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Добавлен: 2014-08-12 13:17:46


2014-08-11 17:29:00 (читать в оригинале)


The Armenian People, recognizing as a basis the fundamental principles of the Armenian statehood and national aspirations engraved in the Declaration of Independence of Armenia, having fulfilled the sacred message of its freedom loving ancestors for the restoration of the sovereign state, committed to the strengthening and prosperity of the fatherland, to ensure the freedom, general well being and civic harmony of future generations, declaring their faithfulness to universal values, hereby adopts the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.



Article 1

The Republic of Armenia is a sovereign, democratic, social state governed by rule of law.

Article 2

In the Republic of Armenia the power belongs to the people.

The people exercise their power through free elections, referenda, as well as through state and local self-governing bodies and public officials as provided by the Constitution.

The usurpation of power by any organization or individual constitutes a crime.

Article 3

The human being, his/her dignity and the fundamental human rights and freedoms are an ultimate value.

The state shall ensure the protection of fundamental human and civil rights in conformity with the principles and norms of the international law.

The state shall be limited by fundamental human and civil rights as a directly applicable right.

Article 4

The elections of the President of the Republic, the National Assembly and local self-government bodies, as well as referenda shall be held on the basis of the right to universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

Article 5

The state power shall be exercised in conformity with the Constitution and the laws based on the principle of the separation and balance of the legislative, executive and judicial powers.

State and local self-government bodies and public officials are competent to perform only such acts for which they are authorized by Constitution or laws.

Article 6

The Constitution of the Republic has shall have supreme legal force and the norms thereof shall apply directly.

The laws shall conform to the Constitution. Other legal acts shall conform to the Constitution and the laws.

The laws shall come into force following the official publication in the Official Bulletin. Other normative legal acts shall come into force following the official publication in the manner prescribed by law.

The international treaties shall come into force only after being ratified or approved. The international treaties are a constituent part of the legal system of the Republic of Armenia. If a ratified international treaty stipulates norms other than those stipulated in the laws, the norms of the treaty shall prevail. The international treaties not complying with the Constitution can not be ratified.

The normative legal acts shall be adopted on the basis of the Constitution and laws and for the purpose of the ensuring their implementation.

Article 7

The ideological pluralism and multiparty system are recognized in the Republic of Armenia.

Parties are formed freely and promote the formulation and expression of the political will of the people. Their activities may not contravene the Constitution and the laws, nor may their practice contravene the principles of democracy.

Parties shall ensure the openness of their financial activities.

Article 8

The right to property is recognized and protected in the Republic of Armenia.

Freedom of economic activity and free economic competition is guaranteed in the Republic of Armenia.

Article 8.1

The church shall be separate from the state in the Republic of Armenia.

The Republic of Armenia recognizes the exclusive historical mission of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church as a national church, in the spiritual life, development of the national culture and preservation of the national identity of the people of Armenia.

Freedom of activities for all religious organizations in accordance with the law shall be guaranteed in the Republic of Armenia.

The relations of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church may be regulated by the law.

Article 8.2

The armed forces of the Republic of Armenia shall ensure security, defense and territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia, as well as inviolability of its borders. The armed forces shall maintain neutrality in political matters and remain under civilian control.

Article 9

The foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia shall be conducted in accordance with the principles and norms of the international law, with the aim of establishing good neighborly and mutually beneficial relations with all states.

Article 10

The state shall ensure the protection and reproduction of the environment and the reasonable utilization of natural resources.

Article 11

Historical and cultural monuments and other cultural values are under the care and protection of the state.

Within the framework of the principles and norms of the international law the Republic of Armenia shall contribute to fostering relations with the Armenian Diaspora, protecting the Armenian historical and cultural values located in other countries, advancing the Armenian education and culture.

Article 11.1

Regions and communities shall be the administrative-territorial units in the Republic of Armenia.

Article 11.2

The Republic of Armenia guarantees the local self-governance.

Article 11.3

The citizens of the Republic of Armenia shall be under the protection of the Republic of Armenia within the territory of the Republic of Armenia and beyond its borders.

Armenians by birth shall acquire citizenship of the Republic of Armenia through a simplified procedure.

The rights and responsibilities of citizens with dual citizenship shall be defined by law.

Article 12

The state language of the Republic of Armenia is the Armenian.

Article 13

The flag of the Republic of Armenia is tricolor made of three horizontal and equal strips of red, blue, and orange.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia depicts, in the center on a shield, Mount Ararat with Noah's ark and the coats of arms of the four kingdoms of historical Armenia. The shield is supported by a lion and an eagle while a sword, a branch, a sheaf, a chain and a ribbon are portrayed under the shield.

Details of the flag and the coat of arms shall be defined by law.

The national anthem of the Republic of Armenia shall be defined by law.

The capital of the Republic of Armenia is Yerevan.



Article 14

Human dignity shall be respected and protected by the state as an inviolable foundation of human rights and freedoms.

Article 14.1

Everyone shall be equal before the law.

Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or other personal or social circumstances shall be prohibited.

Article 15

Everyone shall have a right to life. No one shall be condemned to the death penalty or executed.

Article 16

Everyone shall have a right to liberty and security. A person can be deprived of or restricted in his/her liberty by the procedure defined by law and only in the following cases:

1) a person is sentenced for committing a crime by the competent court;

2) a person has not executed a legitimate judicial act;

3) to ensure the fulfillment of certain responsibilities prescribed by the law;

4) when reasonable suspicion exists of commission of a crime or when it is necessary to prevent the commission of a crime by a person or to prevent his/her escape after the crime has been committed;

5) to establish educational control over a minor or to present him/her to the competent body;

6) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and other social dangers posed by mental patients, persons addicted to alcohol and drugs, as well as vagrants;

7) to prevent the unauthorized entry of a person into the Republic of Armenia, as well as to deport or extradite him/her to a foreign country.

Everyone who is deprived of his/her freedom shall in a language comprehensible to him/her immediately be informed of the reasons for this and of an indictment should such be brought against him/her Everyone who is deprived of his/her freedom shall have a right to immediately notify this to any person chosen by him/her.

If the arrested person is not detained within 72 hours by the court decision he/she must be released immediately.

Every person shall have the right to recover damages in case when he/she has illegally been deprived of freedom or subjected to search on the grounds and by the procedure defined by the law. Every person shall have the right to appeal to a higher instance court against the lawfulness and reasons for depriving him/her of freedom or subjecting to search.

No one shall be deprived of freedom for not honoring his/her civil and legal obligations.

No one shall be subjected to search otherwise than in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

Article 17

No one shall be subjected to torture, as well as to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Arrested, detained or incarcerated persons shall be entitled to human treatment and respect of dignity.

No one shall be subjected to scientific, medical and other experiments without his/her consent.

Article 18

Everyone shall be entitled to effective legal remedies to protect his/her rights and freedoms before judicial as well as other public bodies.

Everyone shall have a right to protect his/her rights and freedoms by any means not prohibited by the law.

Everyone shall be entitled to have the support of the Human Rights’ Defender for the protection of his/her rights and freedoms on the grounds and in conformity with the procedure prescribed by law.

Everyone shall in conformity with the international treaties of the Republic of Armenia be entitled to apply to the international institutions protecting human rights and freedoms with a request to protect his/her rights and freedoms.

Article 19

Everyone shall have a right to restore his/her violated rights, and to reveal the grounds of the charge against him/her in a fair public hearing under the equal protection of the law and fulfilling all the demands of justice by an independent and impartial court within a reasonable time”.

The representatives of the mass media and the public may be excluded from all or part of the trial in the interests of morals, public order, national security, protection of the private life of the participants, or if the administration of justice so require.

Article 20

Everyone shall be entitled to legal assistance. In cases prescribed by the law the legal assistance shall be provided at the expense of the state resources.

Everyone shall have a right to the assistance of a legal defender chosen by him/her starting from the moment of his/her arrest, subjection to a security measure or indictment.

Every convicted person shall have the right to review of the judgment passed on him/her by a higher instance court in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

Every convicted person shall have a right to request pardon or mitigation of the punishment.

All damages incurred by the victim shall be compensated in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

Article 21

Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the court judgment lawfully entered into force as prescribed by law.

The defendant shall not be obliged to prove his/her innocence. The remaining suspicions shall be interpreted in favor of the defendant.

Article 22

No one shall be obliged to testify about himself/herself, his/her spouse or close relatives. The law may prescribe other cases of release from the obligation to testify.

The use of illegally obtained evidence is prohibited.

Imposing of a heavier punishment than the one prescribed by the law in effect at the time when the crime was committed shall be prohibited.

No one shall be held guilty for a crime on account of any act which did not constitute a crime under the law in effect at the time when it was committed.

The law eliminating or mitigating the punishment for the offence shall be retroactive.

The law prescribing or increasing liability shall not be retroactive.

No one shall be tried twice for one and the same act.

Article 23

Everyone shall have the right to respect for his private and family life.

The collection, maintenance, use or dissemination of any information about the person other than that stipulated by the law without the person’s consent shall be prohibited. The use and dissemination of information relating to the person for purposes contravening the aims of their collection or not provided for by the law shall be prohibited.

Everyone shall have the right to become acquainted with the data concerning him/her available in the state and local self-government bodies.

Everyone shall have the right to correction of any non-verified information and elimination of the illegally obtained information about him/her.

Everyone shall have the right to secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, mail, telegraph and other communications, which may be restricted only by court decision in cases and in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

Article 24

Everyone shall have the right of inviolability of the residence. Breaking into a person’s residence against his/her will shall be prohibited save in cases prescribed by the law.

The place of residence can be searched only by the decision of the court in cases and in conformity with the procedure prescribed by law.

Article 25

Everyone legally residing in the Republic Armenia shall have the right to freedom of movement and choice of residence in the territory of the Republic Armenia.

Everyone shall have a right to leave the Republic of Armenia.

Every citizen and everyone legally residing in the Republic of Armenia shall have the right to return to the Republic of Armenia.

Article 26

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change the religion or belief and freedom to, either alone or in community with others manifest the religion or belief, through preaching, church ceremonies and other religious rites.

The exercise of this right may be restricted only by law in the interests of the public security, health, morality or the protection of rights and freedoms of others.

Article 27

Everyone shall have the right to freely express his/her opinion. No one shall be forced to recede or change his/her opinion.

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression including freedom to search for, receive and impart information and ideas by any means of information regardless of the state frontiers.

Freedom of mass media and other means of mass information shall be guaranteed.

The state shall guarantee the existence and activities of an independent and public radio and television service offering a variety of informational, cultural and entertaining programs.

Article 27.1

Everyone shall have the right to submit letters and recommendations to the authorized public and local self-government bodies for the protection of his/her private and public interests and the right to receive appropriate answers to them in a reasonable time.

Article 28

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions.

Every citizen shall have a right to form political parties with other citizens and join such parties.

The rights to form parties and trade unions and join them may be restricted in a manner prescribed by law for the employees in the armed forces, police, national security, prosecutor’s office, as well as judges and members of the Constitutional Court.

No one shall be compelled to join any political party or association.

The activities of associations can be suspended or prohibited only through judicial procedure and in cases prescribed by the law.

Article 29

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of peaceful and unarmed assembly.

Restrictions on exercising these rights by the employees in the armed forces, police, national security, prosecutor’s office, bodies as well as judges and members of the Constitutional Court may be prescribed only by the law.

Article 30

Eighteen-year old citizens of the Republic of Armenia have the right to take part in the elections and referenda as well as the right to take part in the public administration and local self-governance through their representatives chosen directly and through the expression of free will.

The law may define the right of suffrage for the elections of the bodies of local self-government and for the local referenda for persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Armenia.

Citizens found to be incompetent by a court decision, duly sentenced to prison or serving the sentence, shall not be entitled to vote or be elected.

Article 30.1

A child born of citizens of the Republic of Armenia, shall be a citizen of the Republic of Armenia. Every child whose one parent a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, shall have the right to citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.

The procedure for being granted or terminating the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia shall be defined by the law.

No person may be deprived of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, or the right to change citizenship.

A citizen of the Republic of Armenia may not be extradited to a foreign state save for cases stipulated in the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Armenia.

The rights and responsibilities of the persons having dual citizenship shall be defined by the law.

Article 30.2

All citizens shall have the right to equal access to public service in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

The principles of and the procedure for the organizational aspects of public service shall be defined by law.

Article 31

Everyone shall have the right to freely own, use, dispose of and bequeath the property belonging to him/her. The right to property shall not be exercised to cause damage to the environment or infringe on the rights and lawful interests of other persons, the society and the state.

No one shall be deprived of property except for cases prescribed by law in conformity with the judicial procedure.

The private property may be alienated for the needs of the society and the state only in exclusive cases of prevailing public interests, in the manner prescribed by the law and with prior equivalent compensation.

Foreign citizens and non-citizens shall not enjoy the right to land ownership except for cases prescribed by the law

The intellectual property shall be protected by the law.

Article 31.1

The state shall protect the interests of consumers, take measures prescribed by the law to exercise quality control over goods, services and works

Article 32

Everyone shall have the freedom to choose his/her occupation.

Everyone shall have the right to fair remuneration in the amount no less than the minimum set by the law, as well as the right to working conditions in compliance with the safety and hygiene requirements.

The employees shall have the right to strike for the protection of their economic, social and employment interests, the procedure and limitations thereof shall be prescribed by the law.

The children under the age of 16 shall not be allowed to work full time. The procedure and conditions for their hiring to a part-time job shall be defined by the law.

Compulsory employment shall be prohibited.

Article 33

Everyone shall have the right to rest.

The law shall define the maximum working hours, holidays, as well as the minimum length of annual leave.

Article 33.1

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of enterprise not prohibited by law.

Abuse of monopoly or dominant position in the market and bad-faith competition shall be prohibited.

Restriction of competition, possible forms of monopoly and their permitted sizes may be prescribed by the law.

Article 33.2

Everyone shall have the right to live in an environment favorable to his/her health and well-being and shall be obliged to protect and improve it in person or jointly with others.

The public officials shall be held responsible for hiding information on environmental issues and denying access to it.

Article 34

Everyone shall have the right to a standard of living adequate for himself/herself and for his/her family, including housing as well as improvement of living conditions. The state shall take the necessary measures for the exercise of this right by the citizens.

Article 35

The family is the natural and fundamental cell of the society.

Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and found a family according to their free will. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and divorse.

Dismissal for reasons connected with maternity is prohibited. Everyone woman-employee shall, in case of pregnancy and childbirth, have the right to paid maternity leave and parental leave following the birth or adoption of a child.

Article 36

Parents shall have the right and obligation to take care of the education, health of as well as the full and harmonious development of their children.

No one may be deprived of or restricted in his/her parental rights save by the decision of the court in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

Adult capable persons are obliged to take care of their parents who are incapacitated and in need of such care.

Article 37

Everyone shall have the right to social security during old age, disability, loss of bread-winner, unemployment and other cases prescribed by the law. The extent and forms of social security shall be prescribed by the law.

Article 38

Everyone shall have the right to benefit from medical aid and service under the conditions prescribed by the law.

Everyone shall have the right to free of charge benefit from basic medical aid and services. The list and the procedure of the services shall be prescribed by the law.

Article 39

Everyone shall have a right to education.

Basic general education shall be compulsory except the cases prescribed by law. The law may establish a higher level of compulsory education.

The secondary education in state educational institutions is free of charge.

The law shall define the principles of autonomy in higher educational institutions.

The procedures for establishing and operations of educational institutions shall be defined by the law.

All citizens shall have the right to free higher and professional education in state higher and other professional educational institutions on the basis of competition as prescribed by the law. In cases and in conformity with the procedure prescribed by law the state shall provide financial and other assistance to institutions conducting higher and other professional education programs, as well as their students.

Article 40

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of literary, aesthetic, scientific and technical creation, to make use of the scientific advancement and to participate in the cultural life of the society.

