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Тэг «gham»

Главные темы

Painkiller: Reload v3.0.1.1 (2012/MULTi2/Lossless Repack by UnSlayeR)

   2013-03-18 21:22:17
Painkiller: Reload v3.0.1.1 (2012/MULTi2/Lossless Repack by UnSlayeR)
Painkiller: Reload v3.0.1.1 (2012/MULTi2/Lossless Repack by UnSlayeR)
Year: 2012 | PC | Eng Rus | Developer: Havcom | Publisher: Havcom | 6.25 GB
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person

Throughout the long 4 years created a mod for Paine. In its creation, trying to combine the best of what I saw in all the username, after Payne BOOH. New "Design" menu, the new HUD in several variants (only fonts), updated levels (corrected a lot kasyak), a new weapon 15 trunks in the arsenal - of which are already known from the original seven guns and 6 of Overdose HellGun, which I rewrote the script (you will be pleasantly surprised to see what he was shooting) and bonus weapons, which I called DevastatorRG. The same litany of shotgun only alpha version in a new guise, and with the raw texture (by the way is no longer a shotgun). for certain types of weapons have been added to the combo shots. The game will be even more fun for wacky levels of Redemption.

Тэги: game

Etherlords 2 - GOG

   2013-03-18 21:13:13
Etherlords 2 - GOG
Etherlords 2 - GOG
Year: 2004 | PC | Eng Ger | Developer: Nival Interactive | Publisher: Nival Interactive / GOG | 800 MB
Genre: Strategy / Turn-Based

In the fictional world of a conflict of four races or parties: Vitals (green, life, and nature), Chaots (red, chaos and fire), he'll toss (blue color, movement, and water), synthetic (black, synthesis, and technology) .
At the beginning, we are given a choice of two campaigns for passage - the Campaign for the vital and campaign for chaotic. The choice of the first campaign determines which campaign will be available to us next. The campaign on the campaign trail will be thrown randomly, and for Vitalskoy - Sintetskaya, that is, the passing game is on the two branches. After you pass the first two campaigns, you will be a third, common to both branches - for Diamanda.

Тэги: game

Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising [RUS, 2009, 1.02]

   2013-03-18 06:04:29
+ развернуть текст   сохранённая копия

Тэги: game

Объявлено последнее состязание на получение жетона

   2013-03-16 23:25:00
+ развернуть текст   сохранённая копия

Тэги: battlefield, challenge, dlc, dogtag, end, game, дополнение

Премиум-игроки получат 72 часа двойного опыта!

   2013-03-16 23:17:00
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Тэги: battlefield, double, end, game, premium, дополнение

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