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Diet soda
Diet soda
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Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:34:28 блограйдером zerber22

Dukan Diet, foods that you can eat

2016-04-29 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Anything not on the list is forbidden.

Lean beef, veal or rabbit, but not pork or lamb. Trim all fat and avoid fatty cuts. Eat meat grilled, roasted or boiled without butter, oil or cream, or ‘dry fried’ after rubbing surface of a frying pan with a few drops of vegetable oil on kitchen paper. Lean minced beef can be prepared as burgers or meatballs. Chicken and turkey (skin removed).

Specifically branded low-fat ham (cut any rind off) and dried beef (bresaola).
Liver (beef or chicken).
All fish: white, oily, fresh, frozen, dried, smoked or canned (in water or brine).

All shellfish.
Up to two eggs a day. Stick to 3-4 yolks per week if you have high cholesterol, but the white can be eaten without restriction. Non-fat dairy products, such as 0 per cent yoghurt, cottage cheese and skimmed milk.

Slim Weight Patch
Natural (plain) and flavoured yoghurts (coconut, vanilla, lemon) are allowed without restriction, but non-fat fruit yoghurts (which contain fruit puree) should be restricted to two per day.
Sweeteners, vinegar, spices, herbs, garlic, onion, gherkins, pickled onions (not in large quantities), lemon juice, mustard and salt (in moderation), sugar-free natural ketchup, sugar-free chewing gum.

Food/diet - Health News

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Jenny Craig diet program scored top ranking as best diet

2016-04-23 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Consumer Reports largely based its decision on a recent study revealing that of 332 dieters, 92 percent stuck with the Jenny Craig diet for two years, averaging a loss of about eight percent of their total start weight. Past users say that while using Jenny Craig they were able to lose 2 to 16 times more weight than they were with other dieting systems.

R.D.K holdings S.A

They are also able to keep the weight off for much longer because Jenny Craig shows them how to remain thin as a permanent change to their lifestyle. This is perhaps the biggest difference between Jenny Craig and other weight loss systems; not only do they show their clients how to lose weight quickly and easily, but they teach them how to keep it off well after they have left the program. In fact, Jenny Craig’s main goal is to help people become independent of them- a characteristic quite unique among diet programs

Food/diet - Health News

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Diabetes and a warning for women

2016-03-06 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Women who suffer from diabetes should be very aware of how the illness can set the stage for other very serious diseases; high blood sugar is a modern day epidemic. There are literally over 300 million people worldwide, who have a difficulty obtaining a normal blood sugar level. An alarming new study from Canadareveals that women with diabetes are at an increased risk for aggressive breast cancer, addressing high blood sugar is essential for overall health.

High blood sugar is the most dangerous illness of our modern times, there is no other illness which affects every cell of the body the way in which diabetes does. Excessive sugar in the blood disrupts the normal functioning of the cells of the body; diabetics are at increased risk for impotence, heart disease and stroke. Thousands of people each year lose their vision or the use of the limbs due to a continual elevation of glucose in the blood. The new study from Canadashould be of particular importance to women who have high blood sugar; scientists have found a connection between diabetes and aggressive breast cancer. The study from The Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and Women's College Hospital in Canada reached the conclusion that…

"Our findings suggest that women with diabetes may be predisposed to more advanced-stage breast cancer, which may be a contributor to their higher cancer mortality," Dr. Lorraine Lipscombe

The researchers also found that women with breast cancer and diabetes were more likely to have larger tumors which spread, compared to those without high blood sugar.

What the diabetic needs

What the type 2 diabetic needs more than anything else is a healing diet, high blood sugar is an illness which punishes daily. A healing diet is not a sugar free diet, while limiting sugar can help some people it does not heal the body. A sugar free diet will never produce a normal blood sugar, diet drinks contain aspartame are much worst than table sugar.

Healing Diet

When researchers in Europe used a specialized diet proven to heal the diabetic, all subjects produced a normal blood sugar. It is the healing of diabetes which people need not a sugar free diet. Diabetes is an illness which punishes the body daily; it eventually wears out the cells of the body. The cancer link to diabetes is very typical of how high blood sugar disrupts the healthy cells. A healing diet can save the body.