Article 41

Everyone shall have the right to preserve his or her national and ethnic identity.

Persons belonging to national minorities shall have the right to preservation and development of their traditions, religion, language and culture.

Article 42

The fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms stipulated in the Constitution shall not exclude the other rights and freedoms prescribed by laws and international treaties.

Everyone shall have the right to act in a way not prohibited by the law and not violating others’ rights and freedoms. No one shall bear obligations not stipulated by the law.

The laws and other legal acts exacerbating the legal status of an individual shall not be retroactive.

The legal acts improving the legal status of an individual, eliminating or mitigating his/her liability shall be retroactive if prescribed by the acts in question.

Article 42.1

The fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms shall apply to legal persons to the extent these fundamental rights and freedoms are applicable to them.

Article 43

The fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms set forth in Articles 23-25, 27, 28-30, 30.1, Part 3 of Article 32 may be temporarily restricted only by the law if it is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public order, crime prevention, protection of public health and morality, constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as honor and reputation of others.

Limitations on fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms may not exceed the scope defined by the international commitments assumed by the Republic of Armenia.

Article 44

Special categories of fundamental human and civil rights, except for those stipulated in Articles 15, 17-22 and 42 of the Constitution may be temporarily restricted as prescribed by the law in case of martial law or state of emergency within the scope of the assumed international commitments on deviating from commitments in cases of emergency.

Article 45

Everyone shall be obliged to pay taxes, duties and other compulsory fees in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

Article 46

Every citizen shall be obliged to take part in the defense of the Republic of Armenia in conformity with the procedure prescribed by the law.

Article 47

Everyone shall be obliged to honor the Constitutions and laws, to respect the rights, freedoms and dignity of others.

The exercise of the rights and freedoms with the purpose of overthrow of the constitutional order, incitement to national, racial and religious hatred, propaganda of violence or warfare shall be prohibited.

Article 48

The basic tasks of the state in the economic, social and cultural spheres are:

1) to protect and patronage the family, the motherhood and the childhood;

2) to contribute to the employment for the population and the improvement of working conditions;

3) to foster housing construction, to contribute to the improvement of every citizen’s housing conditions

4) to implement health care programs for the population and contribute to the effective and affordable medical service for the population;

5) to contribute to the involvement of the youth in the political, economic and cultural life of the country;

6) to promote the physical culture and sport;

7) to carry out a policy of preventive care, treatment and integration of the handicapped ;

8) to support the development of free of charge higher and vocational education;

9) to support the development of science and culture;

10) to pursue the environmental security policy for present and future generations;

11) to support the free access for each person to national and universal values;

12) to ensure decent living standard for old persons.

The state shall, within the scope of its possibilities, be obliged to undertake necessary measures for the fulfillment of the purposes prescribed in this Article.



Article 49

The President of the Republic of Armenia shall be the head of the state.

The President of the Republic shall strive to uphold the Constitution and to ensure the regular functioning of the legislative, executive and judicial powers.

The President of the Republic shall be the guarantor of the independence, territorial integrity and security of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 50

The President of the Republic shall be elected by the citizens of the Republic of Armenia for a five year term of office.

Every person having attained the age of thirty five, having been a citizen of the Republic of Armenia for the preceding ten years, having permanently resided in the Republic for the preceding ten years, and having the right to vote is eligible to be elected as President of the Republic.

The same person may not be elected for the post of the President of the Republic for more than two consecutive terms.

Article 51

The election of the President of the Republic shall be held fifty days prior to the expiration of his/her term of office in conformity with the procedure defined by the Constitution and the law.

Конституция Аргентины

2014-08-11 17:28:00 (читать в оригинале)


от 1 мая 1853 года (с поправками 1860, 1866 и 1898 годов)

Мы, представители народа Аргентины, собравшиеся по воле и выбору провинций, входящих в ее состав, и во исполнение прежних соглашений на всеобщий Учредительный Конгресс с целью создать национальный союз, упрочить справедливость, укрепить мир внутри страны, обеспечить всем защиту, содействовать общему процветанию и гарантировать блага свободы для нас, нашего потомства и для всех, желающих жить на аргентинской земле, уповая на покровительство Бога - источник всего разумного и справедливого, предписываем, провозглашаем и учреждаем настоящую Конституцию Аргентинской Нации.

Глава единственная
Декларации, права и гарантии
Статья 1.
    Аргентинская Нация избирает федеративную республиканскую представительную форму правления, в соответствии с настоящей Конституцией.

Статья 2.
   Федеральное Правительство поддерживает римско-католическую апостолическую религию.

Статья 3.

   Власти, образующие Федеральное Правительство, пребывают в городе, который специальным законом Конгресса объявляется Столицей Республики, после того как одно или более законодательных собраний провинций выделят для Столицы территорию, которая должна стать федеральной.

Статья 4.

   Федеральное Правительство обеспечивает расходы Государства фондами Государственной казны, создаваемыми: из импортных и экспортных таможенных налогов, доходов от продажи или аренды государственных земель, доходов от почты и других налогов, справедливо и пропорционально взимаемых с населения Национальным Конгрессом, а также из займов и кредитных операций, декретированных Национальным Конгрессом для неотложных нужд Государства или для мероприятий национального значения.

Статья 5.
   Каждая провинция принимает свою Конституцию республиканского представительного характера в соответствии с принципами, декларациями и гарантиями национальной Конституции. Конституция провинции должна обеспечить отправление правосудия, муниципальную систему управления и начальное образованпе. При этих условиях Федеральное Правительство гарантирует каждой провинции существование и функционирование ее институтов.

Статья 6.
   Федеральное Правительство осуществляет вмешательство в дела провинций, для того чтобы гарантировать республиканскую форму правления или отразить вторжение извне, а также по просьбе установленных властей провинций для их поддержания или восстановления, если они были свергнуты в результате мятежа или нападения другой провинции.

Статья 7.

   Официальные акты и решения судов одной провинции пользуются полным признанием в других провинциях; Конгресс посредством общегосударственных законов может устанавливать порядок утверждения этих актов и решений, а также определять их юридические последствия.

Статья 8.

   Граждане каждой провинции пользуются всеми правами, привилегиями и иммунитетами, присущими званию гражданина остальных провинций; выдача преступников является взаимной обязанностыю всех провинций.

Статья 9.

   На всей территории Нации будут лишь национальные таможни, в которых действуют тарифы, утвержденные Конгрессом.

Статья 10.
   На территории Республики освобождается от налогов обращение предметов национального производства или изготовления, так же как и обращение всех видов и сортов товаров, поступивших из-за границы через таможни.

Статья 11.
   Предметы национального или иностранного производства или изготовления, так же как и скот всех видов, проходящий через ту или иную провинцию освобождаются от так называемых транзитных налогов, причем это распространяется и на повозки, корабли или животных, используемых для транспортировки; в будущем запрещается взимать налоги за проезд или проход через территорию провинции, как бы ни назывались эти налоги.

Статья 12.
   Корабли, направляющиеся из одной провинции в другую, не обязаны заходить в порты, становиться на якорь и платить налоги за транзит через данную провинцию; причем ни в коем случае не могут предоставляться преимущества одному порту перед другим на основании законов или торговых правил.

Статья 13.
   В состав Государства могут быть допущены новые провинции, но не может быть создана новая провинция на территории другой или других провинций, так же как и несколько провинций не могут образовать одну провинцию без согласия законодательных собраний заинтересованных провинций и Конгресса.

Статья 14.

   Все граждане пользуются следующими правами в соответствии с законами, регулирующими их осуществление, а именно: работать и заниматься любым законным ремеслом; плавать на судах и торговать; обращаться с петициями к властям; въезжать, проживать, проезжать и покидать аргентинскую территорию; излагать в печати свои идеи без предварительной цензуры; пользоваться и распоряжаться своей собственностью; объединяться для полезных целей; свободно отправлять любой религиозный культ; обучать и учиться.

Статья 15.
   В Аргентинском Государстве нет рабов; те немногие, кто еще являются рабами, получают свободу с момента принятия настоящей Конституции. Специальный закон установит возмещение, которое причитается в связи с настоящей декларацией. Любой контракт о продаже или покупке людей является преступлением и виновными считаются лица, подписавшие его, а также нотариус или чиновник, разрешившие заключение такого контракта. Рабы, почему-либо оказавшиеся в Аргентине, становятся свободными уже в силу самого факта вступления на территорию Республики.

Статья 16.
   Аргентинское Государство не признает преимуществ ни по крови, ни по рождению: не существует в нем ни личных привилегий, ни дворянских титулов. Все жители равны перед законом и имеют доступ ко всякой должности в зависимости от способностей. Равенство является основой налогов и государственных повииностей.

Статья 17.

   Частная собственность неприкосновенна, и никто из жителей Государства не может быть лишен собственности иначе, как по решению суда, основанному на законе. Экспроприация в публичных интересах должна быть разрешена законом с предварительной компенсацией. Только Конгресс может устанавливать налоги, о которых идет речь в статье 4. Лишь на основании закона или судебного решения, опирающегося на закон, можно требовать личных услуг. Каждый автор или изобретатель имеет исключительное право на свое произведение, изобретение или открытие в течение срока, устанавливаемого законом. Конфискация имущества навсегда исключается из Уголовного кодекса Аргентины. Никакая вооруженная часть не может производить реквизиции или требовать какого-либо содействия.

Статья 18.

   Никто из жителей Государства не может быть подвергнут наказанию без предварительного вынесения приговора, основанного на законе, принятом до данного процесса, ни судим специальными судами или изъят из ведения судей, назначенных законом, принятым до возбуждения данного судебного дела. Никто не может быть принуждаем давать показания против самого себя, никто не может быть арестован, кроме как на основании письменного приказа компетентных властей. Судебная защита лиц и прав ненарушима. Жилище неприкосновенно, так же как письменная корреспонденция и частные бумаги; закон определит, в каких случаях и при наличии каких оправдательных документов они могут быть подвергнуты осмотру и изъятию. Навсегда запрещается смертная казнь по политическим делам, всякого рода пытки и наказания плетью. Тюрьмы Государства содержатся в чистоте и здоровой обстановке и будут служить для безопасности общества, а не для мучения преступников, находящихся в них. Любая мера, которая под предлогом предосторожности приведет к большим унижениям заключенных, чем требует предосторожность, налагает ответственность на судью, санкционировавшего такую меру.

Статья 19.
   Частные действия лиц, никоим образом не нарушающие порядка и общественной морали, а также не наносящие ущерба третьему лицу, подвластны одному Богу и изъяты из власти судей. Ни один житаль Государства не может быть принуждаем делать то, чего не требует закон, или лишен того, что не запрещено этим законом.

Статья 20.
   На территории Республики иностранцы пользуются всеми гражданскими правами, могут заниматься своим промыслом, торговлей и профессией; владеть недвижимым имуществом, покупать и продавать его; плавать на судах по рекам и в прибрежных водах; свободно исповедовать свою религию; делать завещание и вступать в брак в соответствии с законами. Они не обязаны принимать гражданство или платить чрезвычайные обязательные налоги. Они получают гражданство после двух лет непрерывного проживания в Республике. Однако власти могут сократить этот срок в пользу просителя при условии и соответствующем подтверждении услуг, оказанных Республике.

Статья 21.
    Все граждане Аргентины обязаны с оружием в руках выступать на защиту Родины и настоящей Конституции в соответствии с законами, которые для этих целей будут приняты Конгрессом, и декретами Национального Правительства. Натурализованные граждане в течение десяти лет со дня получения удостоверения о гражданстве свободны выполнять или не выполнять эту службу.

Статья 22.

   Народ не решает и не управляет иначе, как через своих представителей и через власти учрежденные настоящей Конституцией. Любое вооруженное формирование или собрание лиц, присвоившее себе права народа и выступающее от его имени, виновно в мятеже.

Статья 23.
   В случае внутренних беспорядков или нападения извне, ставящих под угрозу осуществление настоящей Конституции и действия учрежденных ею органов, в провинции или на территории, где будет иметь место нарушение порядка, вводится осадное положение, причем здесь приостанавливается действие конституционных гарантий. Однако в период этой приостановки Президент единоличной властью не может ни присуждать к наказаниям, ни применять их. В этом случае его власть в отношении лиц ограничивается арестом или высылкой их из одного района страны в другой, если они не предпочтут покинуть аргентинскую территорию.

Статья 24.

   Конгресс проведет реформу действующего законодательства во всех его отраслях и учредит суд присяжных заседателей.

Статья 25.
   Федеральное Правительство будет содействовать европейской иммиграции, оно не может ограничивать или затруднять налогом доступ на аргентинскую территории иностранцам, которые приезжают с целью обрабатывать землю, содействовать развитию промышленности, распространять науки и искусства и обучать им.

Статья 26.

   Плавание по внутренним рекам Государства доступно для кораблей всех стран единственно лишь с соблюдением правил, установленных властями Государства.

Статья 27.

   Федеральное Правительство обязано укреплять свои мирные связи и торговлю с иностранными Государствами путем договоров, соответствующих принципам публичного права, установленным настоящей Конституцией.

Статья 28.
   Принципы, гарантии и права, провозглашенные в предыдущих статьях, не могут быть изменены законами, регулирующими их осуществление.

Статья 29.

   Конгресс не может предоставить Национальному Правительству, провинциальным законодательным органам, Губернаторам провинций чрезвычайные полномочия или всю государственную власть, равно как и право требовать повиновения или главенства, в результате которых жизнь, честь или собственность аргентинцев окажутся в зависимости от Правительств или какого-нибудь лица. Акты подобного рода полностью лишены силы, а лица, виновные в их издании, или согласившиеся с ними, или подписавшие их, привлекаются к ответственности и квалифицируются как бесчестные предатели Родины.

Статья 30.
   Настоящая Конституция может быть изменена полностью или в любой ее части. Необходимость реформы Конституции должна быть признана Конгрессом большинством по меньшей мере двух третьей членов. Однако эти изменения могут иметь место только после решения Конвейта, специально для этой цели созванного.

Статья 31.
   Настоящая Конституция, законы Государства, принятые Конгрессом на основе Конституции, и договоры с иностранными Государствами являются высшим законом Нации, и власти каждой провинции обязаны выполнять их даже в том случае, если законы и конституции провинций, а также договоры, ратифицированные после подписания Пакта 11 ноября 1859 года, содержат какие-либо положения, противоречащие выше названным актам; исключение делается для провинции Буэнос-Айрес.

Статья 32.

   Федерадьный Конгресс не будет принимать законы, ограничивающие свободу печати или устанавливающие федеральную юрисдикцию над печатью.

Статья 33.

   Декларации, права и гарантии, перечисленные в настоящей Конституции, не могут толковаться как отрицание других прав и гарантий, неперечисленных в Конституции, но вытекающих из принципа суверенитета народа и республикаской формы правления.

Статья 34.

   Судьи Федеральных судов не могут одновроменно быть судьями провинциальных судов, находиться на федеральной службе - гражданской или военной, не могут проживать в провинции, в которой выполняются ими федеральные функций, если только эта провинция не является местом постоянного жительства данного должностного лица; последнее обстоятельство, принимается во внимание так, что для службы в провинции выбираются лица, лишь случайно там находящиеся.

Статья 35.

   Названия страны, дававшиеся последовательно с 1810 года до настоящего времени, а именно: Объединенные провинции дель Рио де Ла-Плата, Аргентинская Республика, Аргентинская Конфедерация, будут в дальнейшем равнозначащими официальными названиями как Правительства, так и территории провинций, причем при выработке и утверждении законов будут употребляться слова "Аргентинская Нация".
Часть первая

Статья 36.
   Законодательная власть Нации предоставляется Конгрессу, состоящему из двух Палат: Палаты Депутатов Нации и Палаты Сенаторов от провинции и Столицы.
Глава I
Палата Депутатов

Статья 37.
   Палата Депутатов состоит из представителей, непосредственно избираемых жителями провинций и Столицы, которые для этой цели рассматриваются как избирательные округа единого Государства, простым большинством голсов из расчета один Депутат от двадцати тысяч жителей или от остатка не ниже десяти тысяч чловек.

