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Тэг «sextet»

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Seat Toledo против Skoda Rapid

   2012-10-18 03:26:33

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Тэги: seat, skoda, хэтчбеки

Какой автомобиль выбрать: новый Сеат или Шкоду?

   2012-10-18 03:25:14

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Тэги: seat, skoda, хэтчбеки

Good intentions: Frames with a Cause

   2012-10-17 02:32:00
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Bill with the recently added "Frames with a Cause" highlight wall
If you've been in the shop lately, you may have noticed a conspicuous green section of our frame board named Frames with a Cause....  Here, you will find some of our collections that are based on an eco or socially-conscious campaign:

 141 Eyewear is a Portland, OR based company that gives a pair of glasses to someone in need for each pair sold, effectively offering that outreach in communities both in the U.S. & beyond.
View their vimeo here: http://141eyewear.com/giving/

  AFrames  is a frame company out of Chicago that partners up with Hellen Keller Foundation to provide health care, vitamin A supplementation, and research for vision loss around the world.
Go Green is a collection of frames made of optical-grade, recycled plastic.  The scrap plastic is sourced from frame factories, thus reducing the overall waste from eyewear production.

Stop by and check them out next time you need some new specs. If you find something you like on the "green" board, consider it a win-win situation: seeing well, looking great, AND supporting a worthy cause!

Тэги: 141, aframes, best, caleb, colorful, ecofriendly, evil, eye, eyewear, fight, foundation, fremont, gift, glass, great, hellen, keller, plastic, powell, retro, seattle, sight, style

Новые Skoda Rapid и Seat Toledo

   2012-10-14 21:02:38
Им удается не только делить один пьедестал на двоих, но и оставаться схожими до мозга костей. ...
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Тэги: skoda, обзор, тест

Skoda Octavia Tour Combi 1.6

   2012-10-14 10:15:46
Продажа Skoda Octavia Tour Combi 1.6
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Тэги: skoda

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