Процесс идёт,
и есть враги и судьи,
друзей, что, правда, уже круг.
Но это не меняет сути:
сегодня враг, а завтра – друг...
График: загрузка процессора и памяти хостинга, на котором размещен мой сайт. Внизу красной полоской выделил допустимые значения (согласна тарифу). Два раза предупредили, один раз предложили перейти на выделенный сервер. Но сам я, наверное, не потяну - дороговато.

Автор стихов - Владимир Мацуцкий. Продолжение:
...Пишу – живу,
живу – пишу
и даже где не слышу вдоха,
где лишь судьбы далёкий шум,
как шум Вселенной или Бога...
Кого-то вновь ведут распять,
видать, людьми не всё распято…
Процесс идёт.
И снова вспять.
Пята Его…
И крови пятна.

Sooner or later reflected on a time machine, travel in the future and the past. I will not deny I also thought about it, and even believed:) This was filmed a lot of films, written many books. This miracle machine is still trying to invent scientists. But so far unsuccessfully. And I visited the idea that life may have recorded frame by frame in the movie, but whom you will be in these states, and that you do not identifiable. Ie all depends on the person. All questions about the future and remain questions, but we are given the right to choose, and take different paths.
< ...

course difficult, if you have previously never even tried, but learning how it might be the desire and time:) It's very interesting, soothing occupation! Here I decided to post his picture, though he and the old uzhe.Na this picture, I spent probably more than 10 hours:)
... . And now you
would go somewhere ...

That was long ago and not true. But remember now - winter, pretty cold. Snow piled-beauty. How could I not take advantage of this opportunity, and not to ski, since they are:), and skiing are still the old Soviet, without defining bindings:) A couple of times naverneshsya longer and does not want. And now you think would go somewhere on for a ski vacation and relax properly in the fresh air. Gain strength, and how to get a robot:)
... 's time to
about yourself, and ...