetic eat Sugar? Why it is the only choice., What to do about Diabetes Vertigo, Dizziness, Reverse type 2 diabetes or face serious health problems, Marriage One of the causes of obesity, Nuts good for your weight and heart, Benefits of the Islamic fasting on the body's health, Fed up of being overweight?, New Alzheimer's drugs will actually slow the disease,

What is Pre Diabetes? See why it must be address quickly

2016-12-31 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

What is Pre Diabetes? This is a question that more people are asking due to a startling rise in the numbers of cases worldwide, there was a time when very few people in the world were affected by high blood sugar but this is not the situation today. It is important to have a complete understanding of the illness and how it affects the body. What is pre diabetes? In this post we will give a basic overview of the illness and why it is essential to address the condition as soon as possible.

When your organs start to fail

Excessive blood sugar is a poison, it affects all the organs of the body; this is something that so many diabetics are still not understanding.

Why is the system flooded with glucose(sugar)?

1. It is your pancreas which delivers healthy insulin through out your body when you are healthy, but this is not the case with the diabetic; the diabetic has a pancreas that is wearing out. The supply of insulin is dying out and this opens your body up to many other illnesses.  Without a good supply of natural insulin your body is going to suffer. The picture below shows healthy insulin blasting out of the pancreas and into the cells


    1. The pancreas may be in good shape, it may be pumping out insulin but your cells which should open up for the insulin are resistance.  If your cells will not let insulin in this results in an abundance of sugar flooding into your bloodstream.  A body with a flood of blood sugar ruins the organs of the body. See below the sugar(glucose blue) flooding the bloodstream.

     What is pre diabetes? It is a sign that either your pancreas is starting to wear out or that your cells are now resistance(closed) to insulin,  The result is that the sugar flooded your system (bloodstream)

    The bad news

    If you are pre diabetic the bad news is that the illness is starting to wear your body down, this opens the door to heart disease, stroke and even cancer. Many diabetic are forced to have their limbs removed due to the damage caused by the excess sugar flooding the bloodstream.

    The good news

    There is some good news for pre diabetics, the illness can be reversed without any need for doctor’s medications. The correct combination of foods in a very specialized targeted diet causes the blood sugar to normalize without drugs. Doctors know that a targeted diet of the right combination of foods reversed high blood in thousands of people but they do not believe that you are disciplined to change your diet.

    Most pre diabetics are given dangerous diabetic medications which they do not need, this is a tragedy.  A pre diabetic diet from Europehas reversed the illness in thousand of people worldwide without the need for any drugs. What is pre diabetes? It is a very serious warning sign but you can reverse this today like thousands have done.

          SEE HERE
          Pre Diabetes Diet in 17 countries

    Food/diet - Health News

    Diet soda? The beverage is once again linked to Weight gain and Cancer, The risk of child obesity, Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity, Yves Saint Laurent new cream Forever Youth Liberator will be a hit, What does diabetes do? A shocking look, What to eat with Pre diabetes? An Answer, Gastric banding caused more complications than weight loss, What can a diabetic eat? Why few know the truth, What can help with the diabetes explosion as more young people are dying?, Diabetes and a warning for women,

    Type 2 diabetes recipe

    2016-12-25 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

    There is a type 2 diabetes recipe which is becoming very popular in Europe and it is used with the targeted diet to reverse high blood sugar. If you are a diabetic it means that food should be very important to you, the choice of foods which you make can literally be the different between reversing the illness or not.  A type 2 diabetes recipe should be one which has the ability to reverse the illness with the food.



    Let your food heal your body


    Our food has the potential to do wonderful things; the power which the Creator put in our food can literally reverse the worst of illnesses. There is a saying attributed to Hippocrates (The father of modern medicine) which stated that “For every illness there exist a food with the ability to neutralize that illness”. High blood sugar is one of the more dangerous illnesses in the world today; the condition can be described as living with a continual poison high level of sugar in the bloodstream. Elevated sugars slowly deteriorate the cells of the body in addition; high blood sugar ruins the organs.


    Diabetics live shorter and more painful lives, it is crucial to use food to reverse the illness, a type 2 diabetes recipe which has become quite popular is a power fruit smoothie.


    Fruit vs fruit juice


    Whole Fruit is wonderful for the diabetic, many diabetics are not aware that “Whole fruits” heal the diabetic.  Prestigious Harvard Universityput fruits and fruit juice to the test against high blood sugar and what they found out is that fruit juices do not help the diabetic but certain “Whole Fruits” literally reverse the illness!


    Harvard researchers concluded


    “Our data further endorse current recommendations on increasing whole fruits, but not fruit juice, as a measure for diabetes prevention,” said lead author Isao Muraki, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at HSPH.


    “And our novel findings may help refine this recommendation to facilitate diabetes prevention.”


    Eating certain whole fruits only 2 times a week reversed high blood sugar but almost 25%!


    A type 2 diabetes recipe which is very popular is a powerful fruit smoothie which is made in 5 minutes with only 3 ingredients plus water


    Blueberries can heal the pancreas and create a normal blood sugar when used in the right diet, here is how many are doing this.



    1. ½ cup of blueberries
    2. ½ cup  of Almond milk(or any milk you like)
    3. 1 ounce of any nuts you like ( the nuts can be mixed in, added on top or both)
    4. 10 ice cubes
    5. ½ a cup of water



      Here is why this simple recipe has been helping so many, the blueberries heal the pancreas, and this causes a good supply of insulin to remove the excessive blood sugar.


      The fat in nuts is good and does not cause weight gain


      This is a perfect snack any time of day or night.  Use this type 2 diabetes recipe with the reverse high blood sugar diet (used in 17 countries), this is what thousands have done to stop the illness.


      SEE HERE Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet in 17 countries



      Food/diet - Health News

      Important tips before the start of the diet, Children of obese parents are most at risk of becoming obese., Diabetes, Stress and Depressed, Can you eat fruit with diabetes? A very surprising answer, What is Pre Diabetes? See why it must be address quickly, The most important tips for slimming 2015, Diseases of children due to animal husbandry, Which is more attractive women's short or long-women, TYPE 2 DIABETES: Which foods you must eat, Metformin for Pre diabetes? Think again,

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