Here's Madison!
How Long with Eyes on Fremont:
Coming close to 2 years; Madison is our summer baby... She started here in July 2013.
Her EOF "Specialty":
Madison has a unique position at Eyes on Fremont. While not an actual optician, her proposed job titles include (but are not limited to): Front end manager, Opticians' assistant, office support, customer service support,store greeter/hostess (with the mostest!), store photographer....
We actually like to think of Madison as the "glue" holding our busy little shop together!
What Madison is doing when she's not "directing traffic" in our bustling shop:
This gal is quite artistic! Beyond taking fabulous photographs, she does things like bake, paint, and her latest creative venture: card making. Madison finger painted the striped shirt wall hanging below (which further affirms our suspicions about her love of striped things).
Madison is drawn to organizing and enhancing the visual fields around her- to decorate her new, cozy micro studio is her collection of succulents in aesthetically pleasing pots & glass bowls. Madison is an enthusiast of this particular plant variety- she has a collection of over twenty now!
Jade plant in decorative ceramic pottery, white and black frames from Italy, Hand-painted work by Madison, and one of her handmade card designs. |
Madison also loves pigs; she states that pigs are actually considered good luck in German culture! |
В голландском городке Роттердам построили удивительной красоты и эффективности остановку, достойную ...
В голландском городке Роттердам построили удивительной красоты и эффективности остановку, достойную того, чтобы называться местным архитектурным памятником. Она представляет собой уникальный навес, интегрированный в окружающее городское пространство и построенный на минимальные средства. Над данным проектом [...]
Artist: Seasick Steve Album: Sonic Soul Surfer Genre: Blues Rock / Hard Rock Country: USA Quality: ...