Статья 38.

   Депутаты первой легислатуры будут избираться в следующей пропорции: от провинции Буэнос-Айрес -двенадцать; от провинции Кордова - шесть; от провинции Катамарка - три; от провинции Корриентес - четыре; от провинции Энтре Риос - два; от провинции Жужуй - два; от провинции Мендоса - три; от провинции Риоха - два; от провинции Сальта - три; от провинции Сантьяго - четыре; от провинции Сан-Хуан - два; от провинции Санта-Фе - два; от провинции Сан-Луис - два и от провинции Тукуман - три.

Статья 39.

   Для выборов Депутатов следующей легислатуры будет проведена всеобщая перепись населения и в соответствии с нею будет установлено число Депутатов; в дальнейшем эта перепись может проводиться через каждые десять лет.

Статья 40.
   Для того чтобы быть Депутатом, необходимо иметь двадцать пять лет, четыре года быть гражданином Республики и быть уроженцем или в течение двух лет непосредственно предшествовавших выборам проживать в провинции, от которой он избирается.

Статья 41.

   При выборах Депутатов первой легислатуры Конгресса законодательные органы провинций сделают все необходимое для прямого избрания Депутатов Нации. В последующем Конгресс примет общий закон.

Статья 42.

   Депутаты остаются в должности четыре года и могут избираться вновь. Палата Депутатов будет обновляться на половину каждые два года. Поэтому Депутаты, избранные в Конгресс первого созыва, как только они соберутся, определят по жребию тех, кто должен выбыть после первого двухлетия.

Статья 43.

   В случае появления вакансии правительство провинции или Столицы принимает меры для законных выборов нового члена.

Статья 44.

   Исключительно Палате Депутатов принадлежит право законодатальной инициативы в области налогов и призыва в армию.

Статья 45.

   Только Палата Депутатов вправе обвинять перед Сенатом Президента и Вице-президента, Министров и членов Верховного суда и других судов за плохое исполнение своих обязанностей или за должностные преступления, а также за преступления общего характера, причем Палата предварительно изучает вопрос и выносит решение о предъявлении обвинения большинством в две трети присутствующих членов.
Глава II

Статья 46.
   Сенат составляется из двух Сенаторов от каждой провинции, избираемых большинством голосов, законодательными органами провинций, а также двух Сенаторов от Столицы, избираемых в порядке, установленном для избрания Президента Республики. Каждый Сенатор имеет один голос.

Статья 47.

   Для того чтобы быть Сенатором, необходимо: достичь тридцати лет, быть гражданином Республики в течение шеети лет, иметь ежегодный доход в две тысячи песо золотом или равный этой сумме и быть уроженцем провинции, от которой он избирается, или в течение двух лет, непосредственно предшествующих выборам, проживать в ней.

Статья 48.

   Сенаторы остаются в своей должности девять лет, и могут избираться вновь неограниченное число раз. Сенат обновляется каждые три года на одну треть, причем Сенаторы Конгресса первого созыва по жребию определят, чьи полномочия истекают после первого трехлетия и чьи после второго трехлетия.

Статья 49.

   Вице-президент Республики является Председателем Сената, но он имеет право голоса лишь в случае, когда голоса Сенаторов разделяются поровну.

Статья 50.

   Сенат назначает временного Председателя, который председательствует в случае отсутствия Вице-презыдента или когда последний выполняет функции Президента.

Статья 51.

   Сенату принадлежит право судить в открытом заседании лиц, обвиненных Палатой Депутатов, причем члены Сената приносят в этом случае присягу. Когда обвиняемым является Президент Республики, в Сенате председательствует Председатель Верховного суда. Никто не может быть объявлен виновным иначе, как по решению, принятому большинством в две третьи присутствующих Сенаторов.

Статья 52.

   Приговор Сената ограничивается смещением должностного лица с занимаемого поста и лишением права занимать почетную доверительную или платную должность на службе Государства. Это не исключает последующей передачи дела в общие суды для следствия, суда и приговора, согласно закону.

Статья 53.

   Сенат имеет также право уполномочить Президента Республики объявить осадное положение в одном или нескольких пунктах Республики в случае нападения извне.

Статья 54.

   В случае вакансии поста Сенатора ввиду его смерти, отказа от должости или по другой причине, Правительство соответствующей провинции немедленно проводит выборы нового члена Сената.
Глава III
Положения, общие для обеих Палат

Статья 55.
   Обе Палаты ежегодно собираются на очередную сессию с 1 мая по 30 сентября. Президент Республики может созвать обе Палаты на чрезвычайную сессию, или продлить их сессии.

Статья 56.

   Каждая Палата судит о выборах, правах и полномочиях ее членов с точки зрения соответствия их закону. Ни одна из Палат не может начать сессию без наличия абсолютного большинства своих членов. Однако меньшинство может обязать отсутствующих членов явиться на заседание Конгресса в сроки и под угрозой наказаний, устанавливяемых каждой Палатой.

Статья 57.

   Сессии обеих Палат начинаются и заканчиваются одновременно. Ни одна из Палат в период сессии не может приостановить свои заседания более чем на три дня без согласия другой Палаты.

Статья 58.

   Каждая Палата вырабатывает свой регламент и большинством в две трети голосов может призвать к порядку каждого из своих членоз за неправильное поведение при выполнении функций члена Конгресса или отстранить его и даже исключить из состава Конгресса в случае физической или нравственной неспособности, обнаруженных после избрания в Конгресс. Для решения вопроса о добровольной отставке достаточно простого большинства присутствующих членов.

Статья 59.

   Сенаторы и Депутаты при вступлении в должность приносят присягу, обязуясь достойно выполнять свои обязанности и действовать во всех случаях в соответствии с положениями настоящей Конституции.

Статья 60.
   Членам Конгресса не может быть предъявлено обвинение; они не могут быть подвергнуты судебному допросу или какому-либо преследованию за мнения, ими высказанные, или речи, ими произнесенные при исполнении функций законодателя.

Статья 61.

   Со дня избрания и до окончания срока полномочий никто из Сенаторов или Депутатов не может быть арестован, за исключением случаев ареста на месте преступления, которое карается смертной казнью, позорящим наказанием или другой подобной мерой, о чем дяется отчет соответствующей Палате с общей информацией о деле.

Статья 62.

   В случае предъявления в общий суд письменной жалобы на любого Сенатора или Депутата каждая из Палат после рассмотрения материалов предварительного следствия в открытом заседании может с согласия двух третей своих членов приостановить его полномочия и передать дело на рассмотрение соответствующего суда.

Статья 6З.
    Каждая из Палат может обязать явиться на свои заседания Министров исполнительной власти, для того чтобы выслушать их объяснения и сообщения, которые она сочтет необходимыми.

Статья 64.

   Никто из членов Конгресса не может занимать какую-нибудь должность или выполнять поручения Правительства без предварительного согласия соответствующей Палаты, за исключением кадровых служащих.

Статья 65.

   Духовные лица не могут быть членами Конгресса; Губернаторы провинций также не могут быть членами Конгресса от провииций, которые они возглавляют.

Статья 66.

   Работа Сенаторов и Депутатов вознаграждается казной Республики в размере, устанавливаемом законом.
Глава IV
Полномочия Конгресса

Статья 67.
   В компетенцию Конгресса входит:
  1.    Законодательствовать по вопросу о таможнях и устанавливать ввозные пошлины, которые, как и цены на соответствующие товары, будут одинаковыми во всей стране; разумеется, что ввозимые пошлины, так же как и остальные национальные налоги, могут покрываться валютой, находящейся в обращении в соответствующих провинциях, по их справедливому курсу; устанавливать экспоргные пошлины до 1866 года, когда этот налог перестанет быть национальным, не становясь налогом провинций.
  2.    Устанавливать прямые налоги на определенное время и на пропорциональной основе для всей территории, если только этого требуют интересы обороны, общей безопасности и общего блага Государства.
  3.    Делать денежные займы за счет кредита Государства.
  4.    Решать вопрос об использовании и отчуждении земель, находящихся в собственности Государства.
  5.    Учредить Национальный банк в Столице и регламентировать работу его и его филиалов в провинциях с правом выпуска денежных знаков.
  6.    Регулировать выплату внутреннего и внешнего долга Государства.
  7.    Ежегодно устанавливать бюджет расходов Правительства, а также одобрять или отклонять отчет Правительства по расходам.
  8.    Устанавливать субсидии от государственной казны провинциям, чьих доходов, в соответствии с их бюджетом, не хватает для покрытия необходимых расходов.
  9.    Регламентировать свободное плавание по внутренним рекам, создавать порты, которые Конгресс сочтет желательными и открывать и закрывать таможни, причем не могут быть закрыты таможни, которые существовали в каждой провинции в момент ее вступления в состав Аргентины.
  10.    Чеканить монету, фиксировать ее стоимость и стоимость иностранной монеты и устанавливать единую систему мер и весов для всего Государства.
  11.    Принимать гражданский, торговый, уголовный и горнорудный кодексы, не изменяя этими кодексами местной юрисдикции и возлагая их применение на федеральные или провинциальные суды, так чтобы лица и дела подлежали соответствующей юрисдикции; принимать общие ддя всего Государства законы о натурализации и гражданстве при главенстве принципа гражданства по рождению, равно как принимать законы о банкротствах, о преследовании за подделку национальных денежных знаков и государственных документов, а также те законы, которые требуются для создания суда присяжных заседателей.
  12.    Регулировать вопросы торговли на суше и на море как с иностранными Государствами, так и между провинциями.
  13.    Учреждать и регулировать деятельность почтовых отделений и всей почтовой службы страны.
  14.    Окончательно установить границы национальной территории, определить пределы территорий провинций, создавать новые провинции и специальным законодательством установить систему организации администрации и управления для национальной территории, остающейся вне границ, установленных для провинций.
  15.    Обеспечивать безопасность границ, соблюдать мирные договоры с индейцами и содействовать обращению их в католичество.
  16.    Содействовать всему, что повышает благосостояние страны, ведет к прогрессу всех провинций и развивает просвещение, принимая планы общего и университетского образования и поощряя развитие промышленности, иммиграцию, строительство железных дорог и судоходных каналов, заселение земель, принадлежащих Государству, введение и развитие новых отраслей промышленности, ввоз иностранных капиталов и использование внутренних рек, путем издания покровительственных законов и предоставления временных привилегий и поощрительных компенсаций.
  17.    Учреждать суды, подчиненные Верховному суду правосудия; учреждать и ликвидировать должности; устанавливать их функции; выплачивать пенсии; оказывать почести и объявлять всеобщие амнистии.
  18.    Принимать или отклонять отставку Президента или Вице-президента Республики и объявлять о необходимости новых выборов, проводить подсчет голосов и контроль за выборами.
  19.    Одобрять или отклонять договоры, заключенные с иностранными Государствами, конкордаты, заключенные с апостолическим престолом, и регулировать порядок осуществления патроната во всей стране.
  20.    Разрешать учреждение на национальной территории других религиозных орденов, кроме уже существующих.
  21.    Уполномочивать Правительство объявлять войну или заключать мир.
  22.    Выдавать каперские патенты и права на репрессалии и регламентировать военную добычу.
  23.    Устанавливать размеры сухопутных и морских военных сил во время мира и войны, вырабатывать уставы и правила для управления указанными военными силами.
  24.    Уполномочивать созыв ополчения всех или части провинций, когда этого требует осуществление законов и если необходимо помешать восстанию или отразить нападение; руководить организацией, вооружением и обеспечением дисциплины ополчения и управлением той частью ополчения, которая будет использована на службе Республики, оставляя за провинциями право назначения своих руководителей и офицеров, и заботиться об установлении в своем ополчении дисциплины, как это предписано Конгрессом.
  25.    Разрешать ввод иностранных войск на национальную территорию и вывод национальных войск за пределы территории Республики.
  26.    Объявлять осадное положение в одном или нескольких пунктах Государства в случае внутренних беспорядков и утверждать или отменять осадное положение, введенное исполнительной властью во время каникул Конгресса.
  27.    Осуществлять исключительное право законодательства на всей территории Столицы Государства и в других местах, приобретенных путем покупки или уступки любой из провинций для строительства крепостей, арсеналов, складов и других учреждений национального значения.
  28.    Провозглашать любые законы и уставы, необходимые для осуществления вышеупомянутых прав и всех других прав, которые предоставляются настоящей Конституцией Правительству Аргентинской Нации.
Глава V
Разработка и принятие законов

Статья 68.
   Законы могут быть предложены в любой из Палат Конгресса посредством проектов, представленных членами Конгресса или Правительством, за исключением законов, относящихся к вопросам, предусмотренным статьей 44.

Статья 69.

   После того как законопроект одобрен в Палате, где он был предложен, он направляется для обсуждения в другую Палату. Одобренный обеими Палатами законопроект няправляется исполнительной власти Государства для изучения и если одобряется ею, то промульгируется как закон.

Статья 70.
   Любой законопроект считается одобренным, если исиолнительная власть не возвращает его Конгрессу в течение десяти дней, исключая праздничные дни.

Статья 71.

   Ни один законопроект, целиком отвергнутый одной из Палат, не может вновь обсуждаться на сессии того же года. Но если законопроект был дополнен или исправлен Палатой, обсуждавшей его, то он возвращается в Палату, в которой был предложен, и если ею будут одобрены дополнения или изменения абсолютным большинством голосов, то законопроект переходит на рассмотрение исполнительной власти Государства. Если дополнения или поправки будут отвергнуты, то законопроект вторично поступает в Палату, обсуждавшую его, и если в ней он снова будет утавержден большинством в две трети членов Палаты, то вновь поступает в Палату, где он был предложен; и указанные дополнения или поправки лишь тогда будут считаться одобренными, когда за них будут поданы две трети голосов присутствующих на заседании членов.

Статья 72.

   Законопроект, частично или полностью отвергнутый исполнительной властью, возвращается с возражениями Правительства в Палату, в которой он был предложен. Последняя вновь обсуждает его и если подтверждает его двумя третями голосов, то направляет во вторую Палату. Если обе Палаты одобряют законопроект одинаковым большинством, то он становится законом и направляется исполнительной власти для промульгации. В этом случае голосование в обеих Палатах происходит поименно, путем произнесения да или нет. Как фамилии и мотивы голосовавших, так и возражения исполнительной власти немедленно публикуются в печати. Если Палаты разойдутся во мнениях относительно возражений, то законопроект не может обсуждаться вновь на сессии того же года.
Статья 73.
   При объявлении законов будет применяться следующая формула: "Сенат и Палата Депутатов Аргентинской Нации, объединенные в Конгресс и т. д., декретируют или санкционируют настоящий закон".
Глава I
Сущность и сроки деятельности

Статья 74.
   Исполнительная власть Нации будет осуществляться гражданином, носящим звание Президента Аргентинской Республики.

Статья 75.

   В случае болезни, отсутствия в Столице, отказа или отрешения Президента от должности исполнительная власть будет осуществляться Вице-президентом Республики. В случае отрешения от должиости, смерти; отказа или неспособности Президента и Вице-президента исполнять свои обязанности Конгресс решит вопрос о том, кто из должностных лиц должен исполнять обязанности Президента до тех пор, пока не исчезнет причина неспособности или пока не будет избран новый Президент.

Статья 76.

   Может быть избран Президентом или Вице-президентом лишь родившийся на аргентинской территории или сын прирожденного гражданина Аргентины, родившийся за границей, принадлежащий к католической апостолической римской церкви и удовлетворяющий остальным требованиям, необходимым для избрания в Сенаторы.

Статья 77.

   Президент и Вице-президент избираются на шесть лет и могут быть вновь избраны только через шесть лет после окончания срока полномочий.

Статья 78.

