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Архитектура: Dome Shelter Geodesic: временное жилище площадью 18,5 квадратных метров 2013-09-13 18:51:51
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Специалисты из студии Bruce Hauman создали Dome Shelter Geodesic - уникальную жилую структуру, прототип которой был разработан в 1940 году Бакминстером Фуллером (Buckminster Fuller).
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Тэги: bruce, buckminster, fuller, hauman, архитектура, дизайн, жилье, интерьер
Flower power 2013-08-31 16:00:01
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Тэги: flower, jpeg-терапия, пион, цветы
Чудесная клумба... 2013-08-07 12:33:32
< ...
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Тэги: flower, животный, клумба, растение, саратов, флора, флористика, цветы
Лучше, чем ламинат или ПВХ покрытие Contesse Floor 2013-08-06 12:08:51
{lang: 'ru'}Дизайнерские ультратонкие и сверхпрочные напольные покрытия Contesse Floor. Что лучше, ...
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{lang: 'ru'}Дизайнерские ультратонкие и сверхпрочные напольные покрытия Contesse Floor. Что лучше, чем ламинат на www.contesse-floors.ru
Тэги: contesse, floor, ламинат, лучше, паркет, пвх, покрытие
Summer in Lithuania 2013-08-01 16:42:00
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Summer in Lithuania. Diary.
I have so many photos, that I was thinking about posting it little by little, by reniewing my galleries and updating a little bit this blog with soft summer colors. By the way, this summer I promised myself to start making some interesting dishes, and first results are in the photos! How does it look to you? :)) | Wild Strawberries, Lithuanian curd and honey dessert, sooo good :) |
 | Frappe (cold coffee, ice, ice cream...+ cream on top) |
 | Home made tiramisu! Finally I made it :)) |
 | Tiramisu with italian Moka |
 | Once when I went to a beach, I saw a couple of swans with their "ugly ducks", taking "shower". Not even afraid of people! |
 | Sitting in the restaurant of the beach-hotel "Villa Alicante" just near Vilnius. Wonderful summer weather with an eye-catching view to the lake. |
 | Trying some fresh summer salad (restaurants' special dish) and drinking Kvass (Gira in Lithuanian) |
 | A little kitten decided to have a nap near me. Cute :) |
| Thanks for reading this blog, its time to finish today's post! Good night:))
*** Sometimes it's so good to have some free time: there's nothing better than spending it with your friends, family, and, of course, your dog... This one is mine, called Eura, a wonderful German Shepherd. There she is! Isn't she beautiful? :)
And here's her friend called Paris. They can spend hours playing together!
Also, capital of Lithuania-Vilnius is known as the one which has the biggest number of air baloons, the proof that it flies quite often over my home :)
Тэги: aida, animal, balloon, blog, diary, dog, field, flower, holiday, lavender, photography, sniraite, summer
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