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Microservices и Модель Акторов (Actor Model) 2017-08-01 01:49:28
... на задачи (Task Based UI)
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Доклад посвящен:
- Пользовательским интерфейсам ориентированным на задачи (Task Based UI)
- CQRS (Command/Query Responsibility Segregation)
- Микросервисы
- Закон Конвея и его влияние на примере организации команд в Magento
- Fine-grained сервисы vs Coarse-grained сервисы
- Синхронность vs Асинхронность
- Модель Акторов (Actor Model)
Вторая часть доклада находится под хабракатом. Читать дальше →
Тэги: actor, based, cqrs, crud, magento, magento2, microservices, model, php, rad, soa, task, веб-сайтов, код, проектирование, разработка, рефакторинг, совершенный
Chuletillas (y XXXXV) – Integrar comandos MySQL en un shell script 2016-07-15 20:19:03
Existen diversas formas de integrar comandos de MySQL dentro de un shell script de linux. La más có ...
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Existen diversas formas de integrar comandos de MySQL dentro de un shell script de linux. La más cómoda, creo, es utilizar el parámetro -e del cliente en línea de myql. Por ejemplo, así: Lo que pasa es que así puesto sirve de bien poco porque nos va a pedir el password de forma interactiva. Para … Continuar leyendo "Chuletillas (y XXXXV) – Integrar comandos MySQL en un shell script"
Тэги: bases, bash, chuletillas, datos, mysql, script, scripts, shell, tecnologia
Internet Marketing Training For Home Based Business Owners 2016-06-16 01:08:01
... Operating a Home Based Business I remember ...
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How To Set Up and Start Operating a Home Based Business I remember myself anticipating to having my first website ready when I first started, as if when I would have it ready, my business would become internationally known at a blink of an eye! Being Enthusiastic is essential… Another thing that is essential though, […]
Тэги: based, business, home, internet, marketing, natural, training
Internet Marketing Training For Home Based Business Owners 2016-06-16 01:08:01
... Operating a Home Based Business I remember ...
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How To Set Up and Start Operating a Home Based Business I remember myself anticipating to having my first website ready when I first started, as if when I would have it ready, my business would become internationally known at a blink of an eye! Being Enthusiastic is essential… Another thing that is essential though, […]
Тэги: based, business, home, internet, marketing, natural, training
Home Based Business Article Category 2016-06-14 20:40:22
“I hate my job.” Is this a phrase you often find yourself saying, or at least thinking? ...
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“I hate my job.” Is this a phrase you often find yourself saying, or at least thinking? You’re not alone! Surveys show that the majority of Americans feel the same way. Like you, they regret their choice of career. They feel trapped in a dead-end job. They wish they had the money to go back […]
Тэги: article, based, business, category, home, natural
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