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Адрес блога: http://or-diet.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:36:08 блограйдером zerber22

The fastest way to get the body limber

2016-12-19 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The fastest way to get the body limberLose 12 kilos per week of weight without any medications that you are suffering from obesity and are looking for some solutions Food to lose weight today the oldest to you the best solutions for the Food Fast weight loss diet with certaintyBut even you can have your weight quickly you have to be patient and that  everything you can from power until you get to a healthy section or idealYou have to lose those fats that what recently caused a lot of damage would be in order

First the old your system, you immediately forget that food van was not healthy you extrapolation those words now, you're probably to be in one of the swimming poolsNow Welcome new diet and healthyWe will not keep you any diet doctor thou yourself chose your meals daily and freely walked away but far from harmful foods and which we will remember most dangerous
French fries:
Soft drinks
The fastest way to get the body limber

Foods that contain artificial dyesInternal organs such as the liver, spleen, kidney tongue PatriarchalSolid fat at room temperature, such as plant and animal obesity, butter and margarineCanned CasalsMicrowave 
Avoid cooking food in the microwave because those rays emitted from inside chemical materials, which become very harmful carcinogens.Processed meatAvoid processed meats such as sliced ​​luncheon meat and cooked meat and other processed products that added sodium nitrate, high-calorie and saturated fat intake, which might cause raising the risk of heart disease.Sweetener made from white flour 
The fastest way to get the body limber
Stay away completely from eating donuts and crackers, cookies, potato chips, which are made with white flour, hydrogenated oils, which is one of the worst foods that increase the risk of cancerSausageSausage is one of the worst foods that you eat may constantly, so as to contain a high concentration of sodium nitrate, so specialists advise you not to eat more than 12 pieces of sausage in a month because it may cause time with the emergence of cancer!

Cheese cookedMost types of cheese cooked rich by about nearly 150 calories price per part, as well as preferred cheddar cheese at all, and the content on the 7 grams of saturated fat.Either you love any of those foods that can be Gate to other types of foods such as fresh vegetables and fruitsThere are some vegetables that will help you lose weight, including the followingSquash (water tank)Zucchini installation featured it the best summer vegetables, because they contain water, metals and materials compensatory, and no doubt in the presence of vitamins, such as the rest of the vegetables and quantities suitable 
The fastest way to get the body limber
Peas (granted satiety):Characterized peas granting energy for the body, because of their sugar, fiber and protein, so suffice amount does not exceed 150 grams of peas to satisfy the person. Another benefit to a basket which they raise the proportion of sugars in the bloodBroccoli (maintain the agility of the body):
If you are ninety to eating avoids overweight, do not forget broccoli, because part of it that weighs 250 grams gives the body calories less than 50 calories. It is moist vegetables that give a sense of fullness covered (satiety)Green beans (young girlfriend):Thanks to what gives him the green beans fresh for the body of energy, they are working to diversify the menu without exposure to obesityStrawberry strawberry star fruit summer:
Considered (strawberry) strawberry fruit mildly better, thanks to contain a great deal of water, balanced amounts of sugars and organic acids.Tomatoes and protective digestive:Shall not be granted tomatoes major energy for the body, but it is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are included in the list of fruits (because it is the fruit) with a high nutritional density in these materials. In fact, the tomatoes provide the body, magnesium, zinc and vitamins C and E as well as folio acid.Cherry diuretic good for PaulCherry fruit sugary give a quick absorption of sugars (Angelo and Frame). And the quantity of which corresponds to 125 grams of cherries give 85 calories, one of the fruits that help diuresis thanks to contain a great deal of water and potassium, as well as the "solicitor", a sugar alcohol of plant originApricot fruit athletes:Apricot is Addams known for vitamin A or beta carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A and this fruit also contain a sufficient amount of potassium, iron, copper, magnesium and minerals necessary for athletes. Apricots whether fresh or blow-dry the fruit is blocking their needs.
It deals with very ripe apricots, ensure
s proper digestion process,
 Many people suffer from the presence of the amount of fat in the abdominal area specifically
, And this may be due to many things, such as lack of movement
- Malnutrition - a hereditary factor
... Kovi this article we will review 10 of the best exercises to flatten the abdomen
I do. As I will explain how to perform each exercise them
And the usefulness of each exercise
.tmarin To flatten the abdomen
1. Exercise bike

The fastest way to get the body limber

Steps exercise performance
: -1- Lie on the floor.
2. Make exercise as image and quickly medium
For a period of 30-60 seconds
3. Take a break 15 seconds
4. Repeat the previous steps to work 3 rounds
Exercise benefits: -
This exercise is one of the overall abdominal exercises
, As it covers all parts of the abdomen,
It is of excellent exercises to flatten the abdomen
2. Exercise II