   Президент Республики слагает свои обязанности в тот день, когда кончается его шестилетний срок, причем никакое событие, которое прерывало срок его пребывания у власти, не может быть причиной продления этого срока.

Статья 79.

   Президент и Вице-президент получают из казны жалованье, которое не может быть изменено в течение периода, на который они избраны. В течение этого же периода Президент и Вице-президент не могут ни выполнять какие-либо другие обязанности, ни получать какое-либо другое вознаграждение от Государства или какой-либо провинции.

Статья 80.

   Вступая в должность, Президент и Вице-президент приносят присягу перед Председателем Сената (при первом избрании в соответствии с настоящей Конституцией - перед Председателем Учредительного собрания) на заседании всего состава Конгресса в следующих выражениях:
   "Я,....., клянусь Господом Богом нашим и зтим святым Евангелием, что буду преданно и патриотично исполнять обя


2014-08-11 17:26:00 (читать в оригинале)

ARGENTINA: Constitución de 1994 CONSTITUCIÓN DE LA NACIÓN ARGENTINA (22 de agosto de 1994)


Nos los representantes del pueblo de la Nación Argentina, reunidos en Congreso General Constituyente por voluntad y elección de las provincias que la componen, en cumplimiento de pactos preexistentes, con el objeto de constituir la unión nacional, afianzar la justicia, consolidar la paz interior, proveer la defensa común, promover el bienestar general, y asegurar los beneficios de la libertad, para nosotros, para nuestra posteridad, y para todos los hombres del mundo que quieran habitar en el suelo argentino: invocando la protección de Dios, fuente de toda razón y justicia: ordenamos, decretamos y establecemos esta Constitución, para la Nación Argentina.


Artículo 1o.- La Nación Argentina adopta para su gobierno la forma representativa, republicana, federal, según la establece la presente Constitución.

Artículo 2o.- El Gobierno federal sostiene el culto católico, apostólico, romano.

Artículo 3o.- Las autoridades que ejercen el Gobierno federal, residen en la ciudad que se declare Capital de la República por una ley especial del Congreso, previa cesión hecha por una o mas legislaturas provinciales, del territorio que haya de federalizarse.

Artículo 4o.- El Gobierno federal provee a los gastos de la Nación con los fondos del Tesoro nacional formado del producto de derechos de importación y exportación, del de la venta y locación de tierras de propiedad nacional, de la renta de Correos, de las demás contribuciones que equitativa y proporcionalmente a la población imponga el Congreso General, y de los empréstitos y operaciones de crédito que decrete el mismo Congreso para urgencias de la Nación o para empresas de utilidad nacional.

Artículo 5o.- Cada provincia dictará para si una Constitución bajo el sistema representativo republicano, de acuerdo con los principios, declaraciones y garantías de la Constitución Nacional y que asegure su administración de justicia, su régimen municipal y la educación primaria. Bajo de estas condiciones el Gobierno federal, garante a cada provincia el goce y ejercicio de sus instituciones.

Artículo 6o.- El Gobierno federal interviene en el territorio de las provincias para garantir la forma republicana de gobierno o repeler invasiones exteriores, y a requisición de sus autoridades constituidas para sostenerlas o restablecerlas, si hubiesen sido depuestas por la sedición, o por invasión de otra provincia.

Artículo 7o.- Los actos públicos y procedimientos judiciales de una provincia gozan de entera fe en las demás, y el Congreso puede por leyes generales determinar cual será la forma probatoria de estos actos y procedimientos, y los efectos legales que producirán.

Artículo 8o.- Los ciudadanos de cada provincia gozan de todos los derechos, privilegios e inmunidades inherentes al titulo de ciudadano en las demás. La extradición de los criminales es de obligación reciproca entre todas las provincias.

Artículo 9o.- En todo el territorio de la Nación no habrá mas aduanas que las nacionales, en las cuales regirán las tarifas que sancione el Congreso.

Artículo 10o.- En el interior de la República es libre de derechos la circulación de los efectos de producción o fabricación nacional, así como la de los géneros y mercancías de todas clases, despachadas en las aduanas exteriores.

Artículo 11o.- Los artículos de producción o fabricación nacional o extranjera, así como los ganados de toda especie, que pasen por territorio de una provincia a otra, serán libres de los derechos llamados de transito, siéndolo también los carruajes, buques o bestias en que se transporten, y ningún otro derecho podrá imponerseles en adelante, cualquiera que sea su denominación, por el hecho de transitar el territorio.

Artículo 12o.- Los buques destinados de una provincia a otra no serán obligados a entrar, anclar y pagar derechos por causa de transito, sin que en ningún caso puedan concederse preferencias a un puerto respecto de otro, por medio de leyes o reglamentos de comercio.

Artículo 13o.- Podrán admitirse nuevas provincias en la Nación, pero no podrá erigirse una provincia en el territorio de otra u otras, ni de varias formarse una sola, sin el consentimiento de la Legislatura de las provincias interesadas y del Congreso.

Artículo 14o.- Todos los habitantes de la Nación gozan de los siguientes derechos conforme a las leyes que reglamenten su ejercicio, a saber: de trabajar y ejercer toda industria licita; de navegar y comerciar; de peticionar a las autoridades; de entrar, permanecer, transitar y salir del territorio argentino; de publicar sus ideas por la prensa sin censura previa; de usar y disponer de su propiedad; de asociarse con fines útiles; de profesar libremente su culto; de enseñar y aprender.

Artículo 14o. bis.- El trabajo en sus diversas formas gozará de la protección de las leyes, las que asegurarán al trabajador: condiciones dignas y equitativas de labor; jornada limitada; descanso y vacaciones pagados; retribución justa; salario mínimo vital móvil; igual remuneración por igual tarea; participación en las ganancias de las empresas, con control de la producción y colaboración en la dirección; protección contra el despido arbitrario; estabilidad del empleado publico; organización sindical libre y democrática, reconocida por la simple inscripción en un registro especial.

Queda garantizado a los gremios: concertar convenios colectivos de trabajo; recurrir a la conciliación y al arbitraje; el derecho de huelga. Los representantes gremiales gozarán de las garantías necesarias para el cumplimiento de su gestión sindical y las relacionadas con la estabilidad de su empleo.

El Estado otorgara los beneficios de la seguridad social, que tendrá carácter de integral e irrenunciable. En especial, la ley establecerá: el seguro social obligatorio, que estará a cargo de entidades nacionales o provinciales con autonomía financiera y económica, administradas por los interesados con participación del Estado, sin que pueda existir superposición de aportes; jubilaciones y pensiones móviles; la protección integral de la familia; la defensa del bien de familia; la compensación económica familiar y el acceso a una vivienda digna.

Artículo 15o.- En la Nación Argentina no hay esclavos: los pocos que hoy existen quedan libres desde la jura de esta Constitución, y una ley especial reglará las indemnizaciones a que de lugar esta declaración. Todo contrato de compra y venta de personas es un crimen de que serán responsables los que lo celebrasen, y el escribano o funcionario que lo autorice. Y los esclavos que de cualquier modo se introduzcan quedan libres por el solo hecho de pisar el territorio de la República.

Artículo 16o.- La Nación Argentina no admite prerrogativas de sangre, ni de nacimiento: no hay en ella fueros personales ni títulos de nobleza. Todos sus habitantes son iguales antes la ley, y admisibles en los empleos sin otra condición que la idoneidad. La igualdad es la base del impuesto y de las cargas publicas.

Artículo 17o.- La propiedad es inviolable, y ningún habitante de la Nación puede ser privado de ella, sino en virtud de sentencia fundada en ley. La expropiación por causa de utilidad publica, debe ser calificada por ley y previamente indemnizada. Solo el Congreso impone las contribuciones que se expresan en el Artículo 4o. Ningún servicio personal es exigible, sino en virtud de ley o de sentencia fundada en ley. Todo autor o inventor es propietario exclusivo de su obra, invento o descubrimiento, por el termino que le acuerde la ley. La confiscación de bienes queda borrada para siempre del Código Penal argentino. Ningún cuerpo armado puede hacer requisiciones, ni exigir auxilios de ninguna especie.

Artículo 18o.- Ningún habitante de la Nación puede ser penado sin juicio previo fundado en ley anterior al hecho del proceso, ni juzgado por comisiones especiales, o sacado de los jueces designados por la ley antes del hecho de la causa. Nadie puede ser obligado a declarar contra si mismo; ni arrestado sino en virtud de orden escrita de autoridad competente. Es inviolable la defensa en juicio de la persona y de los derechos. El domicilio es inviolable como también la correspondencia epistolar y los papeles privados; y una ley determinará en que casos y con que justificativos podrá procederse a su allanamiento y ocupación. Quedan abolidos para siempre la pena de muerte por causas políticas, toda especie de tormento y los azotes. Las cárceles de la Nación serán sanas y limpias, para seguridad y no para castigo de los reos detenidos en ellas, y toda medida que a pretexto de precaución conduzca a mortificarlos mas al de lo que aquella exija, hará responsable al juez que la autorice.

Artículo 19o.- Las acciones privadas de los hombres que de ningún modo ofendan al orden y a la moral publica, ni perjudiquen a un tercero, están solo reservadas a Dios, y exentas de la autoridad de los magistrados. Ningún habitante de la Nación será obligado a hacer lo que no manda la ley, ni privado de lo que ello no prohibe.

Artículo 20o.- Los extranjeros gozan en el territorio de la Nación de todos los derechos civiles del ciudadano; pueden ejercer su industria, comercio y profesión; poseer bienes raíces, comprarlos y enajenarlos; navegar los ríos y costas; ejercer libremente su culto; testar y casarse conforme a las leyes. No están obligados a admitir la ciudadanía, ni a pagar contribuciones forzosas extraordinarias. Obtienen nacionalización residiendo dos años continuos en la Nación; pero la autoridad puede acortar este termino a favor del que lo solicite, alegando y probando servicios a la República.

Artículo 21o.- Todo ciudadano argentino está obligado a armarse en defensa de la patria y de esta Constitución, conforme a las leyes que al efecto dicte el Congreso y a los decretos del Ejecutivo nacional. Los ciudadanos por naturalización son libres de prestar o no este servicio por el termino de diez años contados desde el día en que obtengan su carta de ciudadanía.

Artículo 22o.- El pueblo no deliberá ni gobierna, sino por medio de sus representantes y autoridades creadas por esta Constitución. Toda fuerza armada o reunión de personas que se atribuya los derechos del pueblo y peticione a nombre de este, comete delito de sedición.

Artículo 23o.- En caso de conmoción interior o de ataque exterior que pongan en peligro el ejercicio de esta Constitución y de las autoridades creadas por ella, se declarará en estado de sitio la provincia o territorio en donde exista la perturbación del orden, quedando suspensas allí las garantías constitucionales. Pero durante esta suspensión no podrá el presidente de la República condenar por si ni aplicar penas. Su poder se limitará en tal caso respecto de las personas, a arrestarlas o trasladarlas de un punto a otro de la Nación, si ellas no prefiriesen salir fuera del territorio argentino.

Artículo 24o.- El Congreso promoverá la reforma de la actual legislación en todos sus ramos, y el establecimiento del juicio por jurados.

Artículo 25o.- El Gobierno federal fomentará la inmigración europea; y no podrá restringir, limitar ni gravar con impuesto alguno la entrada en el territorio argentino de los extranjeros que traigan por objeto labrar la tierra, mejorar las industrias, e introducir y enseñar las ciencias y las artes.

Artículo 26o.- La navegación de los ríos interiores de la Nación es libre para todas las banderas, con sujeción únicamente a los reglamentos que dicte la autoridad nacional.

Artículo 27o.- El Gobierno federal está obligado a afianzar sus relaciones de paz y comercio con las potencias extranjeras por medio de tratados que estén en conformidad con los principios de derecho publico establecidos en esta Constitución.

Artículo 28o.- Los principios, garantías y derechos reconocidos en los anteriores artículos, no podrán ser alterados por las leyes que reglamenten su ejercicio.

Artículo 29o.- El Congreso no puede conceder al Ejecutivo nacional, ni las Legislaturas provinciales a los gobernadores de provincia, facultades extraordinarias, ni la suma del poder publico, ni otorgarles sumisiones o supremacías por las que la vida, el honor o las fortunas de los argentinos queden a merced de gobiernos o persona alguna. Actos de esta naturaleza llevan consigo una nulidad insanable, y sujetarán a los que los formulen, consientan o firmen, a la responsabilidad y pena de los infames traidores a la patria.

Artículo 30o.- La Constitución puede reformarse en el todo o en cualquiera de sus partes. La necesidad de reforma debe ser declarada por el Congreso con el voto de dos terceras partes, al menos, de sus miembros; pero no se efectuará sino por una Convención convocada al efecto.

Artículo 31o.- Esta Constitución, las leyes de la Nación que en su consecuencia se dicten por el Congreso y los tratados con las potencias extranjeras son la ley suprema de la Nación; y las autoridades de cada provincia están obligadas a conformarse a ellas, no obstante cualquiera disposición en contrario que contengan las leyes o constituciones provinciales, salvo para la provincia de Buenos Aires, los tratados ratificados después del Pacto de 11 de noviembre de 1859.

Artículo 32o.- El Congreso federal no dictará leyes que restrinjan la libertad de imprenta o establezcan sobre ella la jurisdicción federal.

Artículo 33o.- Las declaraciones, derechos y garantías que enumera la Constitución, no serán entendidos como negación de otros derechos y garantías no enumerados; pero que nacen del principio de la soberanía del pueblo y de la forma republicana de gobierno.

Artículo 34o.- Los jueces de las cortes federales no podrán serlo al mismo tiempo de los tribunales de provincia, ni el servicio federal, tanto en lo civil como en lo militar da residencia en la provincia en que se ejerza, y que no sea la del domicilio habitual del empleado, entendiéndose esto para los efectos de optar a empleos en la provincia en que accidentalmente se encuentren.

Artículo 35o.- Las denominaciones adoptadas sucesivamente desde 1810 hasta el presente, a saber: Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata; República Argentina, Confederación Argentina, serán en adelante nombres oficiales indistintamente para la designación del Gobierno y territorio de las provincias, empleándose las palabras "Nación Argentina" en la formación y sanción de las leyes. CAPÍTULO SEGUNDO NUEVOS DERECHOS Y GARANTÍAS Artículo 36o.- Esta Constitución mantendrá su imperio aun cuando se interrumpiere su observancia por actos de fuerza contra el orden institucional y el sistema democrático. Estos actos serán insanablemente nulos.

Sus autores serán pasables de la sanción prevista en el articulo 29, inhabilitados a perpetuidad para ocupar cargos públicos y excluidos de los beneficios del indulto y la conmutación de penas.

Tendrán las mismas sanciones quienes, como consecuencia de estos actos, usurparen funciones previstas para las autoridades de esta Constitución o las de las provincias, los que responderán civil y penalmente de sus actos. Las acciones respectivas serán imprescriptibles.

Todos los ciudadanos tienen el derecho de resistencia contra quienes ejecutaren los actos de fuerza enunciados en este articulo.

Atentara asimismo contra el sistema democrático quien incurriere en grave delito doloso contra el Estado que conlleve enriquecimiento, quedando inhabilitado por el tiempo que las leyes determinen para ocupar cargos o empleos públicos.

El Congreso sancionará una ley sobre ética publica para el ejercicio de la función.

Artículo 37o.- Esta Constitución garantiza el pleno ejercicio de los derechos políticos, con arreglo al principio de la soberanía popular y de las leyes que se dicten en consecuencia. El sufragio es universal, igual, secreto y obligatorio.

La igualdad real de oportunidades entre varones y mujeres para el acceso a cargos electivos y partidarios se garantizará por acciones positivas en la regulación de los partidos políticos y en el régimen electoral.

Artículo 38o.- Los partidos políticos son instituciones fundamentales del sistema democrático.

