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Тэг «edt»

Главные темы

The detailed plan will help to eat correctly

   2011-03-10 01:43:49
The Canadian psychologists from university MakGill have developed the basic recommendation for ...
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Тэги: eat, food, healthy, new

Being overweight can be good for your health

   2011-02-08 17:53:13
Researcher Linda Bacon (Linda Bacon) from the University of California reported that the risk of ...
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Тэги: eat, heal, healthy, new

Tin cans

   2011-02-08 17:50:04
Tin as a mineral substance is necessary for the human body and gets into it with food. But eating ...
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Тэги: eat, food, healthy, new, tin

3 reasons for refusal of meat

   2011-02-08 17:48:15
Caring for the environment and animals today is very rarely the reason for non-animal products. ...
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Тэги: eat, healthy, meat, new

London – A new culinary capital

   2011-01-28 15:27:13
Chef Joël Robuchon, whose restaurant received 25 Michelin stars, has admitted in an interview « ...
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Тэги: eat, food, healthy, new

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