The fastest way to get the body limber

1. Lie on the floor (it should be solid)
2. Extend your hands back and straight up
3. Raise your body using your abdominal muscles (as image)
4. Make a repeat 15-25
5. Make 3 rounds and the period of 15 seconds break between rounds
The benefits of this exercise: -
Is a strain of upper abdominal exercises,
It helps to divide the abdomen (belly muscles first 4)
The burning of a good number of calories.
3 Third Exercise

The fastest way to get the body limber
1 pass the ball from the hands and legs to the contrary
Steps Exercise: -
1. You need to football training
2. Lie on the floor,
Hold the ball with your hands
. 3. Using your abdominal muscles to climb
, And passed the ball from the hands to the legs
, And repeat it 20 Mrh4- Take a break 10 seconds,
And then do another round
Exercise benefits: -
This exercise helps to move the upper and lower abdominal muscles,
It is building both of them and helps to be divided,
Also, the muscles need time to recover from after this exercise
Exercise IV
The fastest way to get the body limber
 1. Lie on the floor,
Proven ball
2. proven put your hands (as image)
3. Lift the bottom to the top of your body (10 times)
  legs and then worked another 10 iterations
4. Take a break 20 seconds,
And make two rounds or three
Exercise benefits: -
This exercise focuses on the tummy tuck in from the bottom,
It strengthens the muscles and the lower bit being amplified,
This exercise is one of the exercises that preferably carried out by at least
Twice a week
Exercise V
The fastest way to get the body limber
Touch football
How to perform the exercise: -
1. Lie on the floor,
And lift your legs in the air at an angle of 90 degrees
2. using the right hand,
Touch the left ankle,
And vice versa with the left hand touch the right ankle
3. Repeat this 30 times, then take a break 15 seconds
4. Repeat the previous steps to do 3 sets
The benefits of this exercise: -
We are specialized in the construction of the upper part of the abdominal exercises,
It also helps in building the side abdominal muscles,
So do not neglect this exercise at all !!
Exercise VI

The fastest way to get the body limber

Lifting legs and hands Citation
Steps: -
1. proven hands as image
2. Lift the legs until you reach the chest
(For more difficulty you can lift your legs without the Butane
That Brahms straight up)
3. Make 15 repeat,
Take your break 10 seconds and repeat it 3 times
The benefits of this exercise: -
If you're looking for a tummy tuck exercises,
This is considered one of the best exercises at all,
It focuses on the lower abdomen (more place him gather fat)
So this exercise of basic exercises for the muscles of the abdomen,
And if you want to get muscles belly divided,
Beware that neglect this exercise
Exercise VII

The fastest way to get the body limber
Exercise lifting legs
Steps: -
1. Lie on the floor and grabbed something with your hands
2. Lift the legs as image
(To increase the difficulty lift it straight up)
3. Repeat this 15-30 times,
Then take a break 30 seconds,
And repeat steps 3 times
Features: -
Exercise is like the previous one,
It does affect the lower abdomen muscles,
It is one of the best exercises to sculpt the abdomen,
I advise everyone his performance.
Exercise eighth
The fastest way to get the body limber
Lifting legs vertically
Steps: -
1. Lie on solid ground,
Put your hands on the floor next to your back
2. Lift your legs 90 degrees, and then  up as image
3. Repeat this 10-25 times from then take the rest 10 seconds
4. Do 3 sets of this exercise
The importance of exercise: -
It focuses on the lower abdominal muscles,
Of exercises that I love,
Arise, try it and judge for yourselves
Exercise IX
The fastest way to get the body limber
How to perform this exercise
1. Lie on your belly,
, And the lifting of the right hand with his left foot,
Then reverse the hands and legs
2. Do not lift quickly,
Take about two seconds each elevation
3. Repeat this 15 times on each side and take a break 20 seconds
4. Make a 4 rounds
The benefits of this exercise: -
This exercise is strained abdomen as a whole,
He moves almost all the muscles of your abdomen so that side of them,
Therefore, we must not forget this exercise at all
Exercise X
The fastest way to get the body limber

 How to perform this exercise: -1. Lie on your belly2. Lift your body using your stomach muscles(And hands) as image3. proven on this situation for a minute,Take your rest 20 seconds, and repeat steps 3 timesThe benefits of this exercise: -This exercise shall move specifically slow abdominal muscle fibers,It helps to tighten the abdomen indescribably,It helps to build and sculpt abdominal muscles as a whole.In the end Tummy tuck exercises are affecting the abdominal muscles,And that it is not fat,But it caused the decrease of body fat as a wholeBecause they are burning many calories.I like to say that these exercises are not the best exercises 10At all, it may benefit you do not benefit me or vice Therefore Arise her experience and told me the results,Frankly it is after experience, the results are more wonderful thanOf course you can imagine Do not do all the work of the exercises in this articleThe same day, contented themselves with exercises 3 or 4 max,not every day, but trained day after dayFor best results should improve your diet your systemAnd you will publish the percentage of protein in the food and underestimateFat, especially saturated and hydrogenated.