Su creación y el ejercicio de sus actividades son libres dentro del respeto a esta Constitución, la que garantiza su organización y funcionamiento democráticos, la representación de las minorías, la competencia para la postulación de candidatos a cargos públicos electivos, el acceso a la información publica y la difusión de sus ideas.

El Estado contribuye al sostenimiento económico de sus actividades y de la capacitación de sus dirigentes.

Los partidos políticos deberán dar publicidad del origen y destino de sus fondos y patrimonio.

Artículo 39o.- Los ciudadanos tienen el derecho de iniciativa para presentar proyectos de ley en la Cámara de Diputados. El Congreso deberá darles expreso tratamiento dentro del termino de doce meses.

El Congreso, con el voto de la mayoría absoluta de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara, sancionará una ley reglamentaria que no podrá exigir mas del tres por ciento del padrón electoral nacional, dentro del cual deberá contemplar una adecuada distribución territorial para suscribir la iniciativa.

No serán objeto de iniciativa popular los proyectos referidos a reforma constitucional, tratados internacionales, tributos, presupuesto y materia penal.

Artículo 40o.- El Congreso, a iniciativa de la Cámara de Diputados, podrá someter a consulta popular un proyecto de ley. La ley de convocatoria no podrá ser vetada. El voto afirmativo del proyecto por el pueblo de la Nación lo convertirá en ley y su promulgación será automática.

El Congreso o el presidente de la Nación, dentro de sus respectivas competencias, podrán convocar a consulta popular no vinculante. En este caso el voto no será obligatorio.

El Congreso, con el voto de la mayoría absoluta de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara, reglamentará las materias, procedimientos y oportunidad de la consulta popular.

Artículo 41o.- Todos los habitantes gozan del derecho a un ambiente sano, equilibrado, apto para el desarrollo humano y para que las actividades productivas satisfagan las necesidades presentes sin comprometer las de las generaciones futuras, y tienen el deber de preservarlo. El daño ambiental generará prioritáriamente la obligación de recomponer, según lo establezca la ley.

Las autoridades proveerán a la protección de este derecho, a la utilización racional de los recursos naturales, a la preservación del patrimonio natural y cultural y de la diversidad biológica, y a la información y educación ambientales.

Corresponde a la Nación dictar las normas que contengan los presupuestos mínimos de protección, y a las provincias, las necesarias para complementarias, sin que aquellas alteren las jurisdicciones locales.

Se prohibe el ingreso al territorio nacional de residuos actual o potencialmente peligrosos, y de los radiactivos.

Artículo 42o.- Los consumidores y usuarios de bienes y servicios tienen derecho, en la relación de consumo, a la protección de su salud, seguridad e intereses económicos; a una información adecuada y veraz; a la libertad de elección y a condiciones de trato equitativo y digno.

Las autoridades proveerán a la protección de esos derechos, a la educación para el consumo, a la defensa de la competencia contra toda forma de distorsión de los mercados, al control de los monopolios naturales y legales, al de la calidad y eficiencia de los servicios públicos, y a la constitución de asociaciones de consumidores y de usuarios.

La legislación establecerá procedimientos eficaces para la prevención y solución de conflictos, y los marcos regulatorios de los servicios públicos de competencia nacional, previendo la necesaria participación de las asociaciones de consumidores y usuarios y de las provincias interesadas, en los organismos de control.

Artículo 43o.- Toda persona puede interponer acción expedita y rápida de amparo, siempre que no exista otro medio judicial mas idóneo, contra todo acto u omisión de autoridades publicas o de particulares, que en forma actual o inminente lesione, restrinja, altere o amenace, con arbitrariedad o ilegalidad manifiesta, derechos y garantías reconocidos por esta Constitución, un tratado o una ley. En el caso, el juez podrá declarar la inconstitucionalidad de la norma en que se funde el acto u omisión lesiva.

Podrán interponer esta acción contra cualquier forma de discriminación y en lo relativo a los derechos que protegen al ambiente, a la competencia, al usuario y al consumidor, así como a los derechos de incidencia colectiva en general, el afectado, el defensor del pueblo y las asociaciones que propendan a esos fines, registradas conforme a la ley, la que determinará los requisitos y formas de su organización.

Toda persona podrá interponer esta acción para tomar conocimiento de los datos a ella referidos y de su finalidad, que consten en registros o bancos de datos públicos, o privados destinados a proveer informes, y en caso de falsedad o discriminacion, para exigir la supresión, rectificación, confidencialidad o actualización de aquellos. No podrá afectarse el secreto de las fuentes de información periodística.

Cuando el derecho lesionado, restringido, alterado o amenazado fuera la libertad física, o, en caso de agravamiento ilegitimo en la forma o condiciones de detención, o en el de desaparición forzada de personas, la acción de habeas corpus podrá ser interpuesta por el afectado o por cualquiera en su favor y el juez resolverá de inmediato, aun durante la vigencia del estado de sitio.

SEGUNDA PARTE AUTORIDADES DE LA NACIÓN - TITULO PRIMERO GOBIERNO FEDERAL - SECCIÓN PRIMERA DEL PODER LEGISLATIVO Artículo 44o.- Un Congreso compuesto de dos Cámaras, una de diputados de la Nación y otra de senadores de las provincias y de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, será investido del Poder Legislativo de la Nación.

CAPÍTULO PRIMERO DE LA CÁMARA DE DIPUTADOS Artículo 45o.- La Cámara de Diputados se compondrá de representantes elegidos directamente por el pueblo de las provincias, de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, y de la Capital en caso de traslado, que se consideran a este fin como distritos electorales de un solo Estado y a simple pluralidad de sufragios. El número de representantes será de uno por cada treinta y tres mil habitantes o fracción que no baje de dieciséis mil quinientos. Después de la realización de cada censo, el Congreso fijará la representación con arreglo al mismo, pudiendo aumentar pero no disminuir la base expresada para cada diputado.

Artículo 46o.- Los diputados para la primera Legislatura se nombrarán en la proporción siguiente: por la provincia de Buenos Aires, doce; por la de Córdoba, seis; por la de Catamarca, tres; por la de Corrientes, cuatro; por la de Entre Ríos, dos; por la de Jujuy, dos; por la de Mendoza, tres; por la de La Rioja, dos; por la de Salta, tres; por la de Santiago, cuatro; por la de San Juan, dos; por la de Santa Fe, dos; por la de San Luis, dos, y por la de Tucumán, tres.

Artículo 47o.- Para la segunda Legislatura deberá realizarse el censo general, y arreglarse a el el número de diputados; pero este censo solo podrá renovarse cada diez años.

Artículo 48o.- Para ser diputado se requiere haber cumplido la edad de veinticinco años, tener cuatro años de ciudadanía en ejercicio y ser natural de la provincia que lo elija, o con dos años de residencia inmediata en ella.

Artículo 49o.- Por esta vez las Legislaturas de las provincias reglarán los medios de hacer efectiva la elección directa de los diputados de la Nación: para lo sucesivo el Congreso expedirá una ley general.

Artículo 50o.- Los diputados durarán en su representación por cuatro años, y son reelegibles, pero la Sala se renovará por mitad cada bienio, a cuyo efecto los nombrados para la primera Legislatura, luego que se reúnan, sortearan los que deban salir en el primer periodo.

Artículo 51o.- En caso de vacante, el gobierno de provincia o de la Capital, hace proceder a elección legal de un nuevo miembro.

Artículo 52o.- A la Cámara de Diputados corresponde exclusivamente la iniciativa de las leyes sobre contribuciones y reclutamiento de tropas.

Artículo 53o.- Solo ella ejerce el derecho de acusar ante el Senado al presidente, vicepresidente, al jefe de gabinete de ministros, a los ministros y a los miembros de la Corte Suprema, en las causas de responsabilidad que se intenten contra ellos, por mal desempeño o por delito en el ejercicio de sus funciones, o por crímenes comunes, después de haber conocido de ellos y declarado haber lugar a la formación de causa por la mayoría de dos terceras partes de sus miembros presentes.

CAPÍTULO SEGUNDO DEL SENADO Artículo 54o.- El Senado se compondrá de tres senadores por cada provincia y tres por la ciudad de Buenos Aires, elegidos en forma directa y conjunta, correspondiendo dos bancas al partido político que obtenga el mayor numero de votos, y la restante al partido político que le siga en numero de votos. Cada senador tendrá un voto.

Artículo 55o.- Son requisitos para ser elegido senador: tener la edad de treinta años, haber sido seis años ciudadano de la Nación, disfrutar de una renta anual de dos mil pesos fuertes o de una entrada equivalente, y ser natural de la provincia que lo elija, o con dos años de residencia inmediata en ella.

Artículo 56o.- Los senadores duran seis años en el ejercicio de su mandato, y son reelegibles indefinidamente, pero el Senado se renovará a razón de una tercera parte de los distritos electorales cada dos años.

Artículo 57o.- El vicepresidente de la Nación será presidente del Senado, pero no tendrá voto sino en el caso que haya empate en la votación.

Artículo 58o.- El Senado nombrará un presidente provisorio que lo presida en caso de ausencia del vicepresidente, o cuando este ejerce las funciones de presidente de la Nación.

Artículo 59o.- Al Senado corresponde juzgar en juicio publico a los acusados por la Cámara de Diputados, debiendo sus miembros prestar juramento para este acto. Cuando el acusado sea el presidente de la Nación, el Senado será presidido por el presidente de la Corte Suprema. Ninguno será declarado culpable sino a mayoría de los dos tercios de los miembros presentes.

Artículo 60o.- Su fallo no tendrá mas efecto que destituir al acusado, y aun declararle incapaz de ocupar ningún empleo de honor; de confianza o a sueldo en la Nación. Pero la parte condenada quedará, no obstante, sujeta a acusación, juicio y castigo conforme a las leyes ante los tribunales ordinarios.

Artículo 61o.- Corresponde también al Senado autorizar al presidente de la Nación para que declare en estado de sitio, uno o varios puntos de la República en caso de ataque exterior.

Artículo 62o.- Cuando vacase alguna plaza de senador por muerte, renuncia u otra causa, el Gobierno a que corresponda la vacante hace proceder inmediatamente a la elección de un nuevo miembro.

CAPÍTULO TERCERO DISPOSICIONES COMUNES A AMBAS CÁMARAS Artículo 63o.- Ambas Cámaras se reunirán por si mismas en sesiones ordinarias todos los años desde el primero de marzo hasta el treinta de noviembre. Pueden también ser convocadas extraordinariamente por el presidente de la Nación o prorrogadas sus sesiones.

Artículo 64o.- Cada Cámara es juez de las elecciones, derechos y títulos de sus miembros en cuanto a su validez. Ninguna de ellas entrará en sesión sin la mayoría absoluta de sus miembros; pero un numero menor podrá compeler a los miembros ausentes a que concurran a las sesiones, en los términos y bajo las penas que cada Cámara establecerá.

Artículo 65o.- Ambas Cámaras empiezan y concluyen sus sesiones simultáneamente. Ninguna de ellas, mientras se hallen reunidas, podrá suspender sus sesiones mas de tres días, sin el consentimiento de la otra.

Artículo 66o.- Cada Cámara hará su reglamento y podrá con dos tercios de votos, corregir a cualquiera de sus miembros por desorden de conducta en el ejercicio de sus funciones, o removerlo por inhabilidad física o moral sobreviniente a su incorporación, y hasta excluirle de su seno; pero bastara la mayoría de uno sobre la mitad de los presentes para decidir en las renuncias que voluntariamente hicieren de sus cargos.

Artículo 67o.- Los senadores y diputados prestaran, en el acto de su incorporación, juramento de desempeñar debidamente el cargo, y de obrar en todo en conformidad a lo que prescribe esta Constitución.

Artículo 68o.- Ninguno de los miembros del Congreso puede ser acusado, interrogado judicialmente, ni molestado por las opiniones o discursos que emita desempeñando su mandato de legislador.

Artículo 69o.- Ningún senador o diputado, desde el día de su elección hasta el de su cese, puede ser arrestado; excepto el caso de ser sorprendido in fraganti en la ejecución de algún crimen que merezca pena de muerte, infamante, u otra aflictiva; de lo que se dará cuenta a la Cámara respectiva con la información sumaria del hecho.

Artículo 70o.- Cuando se forme querella por escrito ante las justicias ordinarias contra cualquier senador o diputado, examinado el mérito del sumario en juicio publico, podrá cada Cámara, con dos tercios de votos, suspender en sus funciones al acusado, y ponerlo a disposición del juez competente para su juzgamiento.

Artículo 71o.- Cada una de las Cámaras puede hacer venir a su sala a los ministros del Poder Ejecutivo para recibir las explicaciones e informes que estime convenientes.

Artículo 72o.- Ningún miembro del Congreso podrá recibir empleo o comisión del Poder Ejecutivo, sin previo consentimiento de la Cámara respectiva, excepto los empleos de escala.

Artículo 73o.- Los eclesiásticos regulares no pueden ser miembros del Congreso, ni los gobernadores de provincia por la de su mando.

Artículo 74o.- Los servicios de los senadores y diputados son remunerados por el Tesoro de la Nación, con una dotación que señalará la ley. CAPÍTULO CUARTO ATRIBUCIONES DEL CONGRESO Artículo 75o.- Corresponde al Congreso: Legislar en materia aduanera. Establecer los derechos de importación y exportación, los cuales, así como las avaluaciones sobre las que recaigan, serán uniformes en toda la Nación. Imponer contribuciones indirectas como facultad concurrente con las provincias. Imponer contribuciones directas, por tiempo indeterminado, proporcionalmente iguales en todo el territorio de la Nación, siempre que la defensa, seguridad común y bien general del Estado lo exijan. Las contribuciones previstas en este inciso, con excepción de la parte o el total de las que tengan asignación especifica, son coparticipables.

Una ley convenio, sobre la base de acuerdos entre la Nación y las provincias, instituirá regímenes de coparticipación de estas contribuciones, garantizando la automaticidad en la remisión de los fondos.

La distribución entre la Nación, las provincias y la ciudad de Buenos Aires y entre estas, se efectuara en relación directa a las competencias, servicios y funciones de cada una de ellas contemplando criterios objetivos de reparto; será equitativa, solidaria y dará prioridad al logro de un grado equivalente de desarrollo, calidad de vida e igualdad de oportunidad en todo el territorio nacional.

La ley convenio tendrá como Cámara de origen el Senado y deberá ser sancionada con la mayoría absoluta de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara, no podrá ser modificada unilateralmente ni reglamentada y será aprobada por las provincias.

No habrá transferencia de competencias, servicios o funciones sin la respectiva resignación de recursos, aprobada por la ley del Congreso cuando correspondiere y por la provincia interesada o la ciudad de Buenos Aires en su caso.

Un organismo fiscal federal tendrá a su cargo el control y fiscalización de la ejecución de lo establecido en este inciso, según lo determine la ley, la que deberá asegurar la representación de todas las provincias y la ciudad de Buenos Aires en su composición. Establecer y modificar asignaciones especificas de recursos coparticipables, por tiempo determinado, por la ley especial aprobada por la mayoría absoluta de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara. Contraer empréstitos sobre el Crédito de la Nación. Disponer del uso y de la enajenación de las tierras de propiedad nacional. Establecer y reglamentar un banco federal con facultad de emitir moneda, así como otros bancos nacionales. Arreglar el pago de la deuda interior y exterior de la Nación. Fijar anualmente, conforme a las pautas establecidas en el tercer párrafo del inciso 2 de este articulo, el presupuesto general de gastos y calculo de recursos de la administración nacional, en base al programa general de gobierno y al plan de inversiones publicas y aprobar o desechar la cuenta de inversión. Acordar subsidios del Tesoro nacional a las provincias, cuyas rentas no alcancen, según sus presupuestos, a cubrir sus gastos ordinarios. Reglamentar la libre navegación de los ríos interiores, habilitar los puertos que considere convenientes, y crear o suprimir aduanas. Hacer sellar moneda, fijar su valor y el de las extranjeras; y adoptar un sistema uniforme de pesos y medidas para toda la Nación. Dictar los códigos Civil, Comercial, Penal, de Minería, y del Trabajo y Seguridad Social, en cuerpos unificados o separados, sin que tales códigos alteren las jurisdicciones locales, correspondiendo su aplicación a los tribunales federales o provinciales, según que las cosas o las personas cayeren bajo sus respectivas jurisdicciones; y especialmente, leyes generales para toda la Nación sobre naturalización y nacionalidad, con sujeción al principio de nacionalidad natural y por opción en beneficio de la argentina; así como sobre bancarrotas, sobre falsificación de la moneda corriente y documentos públicos del Estado, y las que requiera el establecimiento del juicio por jurados. Reglar el comercio con las naciones extranjeras, y de las provincias entre si. Arreglar y establecer los correos generales de la Nación. Arreglar definitivamente los limites del territorio de la Nación, fijar los de las provincias, crear otras nuevas, y determinar por una legislación especial la organización, administración y gobierno que deben tener los territorios nacionales, que queden fuera de los limites que le asignen a las provincias. Proveer a la seguridad de las fronteras. Reconocer la preexistencia étnica y cultural de los pueblos indígenas argentinos.

