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Блог Ивачевой Екатерины - живу в Чехи, путешествую ...
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Добавлен: 2011-06-01 16:23:10

Recreating the demo site

2010-08-12 11:23:45 (читать в оригинале)


The screenshot below shows you the modules we have published on the front page of the demo site. Please see the descriptions below regarding the usage and any other relevant information of the modules.


Module Classes

2010-08-12 09:58:54 (читать в оригинале)


Ecolift comes with a selection of three module classes to apply to your content. The colours used in the module class are determined by the colour scheme and work within the hierachy of the overall colour scheme. In order to change the colour and images used you will need to edit the templates/ecolift/css/hilite/[your style].css file and change the images that relate to the module class you want to change in the images/[your colour scheme] folder.


Controlling widths in the framework

2010-07-17 08:15:23 (читать в оригинале)

The layout for Zen Grid Framework compatible templates is very easy to control. The framework is built upon the logic that underpins the 960 Grid system which divides the template width into 12 or 16 columns (depending on the setting you choose in the template administrator). The columns are then separated by a gutter, whose width is also defined in the template parameters, which serves to create an even separation between each column across the page.

Controlling the width of each module block is a simple task that is either controlled by the template itself or determined by individual settings that you assign via the layout parameters. The positioning of the module elements is entirely intuitive via the framework control interface, which means its very easy for advanced or new users to control all elements of the layout of the template.

For more information please visit the Zen Grid Framework knowledgebase.

Working with the Zen Grid Framework

2010-07-16 04:18:35 (читать в оригинале)


Grid2 is built on the Zen Grid Framework which makes changing, updating and editing the template incredibly easy. If you would like to learn more about the Zen Grid Framework take a look at the Zen Grid feature item on the Joomla Bamboo Site, or take a look through the Zen Grid framework knowledgebase.

For specific instructions on how best to implement the Grid2 template please refer to the Grid2 documentation on the Joomla Bamboo site. The Grid2 documentation highlights a few small changes to the way that the template is implemented within the framework and it also highlights the module settings required for some of the modules you see here on the demo site so its recommended that you look over that article as well as the core Zen Grid Framework documentation.

Installing the quickstart package

2010-07-16 04:17:16 (читать в оригинале)

Most of our templates come with quickstart packages that are as easy as setting up a standard installation of Joomla. Different server setups can often have different requirements for setting up Joomla and its probably best to search the Joomla.org forums to get an overview of the type of server environment that Joomla requires, but lets assume you already have the server set up and you are ready to install A JB template plus the demo content you see on our demo sites.


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