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Krill Oil
Krill Oil
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Адрес блога: http://neptune-krilloil.net
Добавлен: 2011-11-14 17:19:46

Weight loss starts with the correct ideas

2013-02-23 18:25:46 (читать в оригинале)

Do you want to lose weight? Have to imagine any of the new diets that appears on the Internet, read a book on weight loss, but still unhappy with your figure? Then, perhaps, you do not realize that the success of any diet directly affects your thoughts. Think how often you look in the mirror [...]

7 steps to get rid of emotional hunger

2013-02-22 21:23:39 (читать в оригинале)

Stress, sadness, fear or guilt are normal parts of our lives. We can not completely get rid of these unpleasant feelings, but better able to cope with them. For objective reasons, each of us knows that, eating chocolate or sandwiches stress, we do not solve problems, but only inflict damage to the body and more [...]

Bread: to eat or not to eat?

2013-02-22 14:21:21 (читать в оригинале)

Experts, advocates of bread, saying that the bread provides our body with the necessary carbohydrates. If you take the diet and exclude bread, like food you will only harm. Because carbohydrates help our body to function properly, and replace them with something not so easy. Experts opposed bread, saying that not all carbohydrates are the [...]

Drinks that help our health

2013-02-21 21:20:25 (читать в оригинале)

Water Water is the most primitive and the most obvious choice in the list of drinks. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys, brain and heart. Water helps if you want to lose weight, because it reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism. Do not limit yourself to eight glasses of water a [...]

What to eat before and after sports?

2013-02-15 18:01:58 (читать в оригинале)

Food before fitness What you eat before fitness, has a significant effect on your condition during training and its results. Here are several tips that you can eat in front of sports, to avoid low blood sugar levels, hunger, and only nourish your muscles for training or competition. If you have 3-6 hours before class, then [...]

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