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Krill Oil
Krill Oil
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://neptune-krilloil.net
Добавлен: 2011-11-14 17:19:46

Leguminous vegetables benefits

2013-01-29 23:08:01 (читать в оригинале)

Leguminous vegetables are known all over the world, and their effect is extremely positive. In no other products not find as much vegetable protein – an excellent replacement animal protein substances. Favorite legumes peas acts – an essential ingredient of the popular salad. Peas are rich not only in protein, but also valuable vitamins, which [...]

How useful are olives?

2013-01-29 20:50:34 (читать в оригинале)

Who do not know that olives are useful and olive oil is the most expensive, and low-fat oil? I would like to discuss this topic, since I live in Tuscany, and here’s the olives are known not just everything, absolutely everything. Without the olive and olive oil Italian life is unthinkable. Let’s get together than [...]

Correct nutrition in a hot climate

2013-01-24 15:06:11 (читать в оригинале)

Physical education and sports in high temperatures lead to overstretching of organs and body systems. In this case, the maximum stresses are experiencing cardiovascular and thermoregulatory systems. Physical activity at high temperatures accompanied by an increase in carbohydrate intake skeletal muscle, myocardium, brain. This is supported by enhanced spending and accumulation of glycogen in the [...]

Nutrition after hard work and debilitating stress

2013-01-24 12:05:04 (читать в оригинале)

Study changes in glycogen content in human muscle show that his recovery from exhausting exercise, including endurance, takes place in two phases and is in close connection with the content of insulin in the blood. These physiological conditions due to the rapid synthesis of glycogen in the first few hours after exercise. Carbohydrate intake in [...]

Proper nutrition in the development of speed and power abilities

2013-01-24 07:03:31 (читать в оригинале)

The effectiveness of the power and speed-strength qualities associated with a significant activation of protein synthesis in the working muscles. The formation of protein structures needed to ensure specific muscles, is associated with increased gene activity and protein requires full power. The people who face more physical activity, and nonessential amino acids in the diet [...]

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