Garantizar el respeto a su identidad y el derecho a una educación bilingüe e intercultural; reconocer la personería jurídica de sus comunidades, y la posesión y propiedad comunitarias de las tierras que tradicionalmente ocupan; y regular la entrega de otras aptas y suficientes para el desarrollo humano; ninguna de ellas será enajenable, transmisible ni susceptible de gravámenes o embargos. Asegurar su participación en la gestión referida a sus recursos naturales y a los demás intereses que los afecten. Las provincias pueden ejercer concurrentemente estas atribuciones. Proveer lo conducente a la prosperidad del país, al adelanto y bienestar de todas las provincias, y al progreso de la ilustración, dictando planes de instrucción general y universitaria, y promoviendo la industria, la inmigración, la construcción de ferrocarriles y canales navegables, la colonización de tierras de propiedad nacional, la introducción y establecimiento de nuevas industrias, la importación de capitales extranjeros y la exploración de los ríos interiores, por leyes protectoras de estos fines y por concesiones temporales de privilegios y recompensas de estimulo. Proveer lo conducente al desarrollo humano, al progreso económico con justicia social, a la productividad de la economía nacional, a la generación de empleo, a la formación profesional de los trabajadores, a la defensa del valor de la moneda, a la investigación y al desarrollo científico y tecnológico, su difusión y aprovechamiento.

Proveer al crecimiento armónico de la Nación y al poblamiento de su territorio; promover políticas diferenciadas que tiendan a equilibrar el desigual desarrollo relativo de provincias y regiones. Para estas iniciativas, el Senado será Cámara de origen.

Sancionar leyes de organización y de base de la educación que consoliden la unidad nacional respetando las particularidades provinciales y locales: que aseguren la responsabilidad indelegable del Estado, la participación de la familia y la sociedad, la promoción de los valores democráticos y la igualdad de oportunidades y posibilidades sin discriminacion alguna; y que garanticen los principios de gratuidad y equidad de la educación publica estatal y la autonomía y autarquía de las universidades nacionales.

Dictar leyes que protejan la identidad y pluralidad cultural, la libre creación y circulación de las obras del autor; el patrimonio artístico y los espacios culturales y audiovisuales. Establecer tribunales inferiores a la Corte Suprema de Justicia; crear y suprimir empleos, fijar sus atribuciones, dar pensiones, decretar honores, y conceder amnistías generales. Admitir o desechar los motivos de dimisión del presidente o vicepresidente de la República; y declarar el caso de proceder a nueva elección. Aprobar o desechar tratados concluidos con las demás naciones y con las organizaciones internacionales y los concordatos con la Santa Sede. Los tratados y concordatos tienen jerarquía superior a las leyes.

La Declaración Americana de los Derechos y Deberes del Hombre; la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos; la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos; el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales; el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos y su Protocolo Facultativo; la Convención sobre la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio; la Convención Internacional sobre la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminacion Racial; la Convención sobre la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminacion contra la Mujer; la Convención contra la Tortura y otros Tratos o Penas Crueles, Inhumanos o Degradantes; la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño; en las condiciones de su vigencia, tienen jerarquía constitucional, no derogan articulo alguno de la primera parte de esta Constitución y deben entenderse complementarios de los derechos y garantías por ella reconocidos. Solo podrán ser denunciados, en su caso, por el Poder Ejecutivo nacional, previa aprobación de las dos terceras partes de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara.

Los demás tratados y convenciones sobre derechos humanos, luego de ser aprobados por el Congreso, requeriran del voto de las dos terceras partes de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara para gozar de la jerarquía constitucional. Legislar y promover medidas de acción positiva que garanticen la igualdad real de oportunidades y de trato, y el pleno goce y ejercicio de los derechos reconocidos por esta Constitución y por los tratados internacionales vigentes sobre los derechos humanos, en particular respecto de los niños, las mujeres, los ancianos y las personas con discapacidad.

Dictar un régimen de seguridad social especial e integral en protección del ninho en situacion de desamparo, desde el embarazo hasta la finalizacion del periodo de ensenhanza elemental, y de la madre durante el embarazo y el tiempo de lactancia. Aprobar tratados de integracion que deleguen competencias y jurisdicción a organizaciones supraestatales en condiciones de reciprocidad e igualdad, y que respeten el orden democrático y los derechos humanos. Las normas dictadas en su consecuencia tienen jerarquía superior a las leyes.

La aprobación de estos tratados con Estados de Latinoamerica requerira la mayoría absoluta de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara. En el caso de tratados con otros Estados, el Congreso de la Nación, con la mayoría absoluta de los miembros presentes de cada Cámara, declarara la conveniencia de la aprobación del tratado y solo podrá ser aprobado con el voto de la mayoría absoluta de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara, después de ciento veinte días del acto declarativo.

La denuncia de los tratados referidos a este inciso, exigira la previa aprobación de la mayoría absoluta de la totalidad de los miembros de cada Cámara. Autorizar al Poder Ejecutivo para declarar la guerra o hacer la paz. Facultar al Poder Ejecutivo para ordenar represalias y establecer reglamentos para las presas. Fijar las fuerzas armadas en tiempo de paz y guerra, y dictar las normas para su organización y gobierno. Permitir la introducción de tropas Extranjeras en el territorio de la Nación, y la salida de las fuerzas nacionales fuera de él. Declarar en estado de sitio uno o varios puntos de la Nación en caso de conmoción interior, y aprobar o suspender el estado de sitio declarado, durante su receso, por el Poder Ejecutivo. Ejercer una legislación exclusiva en el territorio de la capital de la Nación, y dictar la legislación necesaria para el cumplimiento de los fines especificos de los establecimientos de utilidad nacional en el territorio de la República. Las autoridades provinciales y municipales conservarán los poderes de policia e imposición sobre estos establecimientos, en tanto no interfierán en el cumplimiento de aquellos fines. Disponer la intervención federal a una provincia o a la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Aprobar o revocar la intervencián decretada, durante su receso, por el Poder Ejecutivo. Hacer todas las leyes y reglamentos que sean convenientes para poner en ejercicio los poderes antecedentes, y todos los otros concedidos por la presente Constitución al Gobierno de la Nación Argentina. Artículo 76o.- Se prohibe la delegacion legislativa en el Poder Ejecutivo, salvo en materias determinadas de administración o de emergencia publica, con plazo fijado para su ejercicio y dentro de las bases de la delegacion que el Congreso establezca.

La caducidad resultante del transcurso del plazo previsto en el párrafo anterior no importará revision de las relaciones juridicas nacidas al amparo de las normas dictadas en consecuencia de la delegacion legislativa.

CAPÍTULO QUINTO DE LA FORMACIÓN Y SANCION DE LAS LEYES Artículo 77o.- Las leyes pueden tener principio en cualquiera de las Cámaras del Congreso, por proyectos presentados por sus miembros o por el Poder Ejecutivo, salvo las excepciones que establece esta Constitución.

Artículo 78o.- Aprobado un proyecto de ley por la Cámara de su origen, pasa para su discusion a la otra Cámara. Aprobado por ambas, pasa al Poder Ejecutivo de la Nación para su examen; y si también obtiene su aprobación, lo promulga como ley.

Artículo 79o.- Cada Cámara, luego de aprobar un proyecto de ley en general, puede delegar en sus comisiones de aprobación en particular del proyecto, con el voto de la mayoría absoluta del total de sus miembros. La Cámara podrá, con igual numero de votos, dejar sin efecto la delegacion y retomar el tramite ordinario. La aprobación en comisión requerira el voto de la mayoría absoluta del total de sus miembros. Una vez aprobado el proyecto en comisión, se seguira el tramite ordinario.

Constitution Argentina

2014-08-11 17:22:00 (читать в оригинале)

Constitution Argentina


We, the representatives of the people of the Argentine Nation, gathered in General Constituent Assembly by the will and election of the Provinces which compose it, in fulfillment of pre-existing pacts, in order to form a national union, guarantee justice, secure domestic peace, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, to our posterity, and to all men of the world who wish to dwell on argentine soil: invoking the protection of God, source of all reason and justice: do ordain, decree, and establish this Constitution for the Argentine Nation.

[Part I] First Part

Chapter I Declarations, Rights, and Guarantees

Section 1 []

The Argentine Nation adopts the federal republican representative form of government, as this Constitution establishes.

Section 2 []

The Federal Government supports the Roman Catholic Apostolic religion.

Section 3 []

The authorities in charge of the Federal Government shall reside in the city to be declared Capital of the Republic by a special law of Congress, once settled the cession of the territory to be federalized by one or more provincial legislatures.

Section 4 []

The Federal Government provides for the expenditures of the Nation with the funds of the National Treasury, composed of the proceeds of export and import duties, the sale or lease of lands owned by the Nation, the revenues of the Posts, other taxes equitably and proportionally levied on the population by the National Congress, and of whatever loans and credit transactions Congress may order in case of national emergencies or for enterprises of national interest.

Section 5 []

Each province shall enact its own constitution under the republican, representative system, in accordance with the principles, declarations, and guarantees of the National Constitution, ensuring its administration of justice, municipal regime, and elementary education. Under these conditions, the Federal Government shall guarantee each province the full exercise of its institutions.

Section 6 []

The Federal Government may intervene in the territory of the provinces in order to guarantee the republican form of government or to repel foreign invasions; and at the request of their constituted authorities, it may intervene to support or reestablish them, should they have been deposed by sedition or invasion from another province.

Section 7 []

The public acts and judicial proceedings of one province are worthy of full faith in the others; and Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts and proceedings shall be proved and the legal effects thereof.

Section 8 []

The citizens of each province shall be entitled to all rights, privileges, and immunities inherent in the condition of citizen in the other provinces. The extradition of criminals is a reciprocal obligation among all the provinces.

Section 9 []

Throughout the territory of the Nation there shall be no other Customs than the national ones, in which the tariffs enacted by Congress shall be in force.

Section 10 []

The circulation of goods of national production or manufacture is free from duties throughout the Republic, as well as the circulation of articles and merchandise of all kinds cleared in the national Customs.

Section 11 []

Goods of national or foreign production or manufacture, as well as livestock of all kinds, that may pass through the territory of one province to another, shall be free from the so called transit duties, the same as the carriages, vessels or beasts in or on which they are transported; and no other duty, whatever its name may be, shall be imposed on them by reason of their passing through the territory.

Section 12 []

Vessels sailing from one province to another shall not be bound to enter, anchor, or pay transit duties; and no preference shall be granted in any case to any port in respect of another, by means of trading laws or regulations.

Section 13 []

New provinces may be admitted into the Nation; but a new province shall neither be established within the territory of another province or provinces, nor be formed from several, without the consent of the legislatures of the provinces concerned as well as that of Congress.

Section 14 []

All the inhabitants of the Nation are entitled to the following rights, in accordance with the laws that regulate their exercise, namely: to work and perform any lawful industry; to navigate and trade; to petition the authorities; to enter, remain in, travel through, and leave the Argentine territory; to publish their ideas through the press without previous censorship; to make use and dispose of their property; to associate for useful purposes; to profess freely their religion; to teach and to learn.

Section 14bis []

(1) Labor in its several forms shall be protected by law, which shall ensure to workers: dignified and equitable working conditions; limited working hours; paid rest and vacations; fair remuneration; minimum vital and adjustable wage; equal pay for equal work; participation in the profits of enterprises, with control of production and collaboration in the management; protection against arbitrary dismissal; stability of the civil servant; free and democratic labor union organizations recognized by the mere registration in a special record.

(2) Trade unions are hereby guaranteed: the right to enter into collective labor bargains; to resort to conciliation and arbitration; the right to strike. Union representatives shall have the guarantees necessary for carrying out their union tasks and those related to the stability of their employment.

(3) The State shall grant the benefits of social security, which shall be of an integral nature and may not be waived. In particular, the laws shall establish: compulsory social insurance, which shall be in charge of national or provincial entities with financial and economic autonomy, administered by the interested parties with State participation, with no overlapping of contributions; adjustable retirements and pensions; full family protection; protection of homestead; family allowances and access to a worthy housing.

Section 15 []

In the Argentine Nation there are no slaves: the few who still exist shall become free as from the swearing of his Constitution; and a special law shall regulate whatever compensation this declaration may give rise to. Any contract for the purchase and sale of persons is a crime for which the parties shall be liable, as well as the notary or officer authorizing it. And slaves who by any means enter the nation shall be free by the mere fact of entering the territory of the Republic.

Section 16 []

The Argentine Nation admits neither blood nor birth prerogatives: there are neither personal privileges nor titles of nobility. All its inhabitants are equal before the law, and admissible to employment without any other requirement than their ability. Equality is the basis of taxation and public burdens.

Section 17 []

Property may not be violated, and no inhabitant of the Nation can be deprived of it except by virtue of a sentence based on law. Expropriation for reasons of public interest must be authorized by law and previously compensated. Only Congress levies the taxes mentioned in Section 4. No personal service can be requested except by virtue of a law or sentence based on law. Every author or inventor is the exclusive owner of his work, invention, or discovery for the term granted by law. The confiscation of property is hereby abolished forever from the Argentine Criminal Code. No armed body may make requisitions nor demand assistance of any kind.

Section 18 []

No inhabitant of the Nation may be punished without previous trial based on a law enacted before the act that gives rise to the process, nor tried by special committees, nor removed from the judges appointed by law before the act for which he is tried. Nobody may be compelled to testify against himself, nor be arrested except by virtue of a written warrant issued by a competent authority. The defense by trial of persons and rights may not be violated. The domicile may not be violated, as well as the written correspondence and private papers; and a law shall determine in which cases and for what reasons their search and occupation shall be allowed. Death penalty for political causes, any kind of tortures and whipping, are forever abolished. The prisons of the Nation shall be healthy and clean, for the security and not for the punishment of the prisoners confined therein; and any measure taken with the pretext of precaution which may lead to mortify them beyond the demands of security, shall render liable the judge who authorizes it.

Section 19 []

The private actions of men which in no way offend public order or morality, nor injure a third party, are only reserved to God and are exempted from the authority of judges. No inhabitant of the Nation shall be obliged to perform what the law does not demand nor deprived of what it does not prohibit.

Section 20 []

Foreigners enjoy within the territory of the Nation all the civil rights of citizens; they may exercise their industry, trade and profession; own real property, buy and sell it; navigate the rivers and coasts; practice freely their religion; make wills and marry under the laws. They are not obliged to accept citizenship nor to pay extraordinary compulsory taxes. They may obtain naturalization papers residing two uninterrupted years in the Nation; but the authorities may shorten this term in favor of those so requesting it, alleging and proving services rendered to the Republic.

