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Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

Donbass Arena. Donetsk stadium Euro 2012

2012-03-24 05:26:00 (читать в оригинале)

The total capacity of the stadium: 51 504 seats
2 799 seats for VIP-guests
196 places for disabled persons

1 159 seats for media representatives
45 commentary booths (3 seats in each)


The new stadium with 50 000 seats in the center of Donetsk - the first in Eastern Europe, designed and built according to the highest standards of UEFA. After receiving the accreditation of UEFA, the arena will go down in history as the first stadium of "Elite" Class in Eastern Europe. Among the eight arenas in Ukraine and Poland, which are preparing to take the final of European Championship 2012, "Donbass Arena" was first commissioned in August of 2009.

Construction of the arena lasted three years (2006 - 2009).

Architectural features

"Donbass Arena" is located within the park zone of Kiev district in Donetsk.

Sophisticated design of the stadium, which differs from other stadiums with its oval shape and glass facade, was designed by “ArupSport” Company, which created arenas of clubs Manchester City (England), Espanyol (Spain) and Bayern Munich («Allianz Arena», Germany ). Due to its unusual design decision Donetsk arena is shaped like a "flying saucer". The main feature of the stadium is the oval shape, and completely glazed facade. The roof of the arena is tilted in the direction from north to south, repeating the slope of the landscape, increasing the natural light and ventilation field. The exterior lighting of the facade allows the stadium shine at night like a diamond.

In addition to UEFA demands to modern stadiums, which correspond the unwritten rule of the three «S»: safety, security, service, customers of the building of "Donbass Arena" added another rule «S» - special atmosphere, setting a new level of comfort and service to viewers. This feeling arises from the absolute visibility of the football field from any point of spectator tribunes.

Technological innovations are also unique. First, the screens on the southern and northern tribunes, the area of each of them is almost 100 square meters - the largest screens in Europe at football stadiums. Secondly, the infrared heating system of the tribunes, which can increase the temperature in a bowl of the stadium at 12-14 degrees, compared with the temperature outside of the bowl, which will provide greater comfort attending games in cold weather. Donbass Arena is proud of the natural football field of high quality. One of its features is that beneath the surface of the lawn there is a system of drainage, irrigation, heating and flora.

According to the plan of the stadium, in non-gaming days in the boxes and premises of arena there are provided to carry out mass shows and business events. Events occurring on the field, are simultaneously broadcast two LED screens with area of 92 square meters.

The stadium suits as the arena for the finals of the Champions League and European League.

The Customer of the building - the owner of the stadium of FC Shakhtar

General designer - Company “ArupSport”

General Contractor - ENKA Construction

Commissioning - August 29, 2009

Tsar Cannon in Donetsk

2012-03-24 05:16:00 (читать в оригинале)

Original Tsar Cannon was cast in bronze in the XV century by the Russian master Andrei Chokhov.
Gun carriages have been created much later in the XVIII century in St. Petersburg, they were made by the sketch of the architect A Bryullov
Modern Tsar Cannon is a pretty pathetic monument, which is connected to a lot of political gossip and simple folk speculation.
In Donetsk is installed the Tsar Cannon which is a replica of the Moscow monument, but its housing barrel was shortened by 6 cm. It is molded by the Izhevsk masters and is a gift and a pledge of friendship between Moscow and Donetsk. Tsar Gun was donated and installed in 2001. Given the considerable weight of the gift, no less - 65 tons, the pedestal for the monument was commissioned by native craftsmen of the most durable granite. The Tsar Cannon is installed in the main square in Donetsk, in front of city hall. During transportation from Moscow the gun was disassembled into 3 trucks.
The second copy of the gun is in the city of Yoshkar-Ola at the Obolensky Square.

Donetsk Travel Guide

2012-03-24 05:12:00 (читать в оригинале)

