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Cocoa good for vision and brain 2011-05-22 22:38:59
A study conducted at the University of Reading (University of Reading), showed that theflavonoids ...
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A study conducted at the University of Reading (University of Reading), showed that theflavonoids contained in cocoa beans, increase the activity of the brain and improveeyesight. This occurs due to acceleration of blood flow to the brain and the increasedsupply of all tissues. This effect persists about 2,5 hours after eating the cocoa masscontaining flavonoids. With constant use of dark chocolate containing a large amount of cocoa butter, there is steady improvement in vision, attention, memory and other cognitivefunctions. If you use milk chocolate, this has not been noticed.
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Related posts: - Cocoa is better, than chocolate
- Cocoa restores forces
- Vegetarianism is dangerous for your brain
Тэги: brain, cocoa, eat, eye, healthy, new
Роутинг и policy-routing в Linux при помощи iproute2 2011-05-14 22:52:32
Роутинг и policy-routing в Linux при помощи iproute2 Речь в статье пойдет о роутинге сетевых пакетов ...
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Роутинг и policy-routing в Linux при помощи iproute2 Речь в статье пойдет о роутинге сетевых пакетов в Linux. А конкретно – о типе роутинга под названием policy-routing (роутинг на основании политик). [...]
Тэги: broadcast, eth, iproute, iptables, linux, nat, network, router, screen, tcp, two
Industrials Firm vs Crazy Garbage 2011-05-07 19:40:14
Industrials firm + проверка (кб) vs Crazy Garbage + проверка (бг). Количественные составы 8 на 8
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Industrials firm + проверка (кб) vs Crazy Garbage + проверка (бг). Количественные составы 8 на 8
Тэги: crazy, eth, firm, garbage, gladiator, hall, industrial, music, snake, trouble
Ярославка vs Gladiators Firm 2011-04-30 20:00:08
Сегодня сошлись непримиримые враги Ярославка и Gladiators Firm. Количественные составы 40 на 40.
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Сегодня сошлись непримиримые враги Ярославка и Gladiators Firm. Количественные составы 40 на 40.
Тэги: crazy, eth, firm, garbage, gladiator, hall, music, snake, trouble, tube
Spices protect against cancer 2011-04-30 12:18:51
Medicinal properties of herbs and spices have long been known. Among them there are those who ...
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Medicinal properties of herbs and spices have long been known. Among them there are those who possess the ability to purify blood and prevent the emergence of tumors.According to the American edition of «Planet Green», these include:
• Basil, which contains vitamins A, C, K, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and a large number of flavonoids, which protect against the harmful effects of all types ofradiation,
• Ginger has anti-virus and anti-inflammatory properties
• Fenugreek (fenugreek), decreasing blood cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties
• Parsley, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber and promotes normal peristalsis,
• Turmeric, which has the ability to suppress the growth of malignant tumors.
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How to protect bananas from [...]
Related posts: - Turmeric instead of a rejuvenating cream
- How to protect bananas from a virus?
- Spices used for frying meat, prevent the formation of carcinogenic substances
Тэги: cancer, eat, healthy, new, spice
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