... . Brilliant for
coats that cannot ... totally non greasy
. Great for ...
Recommended For: Particularly good for flowing coats that need wrapping e.g. Pekingese, Shih Tzus, Yorkshire Terriers etc. Any coat that needs moisturising such as Spaniels, Setters, Retrievers etc.
How to apply: We recommend foaming about a golf ball sized amount to 1 cup of warm water in a Plush Puppy Spray Bottle. Shake well and spray onto coat lengths. Wrap as normal.
Can be used as a grooming/disentangling spray – dilute and mix as above.
For regular moisturising and rehydration, simply shake can well and apply a golf ball sized amount to hands. Spread through the coat. Comb, brush or groom as usual. DO NOT RINSE. LEAVE IN.
A remarkable “leave in” product designed to moisturise all types of coats without leaving them greasy or feeling oily. This amazing formula really gets results. Brilliant for conditioning coats that cannot take a regular conditioner e.g. where you need to retain fullness, or coats that need a totally non greasy conditioning. Great for disentangling and reducing knots.
Made to Cheryl’s special formula.
Концетрированная формула ...
SALON FORMULA - кондиционер для профессионального применения
Концетрированная формула кондиционера разработана специально для профессионального применения в груминг-салонах, а также питомниках, где требуется уход за собаками различных пород средствами высокого качества.
Экономное и эффективное средство, которое подходит для применения в гидрованнах и ваннах.
... . Adds shine and
and is a ...
Available Sizes: 140ml & 1L
Recommended For: Effective for most breeds including Poodles, Rotties, Dobermans, Boxers, Siberians, Samoyeds, Setters etc.
Derived from: Blended from essential plant oils for calming and healing qualities. An innovative organic formula where old meets new with wheat germ oil, calendula oil and evening primrose oil etc.
How to apply:
Add 1 tbspn to 4 litres/1 gallon of warm water and hydrobath through the coat or sponge liberally onto the coat. LEAVE IN. DO NOT RINSE. Adjust dilution rate according to coat needs. Can also be applied without dilution for traditional coat oiling. Use sparingly for wrapping or to help stop breakage.
This product truly has “star” quality. Adds shine and condition and is a wonderful light alternative with longer lasting benefits than regular oiling. Really helps to make a coat feel healthy. Use as an alternative to a regular conditioner as it will not flatten the coat.
ONE – это довольно ...

Sony собираются ограничить доступ к PlayStation Network для тех геймеров, которые не откажутся от права подавать коллективные иски на Sony за возможные будущие дыры в безопасности.
Компания изменила правила и условия использования PSN, и теперь при следующем входе в сеть пользователи обязаны с ними согласиться. Согласно этим правилам, геймеры должны проводить все возможные уголовные иски через выбранного Sony арбитра, прежде чем отправляться в суд. Новые условия звучат примерно так:
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