Section 21 []

Every Argentine citizen is obliged to bear arms in defense of the fatherland and of this Constitution, in accordance with the laws issued by Congress and the Decrees of the National Executive Power to this effect. Citizens by naturalization are free to render or not this service for a period of ten years as from the date they obtain naturalization papers.

Section 22 []

The people neither deliberate nor govern except through their representatives and authorities established by this Constitution. Any armed force or meeting of persons assuming the rights of the people and petitioning in their name, commits the crime of sedition.

Section 23 []

In the event of domestic disorder or foreign attack endangering the full enforcement of this Constitution and of the authorities hereby established, the province or territory which is in a turmoil shall be declared in state of siege and the constitutional guarantees shall be suspended therein. But during such a suspension the President of the Republic shall not pronounce judgment or apply penalties on his own. In such case, his power shall be limited, with respect to persons, to their arrest or transfer from one place of the Nation to another, should they not prefer to leave the Argentine territory.

Section 24 []

Congress shall promote the reform of the present legislation in all its branches, and the establishment of trial by jury.

Section 25 []

The Federal Government shall foster European immigration; and may not restrict, limit or burden with any tax whatsoever, the entry into the Argentine territory of foreigners who arrive for the purpose of tilling the soil, improving industries, and introducing and teaching arts and sciences.

Section 26 []

Navigation of the inland rivers of the Nation is free for all flags, only subject to the regulations issued by the national authority.

Section 27 []

The Federal Government is under the obligation to strengthen its relationships of peace and trade with foreign powers, by means of treaties in accordance with the principles of public law laid down by this Constitution.

Section 28 []

The principles, guarantees and rights recognized in the preceding sections shall not be modified by the laws that regulate their enforcement.

Section 29 []

Congress may not vest on the National Executive Power - nor may the provincial legislatures vest on the provincial governors - extraordinary powers or the total public authority; it may not grant acts of submission or supremacy whereby the life, honor, or wealth of the Argentine people will be at the mercy of governments or any person whatsoever. Acts of this nature shall be utterly void, and shall render those who formulate them, consent to them or sign them, liable to be condemned as infamous traitors to their fatherland.

Section 30 []

The Constitution may be totally or partially amended. The necessity of reform must be declared by Congress with the vote of at least two-thirds of the members; but it shall not be carried out except by an Assembly summoned to that effect.

Section 31 []

This Constitution, the laws of the Nation enacted by Congress in pursuance thereof, and treaties with foreign powers, are the supreme law of the Nation; and the authorities of each province are bound thereby, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary included in the provincial laws or constitutions, except for the province of Buenos Aires, the treaties ratified after the Pact of November 11, 1859.

Section 32 []

The Federal Congress shall not enact laws restricting the freedom of printing or establishing federal jurisdiction over it.

Section 33 []

The declarations, rights and guarantees which the Constitution enumerates shall not be construed as a denial of other rights and guarantees not enumerated, but rising from the principle of sovereignty of the people and from the republican form of government.

Section 34 []

The judges of the federal courts cannot at the same time hold an office in the provincial courts. The federal service, whether civil or military, shall not grant a right of residence in the province in which it is performed unless it is where the employee habitually resides, this provision being understood as pertaining to the right to choose employments in the province in which he accidentally happens to be.

Section 35 []

The denominations successively adopted from 1810 up to the present, namely: "United Provinces of the River Plate"; "Argentine Republic"; "Argentine Confederation", shall henceforth be official names to be indistinctly used for the designation of the government and territory of the provinces, the words "Argentine Nation" being used in the making and enactment of laws.

Chapter II New Rights and Guarantees

Section 36 []

(1) This Constitution shall rule even when its observance is interrupted by acts of force against the institutional order and the democratic system. These acts shall be irreparably null.

(2) Their authors shall be punished with the penalty foreseen in Section 29, disqualified in perpetuity from holding public offices and excluded from the benefits of pardon and commutation of sentences.

(3) Those who, as a consequence of these acts, were to assume the powers foreseen for the authorities of this Constitution or for those of the provinces, shall be punished with the same penalties and shall be civil and criminally liable for their acts. The respective actions shall not be subject to prescription.

(4) All citizens shall have the right to oppose resistance to those committing the acts of force stated in this section.

(5) He who, procuring personal enrichment, incurs in serious fraudulent offense against the Nation shall also attempt against the democratic system, and shall be disqualified to hold public office for the term specified by law.

(6) Congress shall enact a law on public ethics which shall rule the exercise of public office.

Section 37 []

(1) This Constitution guarantees the full exercise of political rights, in accordance with the principle of popular sovereignty and with the laws derived therefrom. Suffrage shall be universal, equal, secret and compulsory.

(2) Actual equality of opportunities for men and women to elective and political party positions shall be guaranteed by means of positive actions in the regulation of political parties and in the electoral system.

Section 38 []

(1) Political parties are basic institutions of the democratic system.

(2) This Constitution guarantees the free establishment and exercise of their activities, as well as their democratic organization and performance, representation of minority groups, competition for those standing as candidates for elective public positions, access to public information and communication of their ideas.

(3) The State contributes to the economic support of their activities and the training of their leaders.

(4) Political parties shall make public the source and destiny of their funds and assets.

Section 39 []

(1) Citizens shall have the right to introduce bills before the House of Deputies. Congress shall consider them within the term of twelve months.

(2) Congress shall enact, with the vote of the absolute majority of all the members of each House, a regulatory law that cannot demand more than three per cent of the national voters register, which shall be consistent with an adequate territorial distribution in order to support the initiative.

(3) Bills referring to constitutional reform, international treaties, taxation, budget, and criminal legislation shall not originate in popular initiatives.

Section 40 []

(1) At the initiative of the House of Deputies, Congress may submit a bill to popular consultation. The law calling said consultation shall not be vetoed. With the affirmative vote of the people of the Nation, the bill shall become a law and its promulgation shall be automatic.

(2) Congress or the President of the Nation, according to their respective powers, shall call a non-binding popular consultation. In this case voting shall not be compulsory.

(3) With the vote of the absolute majority of all the members of each House, Congress shall regulate the subjects, procedures and time of the popular consultation.

Section 41 []

(1) All inhabitants are entitled to the right to a healthy and balanced environment fit for human development in order that productive activities shall meet present needs without endangering those of future generations; and shall have the duty to preserve it. As a first priority, environmental damage shall bring about the obligation to repair it according to law.

(2) The authorities shall provide for the protection of this right, the rational use of natural resources, the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage and of the biological diversity, and shall also provide for environmental information and education.

(3) The Nation shall regulate the minimum protection standards, and the provinces those necessary to reinforce them, without altering their local jurisdictions.

(4) The entry into the national territory of present or potential dangerous wastes, and of radioactive ones, is forbidden.

Section 42 []

(1) As regards consumption, consumers and users of goods and services have the right to the protection of their health, safety, and economic interests; to adequate and truthful information; to freedom of choice and equitable and reliable treatment.

(2) The authorities shall provide for the protection of said rights, the education for consumption, the defense of competition against any kind of market distortions, the control of natural and legal monopolies, the control of quality and efficiency of public utilities, and the creation of consumer and user associations.

(3) Legislation shall establish efficient procedures for conflict prevention and settlement, as well as regulations for national public utilities. Such legislation shall take into account the necessary participation of consumer and user associations and of the interested provinces in the control entities.

Section 43 []

(1) Any person shall file a prompt and summary proceeding regarding constitutional guarantees, provided there is no other legal remedy, against any act or omission of the public authorities or individuals which currently or imminently may damage, limit, modify or threaten rights and guarantees recognized by this Constitution, treaties or laws, with open arbitrariness or illegality. In such case, the judge may declare that the act or omission is based on an unconstitutional rule.

(2) This summary proceeding against any form of discrimination and about rights protecting the environment, competition, users and consumers, as well as about rights of general public interest, shall be filed by the damaged party, the ombudsman and the associations which foster such ends registered according to a law determining their requirements and organization forms.

(3) Any person shall file this action to obtain information on the data about himself and their purpose, registered in public records or data bases, or in private ones intended to supply information; and in case of false data or discrimination, this action may be filed to request the suppression, rectification, confidentiality or updating of said data. The secret nature of the sources of journalistic information shall not be impaired.

(4) When the right damaged, limited, modified, or threatened affects physical liberty, or in case of an illegitimate worsening of procedures or conditions of detention, or of forced missing of persons, the action of habeas corpus shall be filed by the party concerned or by any other person on his behalf, and the judge shall immediately make a decision even under state of siege.

[Part II] Second Part Authorities of the Nation

Title I Federal Government

[Subtitle I] First Division: Legislative Power

[Chapter 0 General Provision]

Section 44 [Legislative Power]

The Legislative Power of the Nation shall be vested in a Congress composed of two Houses, one of Deputies of the Nation and the other of Senators for the provinces and for the City of Buenos Aires.

Chapter I The House of Deputies

Section 45 []

The House of Deputies shall be composed of representatives directly elected by the people of the provinces, of the City of Buenos Aires, and of the Capital City in case of its moving, which for this purpose are considered as constituencies of a single state, and by simple plurality of votes. The number of representatives shall be one for every thirty-three thousand inhabitants or fraction not under sixteen thousand five hundred inhabitants. After each census, Congress shall establish the representation in accordance with the same, being empowered to increase but not to decrease the basis indicated for each deputy.

Section 46 []

The deputies for the first legislative session shall be appointed in the following proportion: for the province of Buenos Aires, twelve; for that of Cуrdoba, six; for that of Catamarca, three; for that of Corrientes, four; for that of Entre Rнos, two; for that of Jujuy, two; for that of Mendoza, three; for that of La Rioja, two; for that of Salta, three; for that of Santiago, four; for that of San Juan, two; for that of Santa Fe, two; for that of San Luis, two; and for that of Tucumбn, three.

Section 47 []

For the second legislative session a general census shall be carried out and the number of deputies shall be arranged according thereto; but this census shall only be renewed every ten years.

Section 48 []

In order to be a deputy it is necessary to have attained to the age of 25 years; to have been four years a fully qualified citizen; and to be a native of the province electing him or to have two years of immediate residence therein.

Section 49 []

On this occasion, the Legislatures of the provinces shall regulate the means to hold the direct election of the deputies of the Nation; in the future, Congress shall enact a general law.

Section 50 []

Deputies shall hold office for a term of four years and may be re-elected; but the House shall be renewed by halves every two years; for this purpose those elected for the first legislative session, after meeting, shall draw lots to decide those who shall leave after the first period.

Section 51 []

In case of vacancy, the Government of the province or of the Capital City shall proceed to call a legal election for a new member.

Section 52 []

All bills for raising revenue and for the recruitment of troops shall exclusively originate in the House of Deputies.

Section 53 []

Only the House of Deputies has the power to impeach before the Senate the President, the Vice-President, the Chief of the Ministerial Cabinet, the Ministers, and the Justices of the Supreme Court, in such cases of responsibility as are brought against them for misconduct or crimes committed in the fulfillment of their duties; or for ordinary crimes, after having known about them and after the decision to bring an action had been voted by a majority of two-thirds of its members present.

Chapter II The Senate

Section 54 []

The Senate shall be composed of three senators for each province, and three for the City of Buenos Aires, jointly and directly elected, corresponding two seats to the political party obtaining the majority of votes, and the other seat to the political party following in number of votes. Each senator shall have one vote.

Section 55 []

In order to be elected senator the following conditions are required: to have attained to the age of 30 years, to have been six years a citizen of the Nation, to have an annual income of two thousand strong pesos or similar revenues, and to be a native of the province electing him or to have two years of immediate residence therein.

Section 56 []

Senators shall hold office for a term of six years and may be indefinitely re-elected; but the Senate shall be renewed by one-third of the constituencies every two years.

Section 57 []

The Vice-President of the Nation shall be President of the Senate; but he shall have no vote unless in case of equality of votes.

Section 58 []

The Senate shall appoint a President pro tempore to preside it in case of absence of the Vice-President, or when he holds the office of President of the Nation.

Section 59 []

The Senate is empowered to judge in public trial those impeached by the House of Deputies, its members being on oath for the case. When the President of the Nation is impeached, the Senate shall be presided by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. No person shall be declared guilty without the majority of two-thirds of the members present.

Section 60 []

The judgment shall not extend further than to remove the accused person from office, and to disqualify him to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit in the Nation. But the party declared guilty shall, nevertheless, be subject to accusation, trial, and punishment according to law before the ordinary courts.

Section 61 []

In case of foreign attack, the Senate is also empowered to authorize the President of the Nation to declare in state of siege one or several places of the Republic.

Section 62 []

When any vacancy occurs in the Senate because of death, resignation or other cause, the government to which the vacancy belongs shall immediately call an election for a new member.

Chapter III Povisions applicable to both Houses

Section 63 []

Both Houses shall assemble, on their own account, every year in ordinary legislative session from March 1 until November 30. The President of the Nation may convoke to extraordinary legislative session or extend the ordinary one.

Section 64 []

Each House shall be the judge of the elections, rights and qualifications of its members, as regards their validity. Neither of them shall meet without the absolute majority of its members; but a smaller number may compel the absent members to attend the meetings, in the terms and under the penalties as each House may provide.

Section 65 []

Both Houses begin and conclude their legislative session simultaneously. Neither of them, while they sit, shall adjourn its meetings for more than three days without the consent of the other.

Section 66 []

Each House shall make its rules of proceedings, and with the concurrence of two-thirds may correct any one of its members for disorderly behavior in the exercise of his duties, or can remove him on account of physical or moral disability occurring after his admission, and may even expel him from the body; but a majority of one more than the half of those present shall be enough to decide on voluntary resignations from office.

Section 67 []

Senators and deputies, on assuming office, shall take an oath to duly perform their duties and to act in all matters in accordance with the provisions herein established.

Section 68 []

No member of Congress shall be accused, judicially examined, or disturbed for opinions expressed or speeches delivered by him while holding office as legislator.

Section 69 []

No senator or deputy shall be arrested as from the day of his election until the expiration of his term, except when flagrantly surprised committing a crime deserving capital punishment or other infamous or serious punishment, in which case a summary report of the facts shall be submitted the corresponding House.

Section 70 []

When a written complaint is filed before the ordinary courts against any senator or deputy, once examined if there is enough evidence in a public trial, each House may, with the concurrence of two-thirds of the votes, suspend the accused party from his office and place him under the jurisdiction of the competent court to be judged.

Section 71 []

Either House shall summon the Ministers of the Executive Power to receive such explanations or reports as it may deem necessary.

Section 72 []

No member of Congress shall be appointed to any civil office or commission under the Executive Power, without the previous consent of the respective House, except for employments subject to promotions.

Section 73 []

Neither the regular members of the clergy nor governors in representation of their own provinces, may be members of Congress.

Section 74 []

The senators and deputies shall receive a remuneration for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the Nation.

Chapter VI Powers of Congress

Section 75 []

Congress is empowered:

1. To legislate about national Customs. To lay import and export duties that shall be uniform throughout the Nation as well as the valuations on which they are assessed.

2. To levy indirect taxes as a power concurrent with the provinces. To levy direct taxes for a specified term and proportionally equal throughout the national territory, provided that the defense, common security and general welfare of the State so require it. The taxes under this subsection are subject to joint participation, except for those which, in part or in all, have specific allocation.

An agreement-law based on understandings between the Nation and the provinces shall establish systems of joint participation for these taxes, guaranteeing the automatic remittance of funds.

The distribution among the Nation, the provinces and the City of Buenos Aires, and among themselves, shall be carried out in direct relation to the jurisdictions, services and functions of each one of them taking into account objective sharing criteria; it shall be based on principles of equity and solidarity giving priority to the achievement of a similar degree of development, of living standards and equal opportunities throughout the national territory.

The agreement-law shall originate in the Senate and shall be enacted with the absolute majority of all the members of each House; it shall be neither unilaterally amended nor regulated, and shall be approved by the provinces.