Donetsk is an unusual green industrial city with the population of one million people. Here you can meet mines, slagheaps, located adjacent to apartment blocks, at the same time you can see beautiful green alleys, botanical gardens, lakes and reservoirs.
In 1970 Donetsk was recognized by UNESCO as the best industrial city in the world. Donetsk is not only a major industrial city but also a big cultural center of Eastern Ukraine. There are 140 museums and museum rooms in Donetsk Ukraine. There are two large state regional museums among them: Donetsk Regional Art Museum and the Donetsk Regional Museum.
Among the most interesting sightseeings of Donetsk is Mertsalov’s Palm. It is a representation of palm, forged from steel by Alexei Mertsalov. The Palm has got Grand Prix Award at the Paris International Industrial Exhibition in 1900. The Palm is made from a single rail. The original height of Mertsalov’s Palm is 3 m 53 cm. The original Palm is located in the Museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. September 12, 1999 a replica of Mertsalov’s Palm was established in Donetsk city not far from the exhibition center Expo-Donbass. There is a project to bring copies of Mertsalov’s Palm to capitals of major countries of the world. Copies of Mertsalov’s Palm have been already placed in Ottawa and Hanover. Those tourists who like diving should be interested to see a copy of  Mertsalov’s Palm placed by divers under the water near Cape Tarkhankut in the Crimea (Ukraine).
In Voroshilov district of Donetsk city you can find a park of forged figures. Every year in this park takes place an international festival of blacksmith's skill. After this festival, the best works are exhibited in the park. In forged figures park you can also find arbour of loving couple, Ukrainian arbour and arbour four dragons, the alley Zodiac signs, the alley Newlyweds and the alley of Tales.
The next sightseeing of Dontesk is Ukrainian Steppe, the park of sculptures on Pushkin boulevard. All the works have a common subject the Slavic mythology and everyday life. Eleven sculptures of the Ukrainian Steppe were donated to Donetsk by Ukrainian and German sculptors. In Donetsk tourists also can find the firstmonument to the Beatles established on the territory of the CIS and the Donetsk Small Railway installed in the park of the Leninskiy Komsomol. In August 2009 in this park was opened Donbass Arena stadium, designed and built in accordance with the standards of UEFA category Elite.
The Azov Sea located in 95 km south from the city of Donetsk, is a popular recreational area for those living in Donetsk (Ukraine).

Architecture of Lviv (Lvov)

2012-03-23 07:10:00 (читать в оригинале)

Theatre of Opera and  ballet in LvivIf you have traveled to Lviv once you will never forget the beauty of this city, the kindness of its people and special atmosphere of this city. The uniqueness of Lviv is due to its architecture. Lviv's historic churches, buildings and relics date from the 13th century. In recent centuries, it was spared some of the invasions and wars that destroyed other Ukrainian cities. Architecture of Lviv reflects various European styles and periods.
After two fires in 16th century Lviv lost most of its gothic-style buildings, but it retains many buildings inrenaissancebaroque, and classic styles. There are works by artists of the Vienna Secession, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco styles.
Streets of LvivThe buildings have many stone sculptures and carvings, particularly on large doors, hundreds of years old. The remains of old churches dot the central cityscape. Some three- to five-storey buildings have hidden inner courtyards and grottoes in various states of repair. Leaving the central area, the architectural style changes radically as Soviet-era high-rise blocks dominate. In the centre, the Soviet era is reflected mainly in a few modern-style national monuments and sculptures.
In the 1360 not far from city marketplace was establishedRoman-Catholic cathedral the building of it was headed by Peter Shteher. This wonderful cathedral with a great chancel delivered from austere and sample gothic forms which are usual to European gothic style. St. George's Cathedral and Armenian church also were built in XIV century. St. George's Cathedral was not preserved till our times and in XVIII century on its place was arranged a new building of the cathedral.
During the last centuries new elements of architecture was added to the Armenian church and now it has become a real masterpiece of Lviv architecture. A lot of castles of different age and architecture are located in Lvivskaya region. Among the most popular are Castle in Stare Selo,Lviv. Dominic cathedralCastle in Brody, Castle in Zhovkla, Castle in Zolochiv, Castle in Podkamin, Oleskiy castle and many others.
Today Lviv is wonderful cultural centre of Western Ukraine with about 1million inhabitants. The special atmosphere of the city is made not only by the architecture of Lviv but also its citizens who are very hospitable and kind.

Black House in Lviv

2012-03-23 07:08:00 (читать в оригинале)

Black House (Black Kamenica) is located in Lviv, at Market Square, 4. The building is the architectural monument of the XVI-XVII centuries and has no analogues not only in Lviv, but also throughout Europe.

The building of Black House was erected in 1577 by architect P. Krasowski and bore the imprint of a living Renaissance architecture (some sources indicate 1588 as the date of commencement of construction, and P. Barbone and P. Rimlianin as the architects). In 1596, Black House becomes the private property of Jan Lorentsovich, who opens one of the first pharmacies in Lviv here. Thanks to him, there appears the third floor in the building; the fourth floor had being completed in 1884 on the site of the attic.

In the years 1675-1677 Black House was decorated with attic. On the facade of the building there appears the sculpture. This idea belonged to the architect M. Gradovsky. Now the facade combines the features of Italian and Polish Renaissance.

The facade of the Black Kamenica is paved with stone blocks, shaped like a diamond. It was adorned with ornaments and beautiful carved scene;Black House in Lvivthere are the figures of saints on it - patrons of Medicine: St. Florian, St. Martin and Madonna. The corner pilasters and the facade are covered with hewn stone, blackened by time. Due to this phenomenon, the house got such a name, and a few years ago it was painted black.

The interior of the building was not Black Kamenicaparticularly exposed to reconstruction: there preserved columns, covered with relief ornament, ceiling with cross beams, wide window sills and the original design of the entrance to the chapel.

In 1926, the building of the Black House was redeemed by the city, and in 1929 there was opened a branch of the Historical Museum.

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