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Адрес блога: http://or-diet.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:36:08 блограйдером zerber22

Fruit helps to burn fat in the body

2016-03-30 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Fruit types that could eat while dieting and helps to burn fat in the abdominal area and buttocks.
Dieting needs more elements that accelerate fat burning beside exercise
And error to believe that eating some kinds of fruit in the diet prevents weight loss which is not true

Even the species-rich sugars such as strawberries and bananas contain sugars and the body stores it does not help muscle activity more
Fruit types that accelerates fat burning and can be eaten with any diet program without damage

Fruit helps to burn fat in the body
It considered rich in fiber, which is working to bridge the appetite naturally and prevent the accumulation of fat in the body and help to stimulate the production of insulin cells.

Eating strawberries with exercise can get to the ideal weight as soon as the fruit of strawberries contain hormones to burn fat and increase the body's ability to burn.


Of the favorite fruit of all the accursed programs where it's rich in minerals and salts as well as fiber nature that fills the stomach and reduce the feeling of hunger, and increases the apples from the burning of body fat rate


Orange of the most important health fruit at all, and that because they contain vitamin C, an antioxidant protects the body against colds, it's also a negative fruit calories, considered excellent fruit to reduce weight, it also juice and orange peel great importance to the health of the body, and advise nutrition experts need to address orange fruit between meals.

It is one of the richest kinds of fruit vitamin c and is important for the body's antioxidant and accelerate rid the body of accumulated toxins and prevents them from accumulating in the fat cells.

Berries described as one of the most important sources of antioxidants, as well as the fact that tastes delicious when it is in season from July to September.

Food/diet - Health News

Newlywed shuns chemotherapy for carrots, The risk of wear bra throughout the day, Sleeping pills significantly raise the risk of dying, Important Tips to the problem of childhood obesity, Treating high temperature in children, 16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast, Do I have diabetes? What you need to know, The fastest way to get the body limber, Best diet without losing your beauty, Studie: Resveratrol improves metabolic function in obese men,

New Alzheimer's drugs will actually slow the disease

2016-03-21 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The drugs take aim at the plaque buildups in the brain that characterize Alzheimer's, known as beta amyloid. The medicines are in development at Biogen and Eli Lilly. New data will be presented Wednesday at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Washington, D.C.
Read more: CNBC

Food/diet - Health News

What should a diabetic eat?, New report declaring that processed meat causes cancer, What to do about pre diabetes? The answer, Diet soda? The beverage is once again linked to Weight gain and Cancer, Pre diabetes drugs or diet?, The most important tips for slimming 2015, Help for Obesity? What really works, Food list for diabetes? Eat this now!, Can Pre Diabetes be stopped? Yes, when you learn how, What to eat with Pre diabetes? An Answer,

New report declaring that processed meat causes cancer

2016-03-12 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Many reports over the years have shown that people who eat more red meat and more processed meat have a higher risk of several types of cancer, especially colon cancer and breast cancer. People who eat more meat often have other unhealthy habits. They usually eat fewer fruits and vegetables and they often exercise less, also. Exercise and plant foods can lower the risk of cancer.
And of course, meat is also a source of saturated fat, which raises the risk of heart disease. Read more: NBC NEWS

Food/diet - Health News

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Diseases of children due to animal husbandry

2016-03-06 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Diseases of children due to animal husbandry

Children in their early years were not as the person's immunity but to be in the process of configuration and is this we keep them away from sources of disease and the most dangerous of these sources pets

  And what there is out of the diseases affect the health of children and adults also

Disease, infect, baby, because, animals, damage, breeding, animals, in, the house, disease, due to, breeding
 Health risks:

Overall, if you d a pet in the house, it is very necessary to have supervision of an adult in the beginning until the animal members of the family, there must be a special children's care under the age of 5 years, Children at this age being more prone to diseases of animals, for making contact with the syndrome for the same surfaces where the animal, and they do not wash their hands before putting anything in their mouth.


Susceptibility sensitivity due to heredity, but some animals, such as cats and dogs secrete exciting material for sensitivity, which may help the child be sensitive by bigger and stronger, if you have a family history of allergy, Make sure that there is no animal home once before the baby is born several months, because allergens may remain in place for a long time.


Children may get sick once their dealings with pets: cats cause disease is difficult to diagnose are unfamiliar with its characteristics, but inflation in the lymph nodes and fever appear.