There shall be no transfer of jurisdictions, services or functions without the corresponding reallocation of funds approved by a law of Congress, when appropriate, and by the interested province or the City of Buenos Aires, as the case may be.

A federal fiscal body shall be in charge of the control and monitoring of what is laid down in this subsection, according to the law which shall guarantee the representation of all the provinces and of the City of Buenos Aires as regards its composition.

3. To set and modify specific allocations that may be subject to joint participation, for a specified term, by a special law enacted with the absolute majority of all the members of each House.

4. To borrow money on the credit of the Nation.

5. To decide about the use and sale of national lands.

6. To establish and regulate a Federal bank with power to issue money, as well as other national banks.

7. To settle the payment of the domestic and foreign debt of the Nation.

8. To fix annually, according to the standards laid down in the third paragraph of subsection 2 of this Section, the general budget of expenses and the estimate of resources of the National Administration, based on the general program of the government and on the public investment plan, and to approve or reject the investment account.

9. To grant subsidies from the National Treasury to those provinces the incomes of which, according to their budgets, do not cover their ordinary expenses.

10. To regulate the free navigation of inland rivers, to authorize the operation of such ports as it shall consider necessary, and to set up or suppress Customs.


2014-08-11 17:20:00 (читать в оригинале)


WHEREAS the People of Antigua and Barbuda

proclaim that they are a sovereign nation founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person, the entitlement of all persons to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, the position of the family in a society of free men and women and free institutions;

respect the principles of social justice and, therefore, believe that the operation of their economic system should result in the material resources of their community being so distributed as to serve the common good, that there should be adequate means of livelihood for all, that labour should not be exploited or forced by economic necessity to operate in inhumane conditions but that there should be opportunity for advancement on the basis of recognition of merit, ability and integrity;

assert their conviction that their happiness and prosperity can best be pursued in a democratic society in which all persons may, to the extent of their capacity, play some part in the national life;

recognise that the law symbolises the public conscience, that every citizen owes to it an undivided allegiance not to be limited by any private views of justice or expediency and that the State is subject to the law;

desire to establish a framework of supreme law within which to guarantee their inalienable human rights and freedoms, among them, the rights to liberty, property, security and legal redress of grievances, as well as freedom of speech, of the press and of assembly, subject only to the public interest:

NOW, THEREFORE, the following provisions shall have effect as the Constitution of Antigua and Barbuda:-



1.- Antigua and Barbudashall be a unitary sovereign democratic State.

The territory of Antigua and Barbuda shall comprise the islands of Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda and all other areas that were comprised in Antiguaon 31st October 1981together with such other areas as may be declared by Act of Parliament to form part of the territory of Antigua and Barbuda.


2.- This Constitution is the supreme law of Antigua and Barbuda and, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, if any other laws is inconsistent with this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail and the other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.



3.- Whereas every person in Antigua and Barbuda is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, the right, regardless of race, place of origin, political opinions or affiliations, colour, creed or sex, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest, to each and all of the following, namely-
life, liberty, security of the person, the enjoyment of property and the protection of the law;

freedom of conscience, of expression (including freedom of the press) and of peaceful assembly and association; and

protection for his family life, his personal privacy, the privacy of his home and other property and from deprivation of property without fair compensation,

the provisions of this Chapter shall have effect for the purpose of affording protection to the aforesaid rights and freedoms, subject to such limitations of that protection as are contained in those provisions, being limitations designed to ensure that the enjoyment of the said rights and freedoms by any individual does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of other or the public interest.


No person shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a crime of treason or murder of which he has been convicted.

A person shall not be regarded as having been deprived of his life in contravention of this section if he dies as the result of the use, to such extent and such circumstances as are permitted by law, of such force as is reasonably justifiable-
for the defence of any person from violence or for the defence of property;
in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained;
for the purpose of suppressing a riot, insurrection or mutiny; or
in order lawfully to prevent the commission by that person of a criminal offence,
or if he dies as the result of a lawful act of war.


No person shall be deprived of his personal liberty save as may be authorised by law in any of the following cases, that is to say-
in consequence of his unfitness to plead to a criminal charge;
in execution of the sentence or order of a court, whether established for Antigua and Barbuda or some other country, in respect of a criminal offence of which he has been convicted;
in execution of an order of the High Court or of the Court of Appeal or such other court as may be prescribed by Parliament on the grounds of his contempt of any such court or of another court or tribunal;
in execution of the order of a court made in order to secure the fulfilment of any obligation imposed on him by law;
for the purpose of bringing him before a court in execution of the order of a court;
upon reasonable suspicion of his having committed or of being about to commit a criminal offence under any law;
under the order of a court or with the consent of his parent or guardian, for his education or welfare during any period ending not later than the date when he attains the age of eighteen years;
for the purpose of preventing the spread of an infectious or contagious disease;
in the case of a person who is, or is reasonably suspected to be, of unsound mind, addicted to drugs or alcohol, or a vagrant, for the purpose of his care or treatment or the protection of the community;
for the purpose of preventing the unlawful entry of that person into Antigua and Barbuda, or for the purpose of effecting the expulsion, extradition or other lawful removal of that person from Antigua and Barbuda or for the purpose of restricting that person while he is being conveyed through Antigua and Barbuda in the course of his extradition or removal as a convicted prisoner from one country to another; or
to such extent as may be necessary in the execution of a lawful order requiring that person to remain within a specified area within Antigua and Barbuda or prohibiting him from being within such an area or to such extent as may be reasonably justifiable for the taking of proceedings against that person relating to the making of any such order or relating to such an order after it has been made, or to such extent as may be reasonably justifiable for restraining that person during any visit that he is permitted to make to any part of Antigua and Barbuda in which, in consequence of any such order, his presence would otherwise be unlawful.
any person who is arrested or detained shall be informed orally and in writing as soon as reasonably practicable, in language that he understands, of the reason for his arrest or detention.

Any person who is arrested or detained shall have the right, at any stage and at his own expense, to retain and instruct without delay a legal practitioner of his own choice, and to hold private communications with him, and in the case of a minor he shall also be afforded a reasonable opportunity for communication with his parent or guardian.

When a person is arrested, excessive bail shall not be required in those cases where bail is being granted.

Any person who is arrested or detained-
for the purpose of bringing him before a court in execution of the order of a court; or
upon reasonable suspicion of his having committed or being about to commit a criminal offence under any law,
and who is not released shall be brought before the court within forty-eight hours after his detention and, in computing time for the purposes of this subsection, Sundays and public holidays shall be excluded.

If any person arrested or detained as mentioned in subsection (5) (b) of this section is not tried within a reasonable time, the, without prejudice to any further proceedings which may be brought against him, he shall be released either unconditionally or upon reasonable conditions, including in particular such conditions as are reasonably necessary to ensure that he appears at a later date for trial or for proceedings preliminary to trial and, subject to subsection (4) of this section, such conditions may include bail.

Any person who is unlawfully arrested or detained by any other person shall, subject to such defences as may be provided by law, be entitled to compensation for such unlawful arrest or detention from the person who made the arrest or effected the detention, from any person or authority on whose behalf the person making the arrest or effecting the detention was acting or from them both:
Provided that a judge, a magistrate or a justice of the peace or an officer of a court or a police officer acting in pursuance of the order of a judge, a magistrate or a justice of the peace shall nor be under any personal liability to pay compensation under this subsection in consequence of any act performed by him in good faith in the discharge of the functions of his office and any liability to pay any such compensation in consequence of any such act shall be a liability of the Crown.
For the purposes of subsection (1) (b) of this section, a person charged with a criminal offence in respect of whom a special verdict has been returned that he was guilty of the act or omission charged but was insane when he did the act or made the omission shall be regarded as a person who has been convicted of a criminal offence and the detention of that person in consequence of such a verdict shall be regarded as detention in execution of the order of a court.


No person shall be held in slavery or servitude.

No person shall be required to perform forced labour.

For the purposes of this section, the expression "forced labour&quote; does not include-
any labour required in consequence of the sentence or order of a court;
any labour required of any person while he is lawfully detained that, though not required in consequence of the sentence or order of a court, is reasonably necessary in the interests of hygiene or for the maintenance of the place at which he is detained;
any labour required of a member of a disciplined force in pursuance of his duties as such or, in the case of a person who has conscientious objections to service as a member of a naval, military or air force, any labour that person is required by law to perform in place of such service;
any labour required during any period of public emergency or, in the event of any other emergency or calamity that threatens the life and well-being of the community, to the extent that the requiring of such labour is reasonably justifiable in the circumstances of any situation arising or existing during that period or as a result of that other emergency or calamity, for the purpose of dealing with that situation.


No person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or other such treatment.

Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question authorises the infliction of any description of punishment that was lawful in Antigua on 31st October 1981.


A person shall not be deprived of his freedom of movement, that is to say, the right to move freely throughout Antigua and Barbuda, the right to reside in any part of Antigua and Barbuda, the right to enter Antigua and Barbuda, the right to leave Antigua and Barbudaand immunity from expulsion from Antigua and Barbuda.

Any restrictions on a person's freedom of movement that is involved in his lawful detention shall not be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section.

Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question makes provision-
for the imposition of restrictions on the movements or residence within Antigua and Barbuda of any person or on any person's right to leave Antigua and Barbuda that are reasonably required in the interests of defence, public safety or public order;
for the imposition of restrictions on the movements or residence within Antigua and Barbuda or on the right to leave Antigua and Barbuda of persons generally or any class of persons in the interest of defence, public safety, public order, public morality, or public health or, in respect of the right to leave Antigua and Barbuda, of securing compliance with any international obligation of Antigua and Barbuda particulars of which have been laid before the House and except so far as that provision or, as the case may be, the thing done under the authority thereof is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society;
for the imposition of restrictions, by order of a court, on the movement or residence within Antigua and Barbuda of any person or on any person's right to leave Antigua and Barbuda either in consequence of his having been found guilty of a criminal offence under a law or for the purpose of ensuring that he appears before a court at a later date for trial of such a criminal offence or for proceedings relating to his extradition or lawful removal from Antigua and Barbuda;
for the imposition of restrictions on the freedom of movement of any person who is not a citizen;
for the imposition of restrictions on the acquisition or use by any person of land or other property in Antigua and Barbuda;
for the imposition of restrictions upon the movement or residence within Antigua and Barbuda or on the right to leave Antigua and Barbuda of any public officer that are reasonably required for the proper performance of his functions;
for the removal of a person from Antigua and Barbuda to be tried or punished in some other country for a criminal offence under the law of that other country or to undergo imprisonment in some other country in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence under a law of which he has been convicted; or
for the imposition of restrictions on the right of any person to leave Antigua and Barbuda that are reasonably required in order to secure the fulfilment of any obligations imposed on that person by law and except so far as that provision or, as the case may be, the thing done under the authority thereof is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society.

If any person whose freedom of movement has been restricted by virtue of such a provision as is referred to in subsection (3) (a) of this section so requests at any time during the period of that restriction not earlier than two months after the restriction was imposed or two months after he last made such a request, as the case may be, his case shall be reviewed by an independent and impartial tribunal consisting of a president who shall be a legal practitioner of not less than seven years standing appointed by the Chief Justice and two other members appointed by the Governor-General acting in his discretion.

On any review by a tribunal in pursuance of subsection (4) of this section of the case of any person whose freedom of movement has been restricted, the tribunal may make recommendations concerning the necessity for or expediency of the continuation of that restriction to the authority by whom it was ordered and, unless it is otherwise provided by law, that authority shall be obliged to act in accordance with any such recommendations.


No property of any description shall be compulsorily taken possession of, and no interest in or right to or over property of any description shall be compulsorily acquired, except for public use and except in accordance with the provisions of a law applicable to that taking of possession or acquisition and for the payment of fair compensation within a reasonable time.

Every person having a interest in or right to or over property which is compulsorily taken possession of or whose interest in or right to or over any property is compulsorily acquired shall have the right of access to the High Court for-

the determination of his interest or right, the legality of the taking of possession or acquisition of the property, interest or right and the amount of any compensation to which he is entitled; and
the purpose of obtaining payment of that compensation:
Provided that if Parliament so provides in relation to any matter referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection the right of access shall be by way of appeal (exercisable as of right at the instance of the person having the interest in or right to or over the property) from a tribunal or authority, other than the High Court, having jurisdiction under any law to determine that matter.
The Chief Justice may make rules with respect to the practice and procedure of the High Court or any other tribunal or authority in relation to the jurisdiction conferred on the High Court by subsection (2) of this section or exercisable by the other tribunal or authority for the purposes of that subsection (including rules with respect to the time within which application or appeals to the High Court or applications to the other tribunals or authority may be brought).

Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of subsection (1) of this section-
to the extent that the law in question makes provision for the taking of possession or acquisition of any property, interest or right-
in satisfaction of any tax, rate or due;
by way of penalty for breach of the law or forfeiture in consequence of breach of the law;
as an incident of a lease, tenancy, mortgage, charge, bill of sale, pledge or contract;
in the execution of judgements or orders of a court in proceedings for the determination of civil rights or obligations;
in circumstances where it is reasonably necessary so to do because the property is in a dangerous state or likely to be injurious to the health of human beings, animals or plants;
in consequence of any law with respect to the limitation of actions;
for so long as may be necessary for the purposes of any examination, investigation, trial or enquiry or, in the case of land, for the purposes of the carrying out thereon of work of soil conservation or the conservation of other natural resources or work relation to agricultural development or improvement (being work relating to such development or improvement that the owner or occupier of the land has been required, and has without reasonable excuse refused or failed, to carry out),
and except so far as the provision or, as the case may be, the thing done under the authority thereof is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society;
to the extent that the law in question makes provision for the taking of possession or acquisition of any of the following property (including and interest in or right to or over property), that is to say-
enemy property;
property of a deceased person, a person of unsound mind or a person who had not attained the age of eighteen years, for the purpose of its administration for the benefit of the persons entitled to the beneficial interest therein;
the property of a person adjudged bankrupt or a body corporate in liquidation, for the purpose of its administration for the benefit of the creditors of the bankrupt or body corporate and, subject thereto, for the benefit of other persons entitled to the beneficial interest in the property; or
property subject to a trust, for the purpose of vesting the property in persons appointed as trustees under the instrument creating the trust or by a court or by order of a court for the purposes of giving effect to the trust.
Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law enacted by Parliament shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question makes provision for the compulsory taking of possession of any property, or the compulsory acquisition of any interest in or right or over property, where that property, interest or right is held by a body corporate established by law for public purposes in which no monies have been invested other than monies provided by Parliament or any legislature established for the former colony or Associated State of Antigua.

For the purposes of this section, "use" is "public" if it is intended to result or results in a benefit or advantage to the public and, without prejudice to its generality, includes any use affecting the physical, economic, social or aesthetic well-being of the public.


Except with his own consent, no person shall be subjected to the search of his person or his property or the entry by others on his premises.

Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question makes provision-

that is reasonably required in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality, public health, public revenue, town and country planning or the development and utilisation of property in such a manner as to promote the public benefit;
that authorises an office or agent of the Government, a local government authority or a body corporate established by law for public purposes to enter on the premises of any person in order to inspect those premises or anything thereon for the purpose of any tax, rate or due in order to carry out work connected with any property that is lawfully on those premises and that belongs to the Government, or to that authority or body corporate, as the case may be;
that is reasonably required for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime;
that is reasonably required for the purpose of protecting the rights or freedoms of other persons; or
that authorises, for the purpose of enforcing the judgement or order of a court in any proceedings, the search of any person or property by order of a court or entry upon any premises by such order,
- and except so far as that provision or, as the case may be, anything done under the authority thereof is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society.


Except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of conscience, and for the purposes of this section the said freedom includes freedom of thought and of religion, freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others, and both in public and in private, to manifest and propagate his religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Except with his own consent (or, if he is under the age, of eighteen years, the consent of his parent or guardian) no person attending any place of education shall be required to receive religious instruction or to take part in or attend any religious ceremony or observance if that instruction, ceremony

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