Food/diet - Health News

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth, Bread for Life diet, What is Pre Diabetes? See why it must be address quickly, Blood sugar high what to eat? This can really help, Best drinks to diet and fat burning, The best natural way to breast enlargement, Bad habits about food cause obesity, Children of obese parents are most at risk of becoming obese., Do I have diabetes? What you need to know, Diet soda? The beverage is once again linked to Weight gain and Cancer,

Snacks do not increase weight

2016-12-01 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Kill me feeling hungry during Weight Loss And look for snacks of not more than weight Today we offer you five snacks of not more than weight

 Diet Recipes, Healthy, Food Diet Plans,  Diet Food,  Healthy Eating, Weight Pills,

 The first meal
  Half a cup of ice cream

Weight Meal , Healthy Plan , Protein Diet ,Easy Diet ,Quick Diet ,Healthy Meals
Yes, it surprise you when you know that
  Half a cup of ice-cream
It is one of the snacks with low-calorie.
  Half a cup of ice cream is only 100 calories contains only.
Moreover, it will give you protein and calcium.
Ice cream containing the 
(saturated fat: 2 g - Sodium: 45 mg - cholesterol: 20 milligrams - carbohydrates: 15 grams )

 Second meal

 Diet Recipes, Healthy, Food Diet Plans,  Diet Food,  Healthy Eating, Weight Pills,
Weight Meal , Healthy Plan , Protein Diet ,Easy Diet ,Quick Diet ,Healthy Meals
When the desire to snack feels satiety
 The right choice in front of you is the record of microwave popcorn
. Some types of popcorn ensure you get 100 calories
  6 cups when you eat them. Because popcorn need to chew,
Furthermore it contains a high content of fiber, it makes you feel full for longer periods.

Containing popcorn on: (saturated fat: 0.5 grams - Sodium: 220 mg - cholesterol: 0 mg - carbohydrates: 24 grams )

They waited for the rest of the meals that do not increase the weight in the next Thread 

Food/diet - Health News

Parkinson's disease may be treatable with two existing antimalaria drugs, Sleeping pills significantly raise the risk of dying, WHO predicts 1.4 million infected with Ebola by January 2015, Simple ways that you can go about reducing your calorie intake, Hospital infections are riskier worldwide than flying, Exercises for housewives to lose weight, Calories in juices and soda water, What can a diabetic eat? Cost of the illness soars, People with type 2 diabetes should eat nuts, olive oil and avocados, Gwyneth Paltrow is not a dietitian,

Can a diabetic eat Sugar? Why it is the only choice.

2016-11-19 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

One of the most common questions on this site is “Can a diabetic eat sugar” Diabetes is not caused by eating this very natural sweetener. There is a lot of misconceptions when it comes to the illness of high blood glucose. Sadly, the media helps to spread much of the erroneous information. Can a diabetic eat sugar? The answer is 100% yes, in fact it is much better to eat natural cane sugars than any of the artificial sweeteners on the market. We will explore why artificial sweeteners actually makes diabetes worst, and how they make you fat.

Aspartame: This is the sweetener that is added to almost all diet sodas, it is in diet Pepsi,Coke,Mountain dew, Diet Snapple and every other diet drink you can think of. You may think you are doing something good by drinking a diet drink but here is the whole truth, these drinks cause your waistline to grow not get skinny. Researchers at the Univ. of Texas study below

Those who drank diet soda experienced a 70 percent greater increase in waist circumference over a decade than non-users, a study by the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio found.
"The more diet sodas people drank, the more their waists grew," researcher Sharon Fowler told The Post.
"For people who drink two or more diet sodas a day, their waist increase was five times those who drank no diet sodas -- almost two inches.
Can a diabetic eat sugar? It is the best choice because it is natural

What about Splenda? So many people have switched to Splenda and they are still not losing weight, here is why

Researchers found that Splenda reversed cell weight loss and caused weight gain.

The study, which was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, provides "evidence that, in the animals studied, Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%, increases the pH level in the intestines, contributes to increases in body weight.