Type 2 Diabetes Healing Diet used in 17 countries to get a normal blood sugar

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Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity

2016-02-29 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

A team of US researchers to reach a new and exciting information on fruit Peach and its role in the fight against obesity and to contribute to the elimination, where pointed out that this fruit contains many vital effectively able to fight obesity and get rid of kilos and calories excess natural compounds.

Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity

These results were broadcast in a scientific conference recently convened by the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia, and was attended by a group of scientists and university professors in the world.

The researchers pointed out that the peach contains a unique combination of natural compounds have an active role in the treatment of imbalances in the private human beings metabolic system that accompanies obesity, which eerily spread recently became threaten the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

The researchers followed the peach contains a set of phenolic compounds, have anti-inflammatory properties and anti-obesity, and it has a complementary effect with each other, and deal with the cell through several strategies contribute in the end by reducing the percentage of fat and burning, levels, Examples of such phenolic compounds

"Anthocyanins" and "clorogenic acids" and "quercetin" and "catechines".

Researchers are more and elaborated in the work of peach mechanism, pointing out that these materials work together in an integrated manner and talked impact anti-obesity on many cells the human body, most notably the fat cells and endothelial cells and Almacrawfaj, which promotes at the end of the effect of fat loss, and also that those materials It has the ability to reduce the harm oxidized LDL cholesterol and blood vessels, including in the end reduces the risk of heart disease as well.

Food/diet - Health News

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3 reasons High blood sugar causes dizziness

2016-02-17 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

“I have high blood sugar and am experiencing dizziness”, this was the latest message that we received from one of our readers in Europe.  It is important to know that a dizzy feeling is always a message which your body is sending you, many people ignore this mental confusion and this can be a huge mistake. High blood sugar and dizziness often go together, it is often a warning sign that the body is metabolically out of balance.

3 common but serious reasons for feeling dizzy with diabetes

1.  Super high glucose levels

Glucose (sugar) is needed and it does very important things in our cells, without this sugar we would not have any energy at all. In excessive amounts glucose is a poison in the bloodstream, and this is the health condition of the diabetic. The diabetic has too much glucose flooding into the bloodstream and this causes a metabolically imbalance within the body. When glucose levels soar too high it can cause dizziness. Always check your blood sugar level with a good monitor immediately if you are feeling dizzy, report any dizziness to your doctor.

*Please note that diabetic coma is real and can lead to death if sugar levels go to high!  If blood sugar levels soar very high it can cause a person to get dizzy and pass out* call 911 immediately if you feel you may pass out*

2.  Dehydrate

One of the more common causes of dizziness in the diabetic is due to dehydration. The typical diabetic does not drink enough water; a lot of water is necessary keep blood sugar levels normal.   When we think of the fact that the bloodstream is flooded with sugar, wouldn’t it make sense to drink more water to help eliminate this fluid?  Despite the fact that water is very helpful, many diabetics are not drinking any water.

When a person is dehydrated, their body produces a hormone called vasopressin. 

Vasopressin causes the kidneys to retain water and also prompts your liver to produce blood sugar, which may lead to elevated higher blood sugar levels. Over time, this effect may lead to insulin resistance.  High blood and dizziness are often linked, are you drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day? If you have a hard time drinking water, consider squeezing a little lime or lemon in the glass of water.

  1. Diabetes and mental confusion

High blood sugar can have a very detrimental affect on the brain, diabetics often experience confusion, brain related fatigue and mental disorientation. Over time diabetics are at higher risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. High blood sugar causes a damaging affect on the brain.

Dr. R. Nick Bryan, professor emeritus of the department of radiology at the Perleman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,  “We found that in addition to that, there’s sort of diffuse loss of brain tissue, atrophy… we think may have a direct effect of the diabetes on the brain.”

High blood sugar dizziness is always a sign of a body that is out of balance, in the short term it may be a sign of seriously high glucose levels and in the long run it can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Why not erase diabetes now

SEE HERE Type 2 Diabetes Diet cure in 17 countries

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