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Тэг «healthy»

Главные темы

Alcohol interferes with learning

   2011-06-02 19:41:47
Researchers from the University of Chile (Chilean university) found that excessive alcohol ...
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Тэги: alcohol, eat, healthy, new

Chili suppresses hunger

   2011-05-22 22:43:43
A study in Purdue University, showed that the addition of red pepper in the food helps you to be ...
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Тэги: chili, eat, healthy, new, pepper

Record crop of strawberries in the UK

   2011-05-22 22:41:04
According to British newspaper «The Telegraph», an abnormally warm spring this year has led to the ...
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Тэги: berry, eat, healthy, new, strawberry

Cocoa good for vision and brain

   2011-05-22 22:38:59
A study conducted at the University of Reading (University of Reading), showed that theflavonoids  ...
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Тэги: brain, cocoa, eat, eye, healthy, new

Spices protect against cancer

   2011-04-30 12:18:51
Medicinal properties of herbs and spices have long been known. Among them there are those who  ...
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Тэги: cancer, eat, healthy, new, spice

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