Splenda(sucralose) caused weight gain not weight loss, It most be understood that there is no good “artificial” sweetener. Artificial means fake and the body will not response to fake. You will not lose weight or reverse high blood sugar.
Food chemicals kills your good insulin. You are insulin resistance and overweight
Insulin is good and causes weight loss and normal blood sugars in healthy people. When you are healthy glucose runs from your good insulin. If you have diabetes or cannot lose weight it is due to insulin resistance, you have cells that do not listen to insulin, you are insulin resistance, you are overweight, you have high blood-sugar. You do not have good insulin to remove the blood-sugar from your bloodstream. We are now a Nation of insulin resistance people, our bodies no longer listen to insulin, this is why dieting does not work. Artificial sweeteners make it worst, can a diabetic eat sugar? It is the only choice. Just be smart an use it moderately.

Reverse Diabetes or finally lose weight now in 18 countries   See here Reverse Type 2 diabetes Today

Food/diet - Health News

Foods that actually help to speed up your metabolism, Can a diabetic eat Sugar? Why it is the only choice., Adult obesity rates increased in 16 states during the past year, New report declaring that processed meat causes cancer, Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth, The most important tips for slimming 2015, What should a diabetic eat?, How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million, The treatment of blackheads and pimples for youth, Learn about the first signs of pregnancy,

Diabetes Blurry Vision, what to do about this

2016-11-10 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Diabetes blurry vision (retinopathy) can be a very serious walk up call to address elevated blood sugar. There is a particularly danger which affects the eyes of those with high blood sugar, a recent study has revealed that there has been a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from diabetic eye complications leading to blindness.  Diabetes blurry vision is often a sign of nerve or blood vessel damage which can permanently damage the eyes; we will address this in this post.



How high blood sugar affects the eyes



There has been a very large jump in the number of people who are experiencing eye troubles as a result in high blood sugar, excessive glucose (sugar) in the blood is a poison, and this is something that this site has always emphasized.  The eyes have very small blood vessels which are easily damaged by excessive sugar in the blood; diabetic blindness is a result of nerve or blood vessel damage resulting in complications to the retina. The true danger of excessive sugar to the eyes is how glucose damages the very delicate blood vessels in the eyes, for those who do not address this; the eyes can be permanently affected. Diabetes blurry vision can also be caused by taking insulin; many people who have begun taking insulin may experience a sudden problem with the eyes. If the problem is from the insulin this usually adjust back to normal once the blood sugar is stabilized.   It is extremely important that you understand how high blood sugar is causing more people to lose their eyesight; a new study makes this point abundantly clear.




STUDY: National Eye Institutes, diabetic retinopathy, one of the most common and destructive complications of diabetes, increased by 3.7 million new cases over the last decade. More than 7 million Americans are now affected by diabetic retinopathy. Even more stunning, the rate is projected to climb to 11 million in the next decade. People with diabetes are also at greater risk for cataracts, which is a cloud over the eye lens, and glaucoma, which damages the optic nerve


* Please understand that the damage to the retina’s blood vessels can cause leaking of fluid and blood, at times new blood vessels form on top of the retina causing even more serious vision complications*


If you have diabetes blurry vision it is essential that you get the blood sugar down naturally, it is best to do this with diet, type 2 is completely reversible with a very specialized diet.


There is a European type 2 diabetes diet that has been helping people reverse high blood sugar drug free in over 17 countries and saving the vision. 

 Click the Bug at the Top right of this page to start the diet now




Food/diet - Health News

What can a diabetic eat? Why few know the truth, Child thinnest problem causes and treatment, What should a diabetic eat?, Rumen risks and ways to get rid of it, Children of obese parents are most at risk of becoming obese., Metformin for Pre diabetes? Think again, What can a diabetic eat? Cost of the illness soars, Two slices of bacon a day can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, Foods that actually help to speed up your metabolism, Women lost 11 stone after she saw her wedding photos,

Nuts good for your weight and heart

2016-10-20 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Eating nuts lowers the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Those who consumed varieties such as cashews, almonds, and pistachios demonstrated a lower body weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference compared to non-consumers. People who eat nuts as part of a heart-healthy diet can lower the LDL, low-density lipoprotein or "bad," cholesterol level in their blood. High LDL is one of the primary causes of heart disease. Experts are now recommending a daily intake of 1.5 ounces, or three tablespoons of nuts as part of a healthy diet.
Source: DailyMail

Food/diet - Health News

New Alzheimer's drugs will actually slow the disease, Bad habits about food cause obesity, Weight loss surgery works better than weight-loss drugs or diets, I have high blood sugar what can I eat? A surprise, Simple ways that you can go about reducing your calorie intake, Calories for most foods, Which is more attractive women's short or long-women, The Bite Counter could help you lose weight, Can you reverse Pre diabetes? What you need to know, Can a diabetic eat Sugar? Why it is the only choice.,

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