Dogs and cats may be pasture for some worms that may be transmitted to humans, these worms do not live in the human body usually understand the cause abscesses, pneumonia, blindness, convulsions and other diseases of the brain.

 Other health risks:

Parasites that infect animals such as fleas and ticks are very easy to infect children, and parasites that cause severe itching and sensitivity, these animals have been transported some serious diseases, so the animal cleanliness is very important to avoid those problems.

 But does that mean that the pet breeding not only carry health problems for children?
Of course not!

 There are many health benefits exhibited by multiple studies, namely:

That of Granger positive impact on the children physically and behaviorally and emotionally, it was noted that the antibodies rise levels in children who have animals for other children .. Mmaigoa their immune systems, those notes in favor of "the few hygiene", which says: The excess hygiene at a young age may lead theory the weakness of the immune system later.

Pets only child helps to have a company, pets know children to deal with health problems because they go to the vet and get to know vaccines and animal drugs.The presence of an animal in the house does not make television, electronic games the only occupants of the time, especially if the child interfere in the daily routine, such as animal feed and outing, and also teaches children how to play with the animal and its attach the

Your child's interest and sponsorship Lakeoanh pet develops the child's personality, renders him a human being compassionate and patient has firmly required, it will be Tmla of the responsibility because he carried at an early age if you tolerability responsible for some animal things.

Will teach the animal your child some non-skilled verbal communication and empathy, Sigdq animal on your child's love is conditional, always what's coming your child and Ajadda nor the beasts thereof waiting for him to play and have fun with it, sometimes the animal attempts for the happiness and peace of the human, and the animal comfort of the problems of dealing with human beings in children .

 Some tips to keep up on the health of your family and your pet:

Scientific your children to wash their hands after touching the animals eat.
Do not let the animal eat place in the kitchen or eating in public areas.
If what Harta that your animal patient, take him directly to the doctor to take care of him.
Avoid fleas and ticks, there are products to fight them contain organophosphate pesticides, instead Wash animal and Sarhah, or use contraceptives non-toxic to humans insect growth.
Children under the age of five years should be under the Note adults when dealing with animals.
Forbidden for children is strictly forbidden to do kissing animals or put their hands or anything in their mouth after handling animals.

Food/diet - Health News

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The risk of child obesity

2016-02-26 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

Childhood obesity is a global phenomenon occurring in the developed countries and the latter both in the recent period and are spreading and greatly increase which contributes to the formation a major threat to the future of human obesity in children now infected more than two and forty million children worldwide
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,  The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

 The disease causes the child's injury many risks that affect health, including the following
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,  The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

The continuation of obesity with a chubby child grows up and, after being in excessive weight gain.

After reaching the age of adolescence susceptibility to heart disease and diabetes by a large margin.
The incidence of respiratory disease and high blood pressure and increased cholesterol in the blood.

Exposure to psychological pressures due to the child's ability to wear clothes that favored and felt that different from others and being subjected to ridicule of his colleagues

The impact on its ability to absorption leading to failing academically.

Child depression and isolation and introversion and anger of his appearance and dissatisfaction with him.
Whenever the child's progress in age and is fat free him from the extra weight has become more difficult by more than forty percent.

Child injury stop breathing during sleep, leading to waking up frequently and this will make him do not get enough sleep, which subjects it to fatigue and fatigue and inability to concentrate.

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,  The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

 To fight the disease from the beginning we offer you the following tips:

Make your child away from the intake of sugars and fats such as biscuits.

Make your child away from all kinds of soft drinks and canned juices and replace it by drinking water and can be mixed with water and natural taste it rose to become the new darling of the child.

Mark your child eats milk and milk products such as yogurt, it contributes to building his body properly.
Mark your child eats vegetables and fruits in abundance as an alternative to sweets manufacturer.

Mark your baby gets used to chew food well and not swallow it reduces the amount of food covered and improves digestion process.

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

 The causes of obesity in children, the symptoms of obesity in children, obesity in children disposal methods, child obesity and health risks, obesity in children and treatment, know the dangers of childhood obesity, methods of treatment of obesity in children, how to avoid weight gain in children, the risk of injury children with obesity, the health risks of childhood obesity, the problem of obesity in children tips to avoid childhood obesity

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